Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 11: Ancestors’ Blessings

"Old man, may I bother you for a moment." Xiao Jie looked at the old man in front of him and asked respectfully.

The old man obviously remembered Xiao Jie, and said with a bow: "I am Huang Shidao, the village chief of Ginkgo Village. You can call me Huang Lao Bo. I wonder what you want to ask." After that, the words "Huang Shidao (Village Chief of Ginkgo Village)" appeared on the old man's head.

"I am new to your place and I am unfamiliar with the place. I want to find out some news and information. I wonder if you can explain it to me."

The old man nodded, "Of course, by the way, where is your companion? I saw you two leaving the village yesterday, but why didn't I see him today?"

"He is dead, hacked to death by bandits." Xiao Jie said sadly.

"Life and death are determined by fate, so don't be too sad, little brother. I wanted to remind you at that time, but...

Nowadays, the world is very difficult. There are demons and ghosts everywhere. If you don't have some ability, I think it's better not to go there. Stay in the village and do some odd jobs. You can always make a living. Now the population of Ginkgo Village is declining, and labor is needed everywhere. You can always find work if you ask around."

Xiao Jie listened to the other party's words, but felt something was wrong. If he continued to follow the conversation, he could certainly find a job, but he would confirm his incompetent personality.

The old man's "but..." clearly carried some complaints, which was to control him.

Such a subtle tone of speech aroused Xiao Jie's desire to challenge the game.

He suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, old man, there's no need to comfort me. My brother and I returned to our old land to slay demons and save the world. From the day we came back, we were ready to sacrifice our lives.

Now my brother is dead, but his will is still there. Since this world is full of demons and ghosts, someone must stand up to save the world and defend the truth.

Although I am not talented, I am willing to give it a try.

A real man should hold a three-foot sword and make unparalleled achievements. Even if he dies in the wilderness and shrouds his body in horsehide, he has no regrets."

Xiao Jie's impassioned speech was naturally not aimless.

Three points of his words were sincere, and seven points were performance-like. In many games that Xiao Jie had played before, he could gain the favor and help of NPCs through dialogue, or achieve some unexpected results. In some games, he could even use mouth cannons to kill the final BOSS, the so-called mouth cannon flow.

Since the NPCs in this game are so smart, Xiao Jie naturally has to play well.

Maybe he can trigger some hidden plots, and special rewards are not certain.

Especially since Han Luo did die in the hands of the bandits yesterday, there was nothing wrong with what he said.

The old villager was solemnly impressed by Xiao Jie's words, and seemed to be touched by Xiao Jie's heroic spirit.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed.

Huang Shidao (the head of Ginkgo Village): "Alas, I have seen many people returning home during this period. Most of them are greedy and aggressive. They are not very polite to me, and ask strange questions like 'where to kill a few'.

Before leaving the village, they are arrogant and make grand speeches, but they are panic-stricken when they encounter enemies and are frustrated.

Or they try their best to please me and want to gain benefits from me.

It is rare to find a young man like you who knows how to advance and retreat and has ambitions, especially this unyielding passion, which I have never seen in my life."

System prompt: Huang Shidao's favorability towards you has increased by 20 points, and now it is 70.

"Forget it. Since you have such perseverance, I can't persuade you anymore. But it is fate that you can be reborn in our village. Maybe you are the descendant of our village. I have a stick of incense here. Go to the village's ancestral hall to burn incense for the ancestors. Maybe it will be of some benefit."

[System prompt: Get item [Incense]. ]

It actually worked! Xiao Jie was quite surprised when he saw the prompt. It seems that the degree of freedom of this game is really high, and players have a lot of room to play.

Open the backpack and check it out.

[Incense (consumable)

Use: Pray.

Item introduction: Incense made of plants and wood is a ritual item for prayer. It is said that the misty smoke can communicate with ghosts and gods, and even convey human beliefs to the deceased ancestors, praying for protection and blessings. ]

"Thank you, old man." Xiao Jie expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart this time.

Xiao Jie thanked him and came to the village's ancestral hall excitedly.

