above the sky

Chapter 71 The Spirit Of The Mountain Tide

All tactical changers, this is an unbreakable truth.

Viscount Grant's voice echoed in the torrential rain, and no one asked how the imperial army in armor and carrying a lot of baggage should catch up with the light-bodied natives.

Because in front of them, a second-level sublimator showed everyone their powerful influence on the tactical and strategic level in addition to their own strength.

With a solemn expression, Viscount Grant raised his hands, and with the sudden rapid heartbeat, something hard was breaking out from his shoulders, elbows and forehead.

It was a spar that shone with a deep blue brilliance. The shape and distribution are like the crystals of the elements all over the abyssal whale, giving him the power to control the flow of water and steam.

Buzz—a low hum sounded like a whale chirping.

Layers of transparent ripples overflowed from these spar, and the powerful psionic field began to extend in the atmosphere, affecting the surrounding rain and airflow, and included it into the field under its own control.

With the Viscount as the center, a semi-circular 'water cover' with a diameter of several hundred meters has begun to take shape.

It packs all the escorts and baggage and shelters it within its own domain.

——This is the power of high-level inheritance. Although it has not yet reached the third energy level, it can temporarily possess the power to control a certain degree of psionic field by means of various means.

And every ascendant of the third energy level is a strong psionicist who has cultivated the day after tomorrow!

Outside the water hood, the wind and rain were still abrupt and violent, but inside the water hood, the rain became sparse and the wind became tiny, just like the drizzle that all Nanling people have long been accustomed to.

The power of the abyss giant whale, which can generate fog and even storms just by breathing, is now displayed in front of everyone with the will of the sublime as the medium.

"Is the wind still too strong to be fully relieved?"

The elemental crystals on his forehead and arm are flashing light, Viscount Grant estimated his own consumption, and then said concisely: "Go forward, catch up with them, shred them, and destroy them!"

In a confident voice, the troops reversed direction and began to march again.

But it was different from the troops who almost started cheering when they saw their leader showing such a powerful sublimation power, with the confidence of winning.

At this moment, Viscount Grant felt a little uneasy in his heart.

——It is said to be changing homes, but is it really that simple?

What if the great shaman even predicted that he would change homes?

If the main force in Anmore Town is not all the main force, and the real elites of the indigenous people are all pressed into the city, then he will lose a lot of money this time.

Unless he turns around and heads towards Elephant Bone Mountain after eliminating the indigenous forces in Anmore Town... that may be guaranteed.

Although he knew that these were meaningless guesses and was completely asking for trouble, Viscount Grant couldn't help but feel worried...

It's just that the worry is not that serious.

Because he still has a hole card that can reverse the situation, even if the big shaman anticipates everything, he can't stop it.

The thing that has been passed down from the ancestors to the present...

"As long as the city defense army and Lamar can stop for a while... I don't even need them to stop, as long as I can hold on for a period of time without defeat, I will not lose."

Shaking his head slightly, the Viscount let out a breath and discarded these distracting thoughts: "It shouldn't be difficult."

Just when the main force of the port guards moved towards the north, ready to change homes with the natives.

Port Harrison, west of the city.

The south side of Harrison Port faces the sea, and there are five city gates on the east, west and north sides, two of which face north and two west.

"Prepare to fight! The natives have sneaked into the city, beware of the enemy!"

At the northwest gate, the red-nosed and black-bearded team leader raised his voice and ordered the soldiers to prepare.

Although he would usually shelter those smugglers to trade with the natives at the default location, but when Ke really fought, he still flattened the original trade point immediately and rebuilt the fortifications.

To be honest, when Blackbeard saw the black smoke rising from the city center, his soul was scared away. Although he never allowed any kind of military supplies to be smuggled, the one who really allowed smuggling was the Viscount himself, but the crystal sand When gunpowder was used by the natives to blow up the Viscount Mansion, he would definitely take the blame - now the only way to survive is to fight the enemy bravely and do more military exploits, so even if he is really blamed and died, at least his family can still have a little bit of it. pension.

