above the sky

Chapter 394: All 25 Boys (13)

some time ago. Southridge, Nauman City.

The gust of wind that swept from southeast to northwest carried torrential rain clouds and lightning thunder, covering the city with a staggered curtain of electric light and rain. In the city, there are many high-rise buildings.

The tower of the psionicist, the castle of the lord and the four major alchemy workshops each lead a building complex called the brilliance of prosperity, which makes the whole city glow with brilliance. Emergence. And all the lightning bolts are all gathered in the city, the masters of all workshops need to use the electric current that is connected to the rhythm, and the high temperature of the melting of metal A, but it is tamed in the flickering inscriptions. In the heart of the furnace, it is converted into a mild electric current and becomes an energy source that can be used by the public.

The bright light produced when the lightning was tamed illuminated the entire city clearly, but even so, this bright nightless light could not spread to the plains and gardens on the outskirts of the city.

In the dark rainy night, there is a shadow action.

On the thunderstorm nights in early summer, even the rolling beasts would quietly stay in their dens. Only the thunder-type monsters such as the thunder-hunting jellyfish and the electrode wolf would go out to report the traces of thunder. But in this suburban garden that was supposed to be empty, many people could be vaguely seen.

The figures are very blurry. If you don't look carefully, you may mistake them for the reflections of trees. If you look carefully, you will find that these figures are wearing strange clothes or armor. Black alien shape of the carapace.

Carrying a lot of strange translations, they drove silently and came to the surrounding area of ​​Naohao City in this heavy rain. It is close to this central city of Nanling.

Until they waved a thunderous shadow.

A blue-blue light of thunder smashed down, a huge roar occurred, the woods were ignited, the flames interlaced with the rain, releasing a thick black smoke billowing upwards. The figures who were acting in secret stopped, and they raised their heads in unison, looking towards the air.

In the diffuse black smoke and rain, there is a knight stepping on the magnetic sand. He is like a flight. Covered, the dense currents visible to the naked eye are intertwined on these raised magnetic sand nails, forming a hideous but destructive pattern. The blood was checked by Longjiao's head, and the inspection of the file was transferred without saying a word. It was clenched tightly in the hands of the poor inspector. In the muzzle, fiery and dangerous, it vibrated quietly to make the light more and more dazzling. The governor of Nanling, Marquis Barton, was the head of the Knights of the Guards, and Chris of Magneto Light.

"Everyone in the Lingzhi Institute, stop here."

The sound of the test ten is not too loud or strong. But it is like lightning. Lei Qin seems to be able to leave a reverberation in the moon group of people, giving people a kind of air heat that is decisive and direct and never tolerates condensation." Four Parts The Marquis was attacked by Flaming Assassins, and Nauman City is under full martial law."

"It's flying flames again... Marquis Nabadon was lucky, and he didn't die." The leader of the men in black stepped forward. He was not afraid of the arcs that filled the body of the magneto-optical knight. , reminiscent of some kind of serpent's tone: "You step back, let me chat with Lord Knight." The men in black who followed him did not hesitate, and all retreated into the depths of the woods.

After confirming that no one was there, they nodded to each other, and each used thunder and season air to block the surrounding sound and light.

"A merchant ship of Canaan Moore recently disappeared mysteriously in the offshore waterway. I thought it was attacked by pirates or by monsters and beasts. It was later proved that this German ship was related to the ''Dragon Worshiping Cult''. There was someone on that ship. It carried relevant clues about Kagulong Ice Gaolong'' four hundred years ago, so it was pursued by the Candle Bearer troops of Xunnan Moore, and finally sank in the waters of our country."

The Magneto Light Knight, whose tone was still serious, but the words in his mouth changed suddenly, said: "Most of the believers of the Dragon Worship Cult were put to death, but the clues of the ancient dragon in the intelligence disappeared. The two candle holders tried to sneak into Naojingcheng to find clues and traces. , was discovered by the Knights, and is now blocked in the city."

"Lord Marquis, Grand Duke Solin and Jinghaiwei have all received news, and all parties are coming. Lord Marquis suspects that there are ghosts of Canaan Moore in the city, so he used an excuse to block the city. What identity did you come here?"

The man in black did not answer the question, but instead asked, "Why, do you need me to help?"

