above the sky

Chapter 401 Terra Dragon Shadow (23)

It's only been one night, and Ian hasn't forgotten the prophecy that the little girl Linda said to herself in the psionic children. She said that in her foresight, in Nauman City, something very important was going on.

There, the Lingzhiyuan joined forces with another faction, and finally succeeded in obtaining a ''common and precious'' thing from a certain sect.

Linda is just an artificial person. It has not been many years since she was taught to have wisdom by Lean's male enzyme. The Terra continent is so vast, and she doesn't know a lot of things. Naturally, she doesn't know how to describe it to Ian.

But just this information is enough. A treasure has appeared in Nauman City, and the Gnostic Institute will get it in all competitions. The premise is that Ian does not exist.

In other words, Ian didn't interfere with them. This is obviously not realistic.

Because Yizhi has always existed, and in the morning, or in the early morning, he also killed a deputy chief of the Gnosis Institute who had a high probability of being the experiment of Baron Negative Qinglai'an. Saying that such a move has no effect on the future, Linda believes it, but Ian will not believe it. That treasure was obviously no longer available to the Gnostic Institute. And... "The change may have started very early, when I left Port Harrison."

Suddenly feeling something, Ian raised his head. He saw a silvery shining ball of light streaking across the sky. The dazzling light was reflected in his sapphire-like pupils, and then flew towards the north.

The young man's expression proved for a moment.

But his eyes are still fixed on the silver light ball

The direction of disappearance: "...Meteorite? No, what is that alive..." After a few seconds, Ian opened his eyes wide, and he reacted: "That's a dragon?!" The dragon shadow swept across the ground.

This unknown dragon flew out of the mountains west of the Bison Mountains, passed the Onyx Plain, passed the city of Nauman, and headed straight for the Faft Mountains. Where Longyi passed, the clouds subsided, and the sky was full of light, but its target was obviously not the mountains above the earth.

Ian rode a camel beast and came to a clearing in the forest. He was now located in the jungle east of Golden Leaf Town, looking at this scene from a distance. The young man stared at the light spot that the dragon turned into rising, rising, rising higher and higher, reaching the sky above the clouds. Finally disappeared in the deep blue sky,

Make an invisible little star. After that, the direction of Nauman City slowly raised many stars, but the dragon had already left.

"Dragon, flying so fast..." Ian murmured to himself: "I can't tell what energy level it is, but it is definitely not the fifth, but the speed is at least 20 times the speed of sound, which can already go to the ground. Outer Orbit... No wonder I haven't heard that Terra has a few true dragon slayers below the fourth level."

"Bizhang, even all kinds of Yalongs are extremely difficult opponents." And the real dragons....

Thinking like this, he raised his hand and pressed it lightly on his own tongue.

The boy knew that Tyra had a dragon, and the ancient dragon core in the center of his chest came from the chest of an ancient dragon, and the teacher used the silver chip as a link to pass it on to him, but he never

I thought that in the first month of my journey, I could see the dragon soaring in the sky and swept across the earth. The world is still going on while you are on your own adventure. Thinking of this, Ian took a few deep breaths, then frowned slightly: "Wait, worship the Dragon Cult?"

He remembered Linda's prophecy and Sister Yingguang's warning, and immediately woke up: "Is this dragon really just passing by?"

"That important and ordinary treasure..." Thinking of this, he took off his helmet, and took off the frost butterfly who was lying on his stomach in a daze, thinking about the future countermeasures: "Go immediately... Ha , blood red, as expected, the place in Nauman City is really a dragon pool and a tiger's den now, I will definitely not be able to get it." "Later there. Light red? It's okay. It's within expectations."

"It seems that Sister Yingguang is indeed right. Nauman City is indeed comparable to the Dragon's Nest now."

Nodding slightly, Ian made a choice: "Nauman City is indeed going to be late, so I'll stay in Doubletree Town for a while. Huh?"

Shuangshu Town is an agricultural and commercial capital/small market far away from Naohao City. Shuangshu Bread is quite famous. Also, I have heard a lot of news, there are many adventurers in Nanling who intend to cross the Matstone Plain. Before crossing the Dianshan Gorge, they will make the final preparations in Shuangshu Town before starting the journey.

But thinking of this, Ian was stunned for a moment: "Dark blue, purple? Mixed with a little red... Is it dangerous, but also has a chance?"

Thinking of this, Ian and Zheng tilted their heads, looked at their frost butterfly innocently, and then rubbed its little head; "Little guy, the speed of the goblin is said to be as fast as the dragon, or even better. You can't lose face, you have to be like the dragon just now, so fast that you can fly to the sky!" Papa papa pata, Frost Butterfly flew up, and then felt comfortable.

Lying back on the boy's head.

Ian smacking his lips, obviously the little guy is hopeless and has to rely on himself. "Let's go, target Doubletree Town." The sun shines through the green shade, and the golden spot shines on the camel beast

On the body of the knight, the road ahead in the forest is embellished. They set off on another adventure. ..

after a while. Lonely Flame Peak. Battle Canyon.

The city guards had not yet had time to clean up the place, and the envoys of the Nanling noble court did not arrive immediately because of the delicate situation in Nauman City. A shadow appeared quietly at the foothold of the peaks around the valley, looking out into the distance. A messy battle scene.

The figure was wearing a cloak with a watery luster, emerging from the rock like a chameleon. Just now he was wearing a cloak to turn the light and hide his figure in the daytime.

"Chief Thorasco is really dead..." Watching the fine-tuning of the structure on the glasses, the figure whispered in his heart; "Baron Lyon can't have such power, we know a lot about him, and the section chief tells him There are three countermeasures, each of which can solve him in five minutes - Baron Ryan is definitely helpful!"

"The question is, who is the helper? It is a local noble in Nanling,

Or his relatives of the mountain people? Or the land of flying flames? Although it is a bit incredible, there should be only a few possibilities..."

After observing for a while, the observer of the Lingzhi Institute confirmed one more point; "No, Baron Zhan'an was not killed by the section chief, and the blue-toxin toxin had little effect on Iwaki White Deer. Baron Lean was a little sick at most, how could he die? so miserable?" "He was also killed by others!"

After confirming this, the observer showed an expression of uncontrollable surprise: "Wait, could it be said that there is a mysterious person who does not know the source, first killed Baron Zhanan, then killed Chief Solasco, and then And...and let Weiqiu activate his psionic energy to cover up evidence for himself? In the end, he also killed all the psionic children to exterminate "Wan Ling, it's so cruel, it's terrifying!"

The observer of the Gnostic Institute said it was an investigation, but in essence he was just a researcher accustomed to field work. He was shocked by this possibility for a while: "But the question is, who has the ability to kill two people so easily. A person who can be considered a master in the second energy level?!"

The figures of the well-known powerhouses in Nanling flashed in his mind, and this investigator vetoed one by one one by one, it was impossible for him to do it all, either he had the ability, or he would not do it. The recent Nanling Mountains is not very peaceful. The whereabouts of all the powerhouses are very clear, and they are basically gathered around Nauman City. "Could it be that... is it really the Land of Flying Flames, or is it the Dragon Worship?


After removing all the impossible, he finally guessed two possibilities: "Yes, it should be like this!" However, just when the investigator came up with the result. [Oh?] A harsh rustling sound came, with an icy metal edge and electric light.

A hand grabbed the back of the neck of the observer of the Gnostic Institute, and a low male voice sounded: [Tell me about your guess]

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