"Captain, the enemy is here! The number is less than thirty, it should be a test?"

The observer on the tower briefly reported the enemy's situation, and then became confused: "Strange, they don't wear leaf armor, nor do they have a crossbow, only totems are hung on their belts... Captain! They are starting to approach!"


At first, Blackbeard didn't care too much, and the natives who don't wear armor and don't have bows, isn't this a death sentence?

But when he heard them approaching, the squad leader began to feel that something was wrong.

He quickly came to the city wall and looked down at the indigenous team not far away.

——Indeed, there were only less than thirty people scattered about the other party. Not only did they not wear armor, but they didn't even wear any clothes at all. In the storm, they were like a stripped broiler, which was ridiculous.

But the strange thing is that each of these almost naked indigenous warriors is quite tall, even among the imperial people, they are burly, more than 1.9 meters, and the whole body is densely covered with black tattoos and oil paint, it is almost cover beyond their original complexion.

"Shouldn't be..."

Captain Blackbeard was puzzled. Such a strong native should have a physique that can only be found in the warrior bloodline of various chiefs. Although talented natives were taken care of by shamans since childhood, they also have such physiques cultivated with special food.

But each of them is a warrior who protects the ancestral land. It is easy to get out of the Elephant Bone Mountain. How can they come to attack the city and spend it on the bow and crossbow?

And their weapons...

"A short knife and a claw hook? Are they going to attack the city?!"

As it got closer, Blackbeard could see exactly what the other party was holding. It was the most ordinary climbing hook. Using this thing to attack the ten-meter-high city wall of Port Harrison would not be ridiculous. , but sadly.

But for some reason, his heart suddenly tightened.

An extremely strong sense of unease made him immediately order: "Open the bow! Shoot them through!"

Puff puff!

The city guards who had been prepared for a long time stretched their bows and shot. Due to the heavy wind and rain, most of the random arrows missed their targets, but the most accurate ones pierced the chests, shoulders and thighs of the leading indigenous warriors.

They should have died.

But something terrifying happened.

The speed of the natives who hit the arrow did not slow down in the slightest. On the contrary, they let out a roar of different sizes, and then accelerated their charge.

Obviously injured, but the speed is faster!

"Ancestor's life...flows in our blood...the battle is the destination...the destination is death..."

boom! A flash of lightning fell, and a sudden light illuminated the faces of these natives - Blackbeard could see, their eyes were bloodshot, their eyes were spinning abnormally, and their bodies were even more muscle knots, blood vessels and blood vessels. Muscle throbbing violently.

These aboriginal warriors are not so much strong, it is better to say that there are some terrifying monsters in their bodies that want to get out of their bodies!

The aborigines who were headed by arrows even began to sing. The singing was simple and primitive, with an inexplicable desolation and tragic: "Death is blood... Blood is life..."

"It's the Soma Kernels...they're dead!"

Blackbeard's mind flashed through the terrifying legends circulated among all the people of the Nanling Empire. Those selfless wild beasts who are not afraid of death, use their fists when their swords are broken, and use their teeth when their hands are broken, can't help but instinctively begin to tremble. , shuddered and exclaimed: "They are indigenous berserkers!"

He groaned in despair: "We're done..."

——No matter what the situation is, when the natives send these mortal berserkers to attack, the final outcome must be the death of both parties.

"Life is anger... anger is fighting!"

The berserker, who had already swallowed the core of the Soma tree, circulated extremely high concentrations of stimulant substances and toxins to every corner of the body. The brain was basically drunk and almost lost all brain functions. Due to the training and special Adaptive diets, now barely able to retain some sanity.

Fighting sanity.

They instinctively shouted the battle song, and even if they counted arrows in their bodies, they didn't realize it. The few people at the head had already thrown their claws. At the moment when the claws hit the city wall, they flew up with ferocity and held the arrows in their hands. The dagger rushed into the ranks of the city guards.

