above the sky

The 300 And 53 Sheet, Where Did The Rebels Come From (13)

On the afternoon of May 20th, Ian was in the White Room, telling a story to Ellen.

In recent days, Ailan has started to learn sublimation skills at Huaiguang Church.

However, because he is too young, he is only doing elementary spiritual training such as 'meditation' and 'meditation' to cultivate patience and mental control over himself.

To the surprise of Bishop Bai Wu, Elan's talent in this area is quite good, and it can even be said that it is quite suitable for the inheritance of the Huaiguang family.

In this regard, Ian's evaluation is 'of course! ’.

Another genius whose destiny has been determined can still be fake.

Of course, in addition to meditation, the monks in the church will also teach some knowledge of reading and writing. Although it is only basic, it is enough.

Ellen came back from a one-day afternoon there, and had a very fulfilling life.

At this time, the very tired little boy will rarely act like a spoiled child to Ian, and the teenager will follow Ian and tell his brother some stories from his memory.

It's just that, in Ian's aesthetics, the stories he can tell to children are nothing more than Oxman, Goxra, Treasure, Fake Knight and Mobile Suit Xda - I hope he can tell about the little girl who sells matches and Snow White, or some other positive energy story, is really a bit embarrassing.

Not to mention, with his level of appreciation, the various stories he retells have a very different perspective from the original stories.

"...So that's it. At the last moment, the giant of light killed the giant beast and guarded the city, but the defense team and most of the buildings were destroyed by the giant beast and turned into ruins."

"Just when the Giant of Light was rejoicing at his victory, the last survivor of the defense team appeared. He knelt beside the ruins and asked the Giant in grief, 'What are you protecting?!'..."

The little boy with white hair listened carefully to Ian's story while sipping juice.


But when he heard this, he seemed a little puzzled, put the cup down from his mouth, and said a little puzzled: "Why, ask, Giant of Light?"

"He came to help, it's very hard... The house is gone, yes, the monster did it!"

The little boy didn't quite understand.

"Because people have higher expectations for heroes, especially the Giants of Light and several other predecessors before this, the spirit and example they set up make people have high expectations."

Ian touched Ellen's head: "If it's Viscount Grant, don't blame everyone, I'm afraid you have to be grateful to Dade."

"Furthermore, this new giant of light really didn't do the best, he does have room for improvement, and Viscount Grant doesn't really want his territory to be a mess."

Having said that, he thought for a while, and then asked: "Elan, you say, in the words of Grandpa Bai Wu, how would he treat this matter? If you don't know, you can ask the other party."

Ian told these stories, not to educate Ellen's life, but to cultivate his ability to think from multiple perspectives on one thing.

Moreover, you can also see from the side how the concept of Huaiguang Church is.

"I think, Grandpa White Mist, will fight with the giants together!"

And Ellen rolled his eyes, and he answered seriously: "As for protection... Destroying monsters is the most important thing."

"It's more important than the collapse of the building!"

"Grandpa Baiwu, it's Huaiguang. Huaiguang, not light."

"I see." Ian nodded slightly, he didn't expect to get any serious answer from Elan's mouth, he just wanted to let him have his own judgment and identify the difference between two similar ideas.

However, he did not expect that the education of Huaiguang Church would be too lazy to hide from children.

Even Elam can see that they are not 'the light that protects all beings'?

So how do they usually advertise it? How did you get the funds?

Really have to go to the big city to see the situation.

"Huaiguang Church is like this."

And Qingchao, who also learned to read and write at Huaiguang Church, and helped bring Elan back by the way, was always beside him.

He is now drinking juice while commenting: "In order to destroy the lair of sea monsters, they will use weapons of mass destruction without hesitation, accidentally injuring and killing a few people, they will compensate, but they will never change their mode of action. , and will not punish the commander who gave the order."

"However, boss, is the giant of light you mentioned just now the true form of the 'Aurora Titan'?"

The swordsman asked curiously.

"Mmmm." Scott, who was about to report to Ian about the recent situation in the labyrinth, also nodded vigorously.

Qingchao didn't know yet, but he was very curious. In theory, this should be the true form of his future inheritance. Whether it can be like the story, it must be as huge as a Titan creature, and it can destroy cities and buildings with every gesture, and even send out A current melt light that can destroy hills.

