above the sky

Chapter 391 Who Is Not A Child Yet (34)

In the cultivation warehouse, the boy's body, which has already taken shape, has been condensed out.

The little V was curled up like a baby, with an extremely cute appearance that combined all the advantages of the Baron and the three children,

On the top of his forehead, a young rock-gold horn protrudes, and there are two rows of metal lattice patterns on his smooth back, with a light golden halo flashing on it.

And these lattices are derived downward, and finally converge in a group of small deer tails, which looks quite cute, but if you just look at the unicorn, it makes people think that he is a little unicorn. The boy's body has no charm. His eyes are slightly open, and a faint blue psionic halo flows through the half-closed gap. The power of the three psionicists and the resentful spirit are all trying their best to shape their future body.

He is about to take shape. Baron Ryan's family has used hundreds of people or more to conduct biological experiments. Although there is no general-purpose body shaping technology, if it is just to shape their own children, it is very handy.

But now, the formation of this body has been interrupted, and the blue ghost that was slowly sinking into this body let out a cry. Then..

An indescribable dead silence began to spread in all directions. Although it could not freeze the rain, it could plunder all the life around it. "Psionic power?!" Looking at the abnormality below, Ian's eyes widened: "This resentful spirit actually has psionic power?!"

"No, he had psionic power during his lifetime!" Baron Ryan's child, he is a natural choice!

The Chosen One is the psionic one who was born with psionic power. Although both Hilliard and others marvel at Ian's talent and call him close to the Chosen One, in fact, he is not, he is Ordinary acquired psyker.

Compared with the acquired psionic energy that is almost like a rolling master's desire to vertebral movement, or the heart light that has been gathered in the blood of the comprehension of one's life, the psionic energy of the chosen ancestors seems to be like It is because it has already possessed a kind of power, and with the gradual excavation of self-knowledge, it is just to take out the hidden treasure. And the most important thing is.

The Chosen One is an existence with a soul at birth.

"It's no wonder that he can be resurrected - this child has psionic power from birth, as long as it is preserved and nourished in some way, his soul will not dissipate, and he can definitely resurrect the baron's real child!"

At this moment, Ian finally understood what the four psionic children gathered in the Baron's house represented.

Ira is the smartest child, he can spy on people's hearts, read the memories of ordinary people, and tamper with their concepts. This child has been unable to contact the world candidly after going through a painful experience, so he has been modified from a spiritual level. The psionic power of world cognition, memory is just the simplest use of his ability.

What he is responsible for is to revise the memories of himself, Mo Qiu and Linda, plus their original fictitious memories like those of Butler Moda, and burn them into the soul of the spirit, making him feel as if he really grew up with the baron. .

The late autumn scenery is afraid of human beings. He is regarded as food by human beings. Therefore, other human beings cannot be regarded as ordinary individuals. He is mutilated. But in fact, it is not about whether he is a residual chain or not, but he hopes that he can be loved by others, or, in the literal sense, integrates with other people and completely abandons his life as a carrier of painful memories.

So his psionic power can make him merge with other people's bodies, and manipulating the changes of the body is as simple as breathing for him, and the regeneration potion can't make him regenerate, just because he is born with the feeling that his body is Without his legs and left hand, this is his complete body.

He is responsible for shaping the body of the parent and child, after which he can give up thinking and enjoy a peaceful sleep as part of the parent and child. As for Linda...

From what Ian could tell from the Baron's revitalized arm and the blocking alchemy bomb just now, the child's psionic power was 'activating something.

Her origins are the most secret. It should be a grass-seed android, with no quick words, Yiyi and instincts. It is the baron that she chased the sea to become a straight person, and then felt the psionic power of coming back to life. In essence, this kind of psionic energy should be given to a soulless thing, and then controlled by the soul. The psionic flying fist that was entangled with him is essentially Linda’s control attack, so he has no combat experience and is not dangerous. not tall.

The combination of these three can create memory, body and soul... And it is Linda's activation "psionic energy" that allows her to indirectly use the power of the Skull of a Moment, carry the spiritual energy of the prophet, and carry out some kind of spiritual energy. vague prophecy.

The city can activate the relevant dry soul structure in the momentary place. For the part about the dry entity Huiji, Zikou, Ira, Wei Mi and others are re-engraved as echoes, forged and embedded in the flesh of the male elephant's parent and child.

At this point, the resentful soul that has no memory and body, and whose soul needs to absorb the approval and thoughts of other people to maintain it, can be activated because of their soul and become a normal soul completely. Even more powerful!

Bo's problem is that the psionic power of this resentful spirit... "This seems to be a power related to life force!"

Ian activates the fairy wings, and the power of the fairy Zhai at the first energy level can make him stagnant in mid-air for a short time, and after the first energy level and the Saihui skeleton, he can fly for a short time for a short time.

When the young man masters his own strength more proficiently, and then corrects the method of Hanhui's skeleton, he may be able to control the steam through jets like Viscount Grant, so that he can fly for a long time, or even move at high speed like a goblin.

Looking down at the earth from a high place, he saw the power of the resentful spirit spread, and wherever he passed, the hunting vines and shrubs withered one by one, as if the essence of life had been plundered and destroyed.

This is definitely not the real psionic energy of the other party... The baron's parent-child who inherited the blood of Iwaki White Deer must be very powerful. It may be that the process of death reversed the psionic energy trend of this chosen one.

From spreading positive energy to spreading negative energy. The Wraith raised his head and looked at where Ian was.

A pure black and indifferent youth frowned slightly, he could not feel any desire from this resentful spirit, only a kind of pure reluctance.

A .. denial of everything that exists. Even myself.

He didn't attack anyone, but the life around him began to disappear, and the frost sword energy that Ian cut out from the air also dissipated out of thin air, and his power was taken away. Only three psionic children were not affected. He didn't hurt his brother and sister''. "You bastard!"

Baron Lean leaped furiously, Iwaki Shirato didn't have the ability to fly, but this jumping force actually brought him to the height where Ian hovered. He knocked the cone down, with a thunderous air tearing loudly: "You actually shot against the child!"

Ian raised his sword to block, and although he was knocked back, he was not injured.

He said inexplicably: "It's funny, I'm only fourteen, I'm five or six years away from these kids, and you're at least thirty or forty years older than me. Would you be so embarrassed to shoot at me?"

The baron was obviously having difficulty fighting his own theory, he stopped talking, but continued to jump and attack with his head covered.

On the other hand, Ian dexterously flies and glides, dodging every attack from the male enzyme, and begins to taunt and attract the attention of the other party; "It's you who has the nerve to claim to love these children? Because of a natural disaster, you lost your own children, indeed I sympathize, but how many children did you kill along the way? How many fathers did you have the nerve to say that to me?"

"Not to mention, you collect these children to accomplish your own purpose, what is the difference between you and the people behind the scenes? And the father who wants Ira to be their child, the disaster victims who want to eat Weiqiu, and those who What's the difference between an unknown person?"

"You manipulate their emotions and fate to your own ends!"

Every word made the baron's actions stop, but then the action became more intense - he Jizhi roared directly, put his hand into the ground, raised a stone two circles bigger than others, and moved towards Ian throws.

This cannonball is too big, Ian hastily accelerated to dodge, but there is no doubt who is in a hurry. As long as the harassment continues like this, Baron Ryan's physical strength will soon be exhausted.

But just when Ian was about to continue to speak, to stimulate the baron's already dry and maddened heart, and strive to make him continue to carry out a violent attack, he heard a voice from the heart. It was as if the voices of the three children uttered together in the heart. 【You are wrong, big brother, we are not manipulated】

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