above the sky

Chapter 438 You Should Make Up Stories, Not Be A Knight (23)


- Am I at the heart of the plan?

Ian was so shocked that he swallowed the juice in his mouth - there was no doubt that this was information that even he himself did not know.

While the magneto-optical knight continued to elaborate, he stretched out his hand and opened a cabinet beside him.

This is a metal iron cabinet with a certain wooden material wrapped around the limbs of a demon beast.

Ian carefully observed and found that it was the body of the Swamp Crocodile, which was neatly arranged and placed in the box, while the Magneto Light Knight calmly said: [Look, this is it, from the Marsh Crocodile Dragon Warcraft material in Harrison Harbor]

[You and I know that the Empire wants to help the Dragon Cult so that it can intervene in the ancient dragon ruins in Canaan Moor in the future—and just recently, Viscount Grant slaughtered so many marsh crocodile dragons and sent them to Nao Manchester City... Who do you think they are for? 】

[I bet, that is definitely what the Dragon Worship Cult needs...because they need to catalyze the relevant sublimators to prepare for the future exploration of the very likely "Ancient Dragon Labyrinth" located around the underground swamp! 】

[And the person who transported this batch of monster materials is the confidant of Viscount Grant. Recently, his reputation has spread to us, and he is a wizard knight who shines in the South China Sea Great Labyrinth—— and he is in the Golden Leaf Town and the Lion leader. Who have you been in contact with? 】

[Yes, it is the scholar Anfa who gritted his teeth with hatred in your heart! 】

heard here. Ian was so shocked that the water glass almost fell out of his hand, which attracted the concern of the waiter beside him and made the young man shake his head repeatedly, saying that he was just choking on the water.

If it wasn't for him at the scene, and it was the guide knight himself, he would have believed the inference of the magneto-optical knight.

And with the current situation...

He's got it right!


Ian muttered to himself thoughtfully, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Port Harrison: "It doesn't matter if the material of the Swamp Crocodile can't be sold for a while, it's the same in Port Harrison, as long as it is well preserved. , and will not depreciate.”

"Since all of them are suddenly shipped out, it must be bought by someone - who would suddenly buy such a material that is slightly related to dragons?"

"Dragon worship is the biggest suspect!"

"And the Magneto Light Knight, as the confidant of Marquis Barton, must know that Marquis Barton secretly supports the Dragon Cult, and all the previous dragon shadows were used to intimidate and deceive Master Oak, or, in other words, to shirk officially. It is only the official cooperation of Canaan Moore."

This time the logic is closed, and there is no reason to argue.

Especially now that Ian is really a member of the Dragon Cult, even if he wants to refute the magneto-light, he can't actually do it.

——You said that you were not a member of the Dragon Cult at that time, and you will be in the next two days?

You are a liar!

Ian can't think of it, he really can't think of it - he's smart, but to make this kind of work, in addition to imagination, you need an unparalleled ability to connect and write a story.

Magneto should not be a knight, he should write a small drama.

Ian was born in science, and his major is not right.

[House, actually? 】

The Purple Maple Knight was obviously coaxed by this set of rhetoric, and after a while, he retorted: [But... But even so, he is at most the recruiting member of the Dragon Cult in Nanling... and Gulong Labyrinth What about the relevant information? 】

[Even if he does know, he certainly doesn't know the details]

[And] her tone also turned to sarcasm: [your, desperate, not normal]

[You are not me, even if you return to Canaan Moore, you will face the end of being judged... Oh, do not obey instructions, act alone... I can only turn the situation around with information, and you? 】

With a sarcastic tone, the purple maple knight even seemed to be singing: [Why are you so persistent in dealing with that guide knight? 】

[I don't know this, why should we cooperate? 】

Having said that, Ian could also hear the Purple Maple Knight's tone loosen.

At the very least, she admits that Ian has her value.

【I am like you】

The magneto-light knight said lightly: [The general has discovered my infidelity...and the result of my previous sneak attack on Ian but failed]

[He handed Ian a letter, and that letter was a test for me... The secret letter in it has some important information about me]

【I want to die, or I can only get it】

[The general can endure infidelity, as long as I can complete his test - as long as I can divert the suspicion, so that others can't use me as an excuse to attack the general, and get a real 'result', I can be forgiven... Temporarily 】

【Until the next test comes】

The Purple Maple Knight didn't speak, but Ian could understand the complex emotions of the other party.

