Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 108 Taiyin Soul-Calming

I can’t wait to choose one.

The first item is a bell, which is obviously the one used by the corpse-driving sorcerer.

[Taiyin Soul-Calming Bell (Magic Instrument/Epic)

Attributes: Spell Power +10.

Use: Make a soul-calming bell sound.

Magic Instrument Effect 1: Exorcism. The bell sound produces a ‘fear’ effect on zombie monsters within 30 steps around, making them run away from you madly.

Magic Instrument Effect 2: Soul-Shock. The bell sound produces a ‘shock’ effect on ghost monsters within 30 steps around, making them unable to perform any actions and reveal their bodies. In this state, they can cause physical damage to them for 10 seconds.

Magic Instrument Cooling Time: 5 minutes.

Item Introduction: The magic instrument made by the instrument maker of the Taiyin Fahui is said to be able to make sounds that living people cannot hear, directly reaching the netherworld. The corpse-driving sorcerer uses it to communicate with the dead, and to shock the ghosts and drive the zombie servants. 】

The second item is a skill book.

[Resurrect Zombie (Skill Book/Ghost Curse)

Use: Let you learn the spell of Resurrect Zombie.

Learning requirements: Perception 30, Ghost Curse Basics.

Skill Introduction: Transform a corpse into a zombie to serve you. Units with a higher level than the caster cannot be transformed. The transformed zombie cannot use any skills, but will gain a 50% health bonus and a 100% unarmed attack bonus. The caster can only control one zombie at the same time. ]

The third item——

[Black Robe of the Dead (Robe/Top Quality)

Body Defense +14.

Leg Defense +8.

Spell Resistance +8.

Equipment Effect: Affinity with the Dead. Wearing this equipment can reduce the hostility of ghosts and zombie monsters towards you, so that they will not actively attack you.

Item Introduction: The black robe used by junior members of the Taiyin Dharma Association. The weapon maker dyed the robe with the juice of black lotus, allowing the wearer to get close to the dead. 】

The fourth item is a red pill,

[Corpse King Blood Marrow Pill (pill)

Use: Increase your maximum health by 15 points permanently.

Item Description: The pill made by the corpse-driving sorcerer with the secret method of Corpse King Blood Marrow can increase the upper limit of the user's Qi and blood. 】

The fifth item is a human skin scroll.

[Corpse Talk (magic scroll)

Use: Let you learn Corpse Talk.

Learning requirements: Comprehension 18.

Item Description: A human skin scroll that records strange arts seems to be very ancient. It records a strange skill called Corpse Talk, which allows you to communicate with dead bodies and ask them up to three questions. 】

I wanted to become an immortal without much hesitation, and I chose what I wanted - I knew which one was the best by looking at the color. There was only one purple-quality item among the five drops, which was the Taiyin Soul-Suppressing Bell, and there was no need to use this thing, which was just right for me.

I got purple equipment before the Novice Village was released, and I can still use it. What a concept.

I want to become an immortal, so I chose this one decisively.

It was Xiao Jie's turn to choose the second one, but Xiao Jie had already thought about it. He chose [Corpse Language (Magic Scroll)].

This thing should have a similar effect to Beast Language. Although this thing cannot directly improve combat effectiveness, it can increase the space for operation and increase the method of obtaining information. For this kind of game where one life is the only thing, sometimes intelligence is much more useful than directly improving combat effectiveness.

"Huh!" Seeing that he chose this one, Dongfang Sheng was obviously a little surprised, thinking, what's the use of this thing?

Ye Luo was not so surprised. She chose the skill book [Resurrection Zombie] without hesitation. She happened to have a high perception point. As long as she got the ghost curse basics, she could learn it.

For players in death mode, the more summoned creatures, the better. Having a zombie brother as cannon fodder will undoubtedly make it safer whether it is leveling up or fighting BOSS.

Dongfang Sheng didn't have many choices. He could only choose between the black clothes of the dead and the blood marrow pill of the corpse king.

After hesitating for a moment, although the permanent attribute enhancement was very tempting, it was not very meaningful in the short term, so he finally chose the black clothes of the dead.