The ancestral hall is located in the center of the village. It is the most respectable building in the village. Next to it is a huge ginkgo tree, which is hung with talismans and other things.

The sunlight cast by the shade of the tree falls on the eaves, making the ancestral hall look more intimate.

Xiao Jie walked into the ancestral hall and looked at the layers of tablets on it. He felt a sense of familiarity inexplicably, as if they were really related to him.

He lit the incense and inserted it into the incense burner, and bowed three times.

He couldn't help but recite it silently in his heart.

Ancestors, if you really have spirits in heaven, please bless me not to die in this game.

The smoke floated and dissipated in the air.

An option box suddenly popped up in front of Xiao Jie.

[1. Ancestors, please bless me from being disturbed by ghosts and gods.

2. Ancestors, please bless me with a smart mind, sharp ears and eyes.

3. Ancestors, please bless me with a strong body and no diseases.

4. My dear ancestors, please bless me to be rich.

5, ancestor, I, Yin Yue Sui Feng, have been striving for self-improvement all my life. Today, I just come to say hello to you, and I have nothing to ask for. 】

Looking at the five options in front of him, Xiao Jie immediately perked up. The background of this game is about gods and ghosts, so praying to ancestors will probably have some effect, which is very important for him who is penniless.

Option 1, not disturbed by ghosts and gods? From this description, it seems that there should be ghosts and gods in this game, and they will attack players.

But generally speaking, ghosts should appear in graves, tombs, or in the wilderness at night.

In this way, I won't need them in a short time.

Option 2 and Option 3 are to improve the mind and strengthen the body respectively, with similar effects, and can be listed as alternative options.

Option 4 should be the most intuitive in the short term, and you can get a sum of money. If you have money, you can buy equipment and learn skills, and you can fight monsters and level up, but I always feel that asking for money directly from the ancestors seems disrespectful.

And I'm not sure how much I can give.

Xiao Jie ignored the fifth one. This kind of choice of not wanting anything usually has only two results, either giving nothing or giving a very special reward.

If it were in other games, he would probably choose the fifth one. Anyway, if he chose the wrong one, he would just load the game. Even if it is an online game that cannot load the game, the early rewards are generally not too important anyway. It is not bad to see what this hidden option gives.

But in this game now, Xiao Jie doesn't dare to gamble at all.

Money can be earned slowly, it's just a matter of time, so the fourth option can also be PASSed.

Then there are only two options left, 2 and 3.

Strengthen the body or strengthen the brain.

If you go out to fight monsters and level up, strengthening the body is undoubtedly the most useful, but since you are going to develop in the village for a while, you should choose to strengthen the brain.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Jie has made a decision.

[Option 2, ancestor, please bless me with a smart mind and sharp ears and eyes. ]

As Xiao Jie finished clicking, a golden light fell on him.

[System prompt: Your ancestor has appeared, and you have gained the buff effect [Enlightenment]. You have been blessed by your ancestors, and your comprehension has increased by 8 points (lasting 7 days).

[System prompt: Since your comprehension has reached 20+, you have gained a layer of [Enlightenment] state]

Xiao Jie checked the description of the enlightenment BUFF.

[Enlightenment: Your comprehension is so high that you have entered a mysterious and wonderful state. In your eyes, the operating rules of all the laws of reality have become clearer, and you have a higher chance of gaining enlightenment (after the comprehension exceeds 10 points, the enlightenment level will increase by one level for every 10 points of enlightenment). ]

Huh? What is the use of this thing?

Comprehension is of course a very important attribute, which can be seen from the fact that it cannot be improved with attribute points, but it is a bit useless with only seven days. The key is that I don’t have any skills now, how can I gain enlightenment? I can’t just gain enlightenment out of thin air, right? I feel that this effect should be more useful in the later stage, such as learning some advanced skill books.

Now, it’s a bit useless.

However, Xiao Jie did not worry about the gains and losses for too long. It was better to have it than not to have it. Who knows when it will come in handy.

Next, it was time to start looking for work.

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