The Berserker was originally tall, but now he was in a state of drunkenness, his body lifted all restrictions, and even crushed these city guards.

They didn't even need a knife in their hands. They just waved their fists and slammed with brute force, piercing and tearing up all the imperial soldiers. In a few breaths, a safe area was cleared at the city wall, allowing the follow-up berserkers to flow continuously. Ascend the city.

In the face of these monsters, even the shield-raised city defense army with a spear stab is meaningless, and even if the body of the aboriginal warrior who has fallen into extreme fanaticism is pierced by the spear, it will not affect the action at all.

They even let out a roar, and in turn used their muscles to clamp the gun head that had pierced into their bodies, and then held the gun barrel with their backhands.


In desperation, Captain Blackbeard raised the spear in his hand to pierce the heads of the Berserkers in front of him. This was the only way to kill them immediately.

But the berserker just laughed wildly, and then spread out his arms and rushed towards him, biting the gun head in one bite.

Even though Blackbeard's spear pierced through the mouth, pierced the enemy's head, and the back of the head was opened with blood, the body of the already drunk berserker was still alive. He bit the gun's barrel, and finally reached out his hand and used that muscle blood vessel to burst, and the big blue-black hand grabbed Blackbeard's neck.

- Click.

The sound of bones being crushed rang out at the city gate.

In less than ten breaths, the Northwest Gate was breached, and the defenders were completely wiped out.

At the southwest gate, facing the Ewok River and the redwood forest, Harrison Harbor is the most heavily guarded place.

"Enemy attack!"

The soldiers guarding this place vaguely heard the battle song and the dying cry from the wind, but they didn't have the slightest energy to share with their comrades: "Where's the artillery?! The alchemy artillery fire quickly!"

The commanding captain hissed and gave the order desperately, but it was all drowned in death-like silence, and only the sound of teeth slamming up and down could be heard, trembling with fear.

Because the monsters they faced were more terrifying than the Berserkers.

At this moment, it was completely night, and even the rays of light above the rain clouds at the top of the sky had completely disappeared. Storms and lightning were intertwined in the darkness, causing the heaven and earth to be filled with noisy thunderstorms.

However, it was in such darkness that a darker shadow gradually approached, and the sound of low footsteps made the earth tremble.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three pairs of scarlet eyes flashed heart-pounding light in the rainy night.


The thunder exploded, and a bolt of lightning cut through the sky, illuminating the true face of the shadow.

What a majestic and terrifying beast it is...

Six pupils and six feet, covered in scales, and covered with sharp and sturdy stone thorns, the long tail touched the ground when it fluttered, causing the surrounding rocks and soil to vibrate.

And the long crocodile revealed its true identity.

——The mountain master who the natives have worshiped for 150 years, the totem called the Spirit of the Mountain Tide, the nightmare in the hearts of the first-generation Harrison Harbor residents, the giant beast that is rumored to be only one step away from the monsters with different names...

The mountain owner, the swamp crocodile dragon, stared ruthlessly at the low city gate with its blood-colored red eyes. It stood in front of the city gate, even taller than the city gate!

Immediately afterwards, the giant crocodile opened its huge mouth full of fangs, and the viscous saliva attacked with a pungent corrosive stench.

In the horrified wailing of the guards at the southwest gate of Harrison Harbor, despair spread.

Just because the crocodile dragon opened its mouth, but slowly closed it again.


The sound of rocks shattering sounded, and then there was the roar of the city wall collapsing!

Crushing the city gate and pushing it down, the majestic beast raised its head, and its six eyes stared at the prosperous city in front of him, as if he could see the lush jungle a hundred years ago.


With a low moan, after decades, the spirit of the revived mountain tide finally returned to his hometown after a long absence.

The owner of the mountains and the marsh, once again set foot on this land that it once ruled for a hundred years.

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