At least it was a top-quality blue outfit... Dongfang Sheng comforted himself.

In the end, this corpse king blood marrow pill fell into the hands of me, Yuchengxian.

This result seemed unexpected, but it was reasonable. Permanent attribute enhancement is absolutely a heaven-defying existence in other games. Equipment will be updated and replaced, but this permanent attribute enhancement will always exist. However, in this game of one life, such things that require a long period to reflect their value are not so useful.

Compared with the long-term inconspicuous enhancement, the short-term high enhancement benefits are greater.

"Okay, everyone, the things have been distributed, let's go to the ancestral hall quickly, the villagers are still waiting for us to rescue them."

There is another subtext that Xiao Jie didn't say-there is still a BOSS to fight.

After Xiao Jie finished speaking, he immediately ran towards the ancestral hall, and the three followed closely.

When the four of them arrived outside the ancestral hall, the villagers were already in danger. Several corpses of villagers lay in front of the gate of the ancestral hall. All those who could fight were blocking the door, relying on the narrow terrain to barely hold on.

The ghost general led the zombies to rush to the door desperately, and it seemed that the door was about to be broken.

Although those zombies were not controlled by anyone, their hatred for the living made them instinctively attack the villagers in the ancestral hall, and the ghost general attacked and rushed even more fiercely, determined to slaughter all the villagers here.

Bang! The iron halberd hit Zhou Tong heavily. Zhou Tong groaned and was hit back repeatedly. Tie Qianli immediately filled the position and continued to resist.

Seeing the four people coming from behind, Tie Qianli was overjoyed.

"Suifeng warrior, come quickly!"

"Let's go - Chengxian ring the bell!"

"Received!" I want to become an immortal and directly activated the special effect of Taiyin Zhenhun Bell.

Dingling! With a burst of cold and harsh bell ringing, the zombies suddenly ran around as if they saw a ghost.

The ghost general also covered his ears and became stiff on the spot.

This thing also belongs to the ghost class, but compared with the general ghost without entity, the ghost general is a monster with entity, but it will also be affected by the Zhenhun Bell.

Good opportunity! Everyone inside and outside the house saw the opportunity and rushed forward.

Tie Qianli took the few remaining militiamen and greeted the ghost general with long spears and swords.

"We're going too!" Xiao Jie accelerated suddenly, but Ye Luo was one step faster than him, walking in the dark - he was close in an instant, and he went up with a set of Liuyun Sword Dance, the blade slashed on the armor continuously, making a metallic collision sound.

Finally, there was a chance to safely output at close range, and each one was faster than the other.

Xiao Jie also went up and slashed with a two-sword slash, followed by a spinning slash, and then a double-sword slash. Although he had no internal force, the damage was not low with two good swords.

Even Dongfang Sheng stabbed with a spear.

"Wait for me!" I wanted to become an immortal and shouted anxiously as I watched everyone surrounding the BOSS slashing fiercely.

He was the slowest runner in heavy armor, and he had to switch to a shield after ringing the bell. When he rushed up with a giant axe, the ghost general actually moved.

The 10-second deterrence effect was only a theoretical time. After all, the ghost general was a BOSS, and his spell toughness was not comparable to that of ordinary monsters. It took only five or six seconds to recover.


Sweep the army!

The iron halberd swept out, and with one move, it repelled several militiamen and Tie Qianli in front of it.

Chop! Turning back, the iron halberd chopped down, but several players had already retreated to avoid it.

After the attack missed, the ghost general sneered at several players, "Have you killed Lin Yutian? Humph, he is indeed a waste. Well, I will save him from being a hindrance. Let me kill all of you!?"

Damn, so arrogant?

Xiao Jie thought to himself, why are you so arrogant? It's just a lone boss, and he doesn't even have his little brothers.

There are so many of us, we can kill you with a pile of people.

"There is only this one monster left, let's go together and kill him with all our strength!"

While speaking, he quickly retreated and switched to bows and arrows to prepare for long-range support.

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