Obviously, whether it is the magneto-optical knight or the way of the Marquis of Barton, she is puzzled. At least in terms of the values ​​of this elf knight who has been lurking for an unknown period of time and is still loyal to Canaan Moore, it is strange enough that Marquis Barton did not crush the magneto-optical knight, and the magneto-optical knight is still unmoved, or even unmoved. It's even more terrifying to try to justify your infidelity.

But Ian is not surprised, because he knows very well that the Marquis of Barton is such a person who never tires of the test.

[Muyi Er·Grey Leaf] The Magneto Light Knight slowly said the true name of the Purple Maple Knight: [You are the only daughter of the Grey Leaf family, who has long since fallen into disrepair. In order to revive the family, she is willing to become an undercover agent, lurking in the Dragon Cult , like a day for more than ten years, but in the end it has fallen to such an end, obviously giving everything, but having to bear the consequences that are not caused by your mistakes]

[And Anfa? A member of the Jhin Deng family and a member of the Dragon Cult, but no one said that he would be arrested - Master Oak was also covering him up, so he personally led the team to capture those who escaped prisons that could not be caught. member】

[After all, being a dragon is not a bad thing in itself. Bad things are uncontrollable. And you, just don't have the talent to become a dragon, so you can only go undercover]

[And it was him who broke the possibility of your success]

[Shut up] The Purple Maple Knight icy interrupted the Magneto Light Knight's voice: [What you're talking about are some crazy words that stir up emotions... It's ridiculous, you just want to make me suspicious]

[But it's true, it's a big deal for me to go back to Canaan Moor and never come to Nanling again... But are you sure that the guide knight knows where Anfa is? 】

[Of course not] The magneto-optical knight said with a smile, he knew that he had successfully persuaded the other party: [But the guide knight definitely knows where the headquarters of the Nanling Worshiping Dragon Cult is located - as long as this source of information is obtained, Master Oak can't cover up Anfa]

[I believe you once, but I will not shoot, I just need to ask for an answer]

Although this Purple Maple Knight obviously has some other thoughts, the Magneto Light Knight didn't need any help.

All he needs is a companion who bears the blame.

The two reached an agreement.

【How strong is the guide knight? ] Zifeng asked: [If the person who attacked him before was indeed you, then he escaped from your hands once]

[At his age, quite good. The first energy level is middle and upper, and the sword skills are amazing. There is also an alchemy device on the body, which can spray high-pressure water beams. The ability is diversified and the speed is very fast]

Magneto light carefully analyzed: [But that's all, I need your help at most to sweep the formation, don't let him run away]

[Then that's it] Zifeng said: [Wait for your notice]

【Happy cooperation】

After a period of time, the two inner ghosts and the undercover agent left the warehouse and returned to their respective strongholds.

And Ian also finished three drinks, stood up, stretched a lot, and walked towards the Silver Square Chamber of Commerce.


He smiled and whispered in his heart: "I didn't expect that this magneto-light knight is not a fool. Both himself and the Marquis of Barton can see it very clearly-then why does he have to do things for the big man behind him? Could it be Barton? Isn't the Marquis big enough?"

You must know that behind the Marquis of Badun, there is also a prince, even the emperor himself!

And behind the magneto-optical knight, there is at most a prince... He is tracking himself, probably because the head of the Gnosis Institute is in the same organization as him, and the undercover in the Gnosis Institute, while the magneto-optical knight is undercover. Fear of information exposure in this regard.

To make the magneto-optical knight make such an unreasonable act proves that the magneto-optical knight and the section chief of the Lingzhi Institute are definitely colluding for a major event... For this major event, he is not afraid of his own death, and he must confirm and guarantee Ian definitely didn't see, reveal any secrets.

"Idealist? Maybe, but next, there is another Purple Maple Knight to deal with."

Thinking of this, Ian felt that he actually didn't have to fight alone: ​​"I didn't cause this matter alone. I was basically implicated by Anfa and Heo."

Therefore, after he returned to the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce, Ian wrote a letter to Mr. Yinfang.

A letter for Mr. Yinfang to hand over to the Dragon Cult.

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