above the sky

Chapter 328 The Broken Future (23)

"Across thousands of meters, no-delay psionic physical smashing of solid reconnaissance drones?!"

The viewers are finally moved at this moment. This is the ability of the third-level psionicist. Although it is not special, the ability to have the third-level ability itself is incredible.

After all, looking at the primarch of this young man, he is only a teenager at most, and he can raise a teenager to the third energy level in just a few days... Although the flower of Karin back then was faster, but that It is also the ability that the other party has only after they have almost reached the complete body!

The person in charge of Huaiguang Church was not too surprised. He activated another surveillance camera,

In this camera, the boy of the white people who walked out of the white cocoon is like a young human-shaped dragon. The slender metal blade tail inadvertently swept the ground, cutting the solid rocky street, and the solid and fine scales in the source Under the action of quality, the combination condenses into a structure similar to an exoskeleton, but it is more tough.

The sharp claws protruding from the front of the boy's hands had a silvery-white metallic luster, and they were definitely no less sharp than their tails.

He doesn't seem to be fully developed yet, and the pair behind him seem to be insects and dragons. The wings are covered with translucent mucus inside the cocoon, sticking wetly on his back, but as he walks out, In the environment inside the cocoon, the pair of wings immediately unfolded and dried, and the color gradually changed from translucent, faintly revealing deep purple blood, to pure white today.

The creature looked at the mid-air with curious eyes, apparently discovering those observation lenses above the sky.

Afterwards, the wings on his back vibrated, accompanied by a piercing tearing sound, the violent wind suddenly blew up, and even completely collapsed a crumbling small building next to him.

The strong wind pressure pushed its body to blast away, breaking the speed of sound in one breath, pulling out a white vacuum road in mid-air, and the oscillating eddy current and sonic boom aftermath spread in all directions.

Another camera destroyed - followed by another.

"What kind of monster is this?"

The higher-ups of Canaan Moore stood up. As an elf who often dealt with the zerg community, she felt horrified now: "Why does the parasitic offspring have the characteristics of a crystal dragon? Even a fully parasitic female worm can't allow her offspring to have it too. The genetic characteristics of the host!"

——Even if there is, it is only a part, and it may not be effective. It is a positive inheritance... Where is the perfection like this half-worm and half-human monster with human appearance and intelligence?

It's almost like... someone has made extremely precise and perfect modifications to the genetic factors and genetic methods of the worm nest and crystal dragon!

But how is this possible? How many times of trial and error does it take for this kind of thing, and how long does it take to get a little result? !

The general will of the bee colony, where does this efficiency come from!

"We classify this heart-eater swarm as the 'ancestral hive', which is different from the previous Gestalt hive, where the hive will dominate everything, but will create a large number of 'offspring' with semi-independent personalities as leaders, dedicated to certain sections, respectively.”

"And the 'children' can be regarded as sublimators injected with special insect swarm potions, and will rapidly sublimate with the guidance and help of the swarm."

The senior officials of the Huaiguang Church said that they already knew a lot about the Heart-Eating Insect Swarm: "What we have seen is the metamorphosis child temporarily named 'White Wing'. Dragon Power's swarm air combat leader."

"Heart-eater swarms can convert other organisms into their parts, and chimerize the host's genes and source material structure with other sublimated organisms, and improve each other, but this process distorts the original life, almost as much as Killing it creates a whole new life, hence the name 'death of a new life'."

"According to the comparison of the internal data of the sixteen worms that have been exterminated in the Huaiguang Church with different wills of the worm's nest, the Heart-Eater worm swarm is very similar to the oldest and most powerful worm swarm, the Starpicker swarm, which was discovered around the Inner Sea of ​​Skyfall. '."

"They will also create a powerful leader unit to assist the development of the will of the hive. It is a psionic swarm that can live in a void environment, if it is not for the falling star fairies to use the power of their clan to spread the swarm in the early stage. Just help us suppress it, and use the 'Light Element Furnace' in the Falling Star City to completely burn down the mother nest, I am afraid that now the northeast side of the continent will be devoured."

"And the original sea monster swarm that once appeared in the southwest of Terra and induced the 'sea beast tide' had similar characteristics before the main brain was defeated by the Terra countries at that time, but its main brain was immediately destroyed by annihilate without showing too much of their potential."

"But even so, the split sea devil's lair still made the entire Terra into a hard fight, and even lost most of the sublime."

"The heart-eater swarm has the potential to be similar to the starfinder swarm and the sea monster. It has not fully expanded its lair and has not developed into a complete body. We must exterminate it as soon as possible."

The light curtain in front of everyone flickered again, but this time, what appeared in front of everyone was a dark and calm sea.

In the sea, there is a huge shadow and a silvery dorsal fin cruising. It is a huge ship island whale shark, but it has a weird structure like a vector spout, and a variety of things that are very terrifying at first glance. Armed metal modular structure.