Although Ian is unlikely to have an inheritance formula that exceeds the second energy level, the first energy level 'Thundercaller' is enough, it sounds very handsome!

"That's it."

Ian felt naturally a little subtle, after all, he was just telling stories to his younger brother.

As a result, in the eyes of these two uninvited guests, they seemed to be entertaining and entertaining, and taught Elan some knowledge about the sublime by the method of stories.

For these natives of Terra Continent, the various stories in Ian's mouth are actually not that surprising.

In essence, it is just another adaptation of the various legends of the Ascender.

Especially for the young tide who is quite well-informed and whose father also participated in the Battle of the Three Seas, some of the knight heroes in Ian's story were not as strong as he is now.

Even in the later stage, it may not be able to surpass the power of the high-level sublime he has seen.

"Aside from the exaggeration of the story, the destructive power of the thunder ray of the giant of light can instantly destroy the seven-to-eight-meter-high giant beast and completely evaporate and explode. Such destructive power is rare even in the third energy level. yes."

Recalling the content of the story, Qing Chaorui commented: "And the giant beast called Godzilla is a bit bad."

"It can sweep the entire city, pierce the breath of the sky, and if you get close, you can melt the surrounding houses and even the mountain peaks... I also heard my father say that the fortress 'Yan Rong' of the remote outpost was showing his heart. The light-body 'mountain melting beast' has a similar performance, evaporating all the sea monsters in a sea area in an instant."

"That is the fourth energy level, one of the top powerhouses in the Seventeen Islands of Whalesong Cliff. If it really exists, it must have its own name."

Elan showed curious eyes, very interested in the legendary story in Qingchao's mouth, and Ian raised his brows.

——Is there really such a giant beast?

He now feels more and more that the strange things on Terra Continent are really countless.

After the story was told, Qingchao and Scott said goodbye and left.

The swordsman has been reading and writing seriously these days; while Scott is still working as a bodyguard in addition to exercising, occasionally patrolling the new city and reporting information to Ian.

After the two left Ian's shop, they walked for a while.

Qingchao doesn't talk much on weekdays, he just likes sharp comments.

However, he was quite curious about the member of the escort who was much younger than him, but had considerable knowledge.

"Speaking of which, young man, we haven't had a good conversation - why did you choose to follow the boss?"

The swordsman asked curiously, and then shook his head: "If there is a secret, you can leave it alone, I'm just curious... After all, I've just joined the team."

"He saved my life." Scott smiled, and he wasn't shy about talking about it: "And... Ian has very firm goals."

"Very ambitious and firm goals."

Having said this, the Iron Man raised his head and looked at the setting sun that was gradually setting in the distance: "My parents just hope that I can support my family, if I can be a team captain by my military exploits - I will retire in the future and become a blacksmith. Or caravan escorts, that's a way out."

"Afterwards, marry a wife and have children, take care of the children, and let him repeat such a life. It is peaceful and peaceful, and it can be considered happiness."

"I used to think the same way. At most, I have a little dream, dreaming of becoming a sublime and living a better life."

Turning his head, Scott looked at Qingchao, and he said seriously: "I can see that, sir... You are the same, right? I remember that you also have a wife and children, and you have walked even farther than me."

"You know, for 'ordinary' people like us, too lofty goals will only make us fear and withdraw. Because it will break the peaceful days and make everything start to change."


Qingchao took over the conversation, and he showed a sympathetic expression: "If there is a chance, I will not be willing to be ordinary."

The swordsman sighed, raised his hand, and patted the young Iron People on the shoulder: "Yes, we can all see that our boss is destined to be extraordinary."

"I want to follow this lofty existence that ordinary people would fear... This is one of the few opportunities for me to change my future trajectory and become extraordinary."


Scott also nodded solemnly: "I believe that Ian's future is definitely not just a knight, he will definitely become a noble, even a lord of a place, even a general, governor, emperor..."

"Etc., etc--"

Hearing this, Qingchao, who was nodding just now, was in a hurry, and he said softly: "How can you say this?!"

——Where is the rebel, how dare you say such a thing! He just thought about it!

But there is one thing to say, Nanling is really suitable for cracking soil...

Scott looked at Qingchao blankly, and he wondered, "Royal Grand Master - is there anything I can't say?"

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