Magneto Light Knight Chris nodded: "His Royal Highness has always been interested in this kind of news. I am lurking in the city of Nao, and I have a prominent identity. In addition, Fei Yandi has been moving a lot recently, and there are many things to do. Do it. If possible, I hope Ye Ye can help you collect information about the Longya Cult, which the Gnostic Institute should have."

"Okay. By the way, do me a favor too." The man in black, known as the Night Snake, said lazily, "The Marquis of Barton blocked the Redstone Alchemy Workshop, which is the cooperation between the Lingzhi Institute and Archduke Thorin. 's experimental base, three projects are affected - the mission on your Majesty's side is also very important, limited by rumors, I can't ignore it, I have to come and have a look."

The knight nodded slightly: "It should have been affected. I will try to solve it when I go back. But doesn't the Lingzhi Institute listen to His Majesty's words? Why do you still cooperate with Archduke Thorin?"

"The materials for human experimentation there are relatively cheap. It costs almost no money to buy refugees, and the supply is relatively large." The man in black explained: "If there were no projects in Nanling, we would all plan to experiment with cattle and animals in the south. Shimo moved to Grand Duke Jaili and went to Huaiguang Church? Are they not interested in going to Dragon?

The two sanctuary enforcers, "Redemption Light" and "Huijian", had already set off before the blockade, and their target was Leanland. "Magnetic Light Knight said: "You know, they have nothing to do with this kind of inter-state struggle.

Interested, Archbishop Tianyan shut the door of the marquis' messenger. "

"That's right." Having said this, the knight tilted his head: "Have you finished your experiment in Le'anland? If it is not finished, cut off the relationship quickly. The cultivator of Redemption Light is not an official priest, so it may be more relaxed, but Hui The sword is. If they find any clues, His Highness will also abandon you."

"How could it be?" The news was indeed beyond the expectation of the man in black, and he couldn't even maintain the tone of the previous investigation: "I know they are investigating the disappearance of the Onyx Plain, but it only took so long to find Ryan and lead him there. Already? The human traffickers in Cyanobacteria Town and the horse bandits in Beiqiu are suspicious, haven't they rehearsed?"

Magneto didn't speak, but Ye Snake frowned, and then sighed: "This group of goddamn cultivators is always like this, bad people do good things at a critical moment... Only a few people died, why did they suddenly dispatch executors?"

After being silent for a while, he opened the door and said: "The plan has changed, I have to rush back to Ryan to destroy the clues as soon as possible, and I can't help you to check the information. But those people in the Lingzhi Institute can give you the command, just say it's me An agreement with you, they will resume the operation of the redstone laboratory as soon as possible, but they cannot leave the workshop."

"I'll give you the secret key, and you can get it yourself when you inspect it. Don't let them find out - as soon as you find it, silence it, and I'll find a way to cover it up." "Okay."

The knight simply agreed: "It's hard work for you." "It's not hard work." He took out the secret key in the shape of a twelve-sided dice from the black biomimetic armor and handed it to Rider Ten, and the night snake replied lightly; "This is originally What I want to do, even if I don’t join Duan Xia’s seat and provide Jiao Xia with the information of the Lingzhi Institute, I will still do what I am doing now.”

At this moment, his voice is not as slow as he deliberately pretended to be before, like a snake hissing. It's just a tired researcher; "His Majesty is indeed a lunatic, but this project itself has great value, neither you nor Rongxia. By the way, among the many research projects that His Majesty has inherited from the late emperor, only the Echo'' can bring about fundamental changes to the world."

"Thinking clones and immortality are just mind-cloning and immortality. The late emperor never studied this." The knight's voice showed a hint of displeasure: "His Royal Highness is determined to resist just because he knows about this abominable plan, you and I are not both. Are you willing to take an oath to follow His Highness's ambition to transform the empire?"

"You can't understand it." Night Snake turned his head: "The point is never the echo itself, and it has nothing to do with immortality." "Although our majesty is crazy, he is never stupid.

He walked out of the silent circle set by the two of them, and his steps were steady and firm, without the slightest confusion.

Soon, the team of men in black followed the magneto-light knights back to Nauman City. This was a normal handover process, and it did not cause any suspicion. And the figure of the night snake disappeared into the darkness.

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