And behind the whale shark, a giant three-headed crystal dragon is staring coldly at the distant observation lens with cyan eyes. It seems to be formed by the fusion of three crystal dragons, but it releases a pure-bred crystal dragon that can never be possessed. The ultimate imposing manner, the heart of the hearth behind the chest shell was burning with pale flames.

They did not attack because their master is here.

In the pitch-black sea, azure-colored psionic energy lines lit up in a crisscross pattern, spreading towards the endless distance.

Shadows inscribed with patterns of light are emerging.

The beasts bowed their heads to the shadow pattern in awe.

Then, the extreme heat broke out.

The heat of the volcano transpired the sea water and set off a gust of wind - in the far sea south of Harrison Harbor, huge cloud pillars like tornadoes rose from the sea, the red light flickered, and the blue psionic light pattern became more and more intense. In just a few minutes, a large cloud mountain covering the entire sky and sea was created.

A huge amount of water vapor and an incredible wind are howling, but the area where the giant shark and the crystal dragon are located is smooth and abnormal, as if they are in the center of the storm.

Twenty-one years later, another big storm has begun...

With the big storm, it was a 'warm snow' that spread towards the entire southern coast of Terra.

All observation lenses were plunged into darkness.

"We can't predict the future and level of catastrophe of the Hearteater Swarm—not at all."

In front of the dark camera, the high-level tone of Huaiguang Church brought some fluctuations... regretful fluctuations: "This is the reason why we judge the heart-eater swarm as the first-level apocalypse disaster."

"The swarm may have the ability to evade the prophecy, or their potential is even greater than the limit of our Huaiguang prophecy book, beyond the imagination of the prophet."

"Or rather..."

"—The swarm is also a prophet."

The dream is shaking, the future is shaking.

A road of destiny was cut open, and a grand road was cut off.

Everything is shattered, disintegrating in dark cracks.

And countless fragments of the 'future' fell to a group of quietly flowing, water-colored light.

Such a voice could be vaguely heard.

——The demon swarm from Harrison is approaching the city of Nauru!

——An indescribable human-devouring monster is approaching the Grand Duchy of Thorin!

- The Heart Eater Swarm has taken over the southern coast of Terra!

——Flying Fireland, Setar Empire, Canaan Moore Federation and Whalesong Cliff join forces to fight against the deep sea troops of the insect swarm! The special operations forces of the four orthodox religions have been dispatched, and the target Zerg dominates 'Star Seeker · Ian'!

- Good news! The main fleet of the insect swarm has been defeated, the three leaders of the brood descendants have been defeated, and the main brain lair of the Zerg has collapsed. We are victorious!

--Shock! Fifteen years later, the Huaiguang Church announced the discovery of a worm's nest of mining workers in the mantle of the New World. We were all deceived! The swarm has not been wiped out!

- Doomsday battle! The Terra Crisis Federation was proclaimed. Our enemy, the Star Eater Swarm, is approaching the Terra star core. His purpose is to create a planetary reconstruction-level doomsday cataclysm and completely destroy the living environment of all existing intelligent creatures!

——We must stop him, this is the war that decides the fate of Terra, we must unite to fight against the powerful enemy!

A swarm of memory debris is pouring in.

On the southern coast, fifteen years later, after the decisive battle in the South China Sea, the Hive made a comeback, and this time he gave up all other goals in order to completely destroy the entire planet's ecology.

Dream, in the darkness surrounded by countless whispers, the entire dream world is shattering, peeling off piece by piece, revealing the nothingness behind it.

Above the sea, the water-colored halo looked at the worm's nested self from a distance, and looked at the vast and endless cyan lines.

These are the only two colors in the crumbling dream world that are not crumbling.

They looked at each other.

But, Ian can't see anything.

He couldn't spy on anything, except for the traces of cyan, there was only a non-existent twilight in his eyes, rippling with a golden halo, singing some sad tunes.

The golden sky, although pure and incomparable, but... there are no stars.

【…This road… has an end… 】

[...can't see...still can't see...]

[...can't see...the light of the stars...]

In the more distant future, there is such a sad self-talk, mixed with the neighing of countless insect swarms, but it shows the purity of the will of the voice.

Om - Ian woke up from his dream with the noise in his ears.

The white-haired boy raised his hand in surprise and touched his eyes - he noticed that his sweat was dripping, and the long white hair was sticking to the skin, but it gave people a cold feeling, like a worm in a dream Swarm of Crystal Creep.

Everything in the dream is turning, flickering, captured by the silver chip driven by the teenager, remembered, lest it be forgotten.

"Just now... was it a dream?"

Ian took a deep breath, and he looked around, then to Alan, who was sleeping beside him, crunching the quilt in his dreams.

While this calmed him down, he also felt ridiculous: "How old you are and still biting the quilt, it's normal for you to kick the quilt!"

Gently saving the quilt from the little boy's mouth, Ian got up, opened the curtains, and stood silently by the window, staring at the billowing blue sea in the distance.

He stared at the moonlight and the tide in the distance, and whispered to himself, "That's..."

"A swarm?"

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