Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 127 It’s time to accumulate spirituality

Learning horse riding is much easier, there is no so many tricky postgraduate entrance examination process.

Xiao Jie came to the horse farm outside the town, found the horse riding coach, paid ten taels of silver, and successfully learned horse riding in a flash of white light.

[System prompt: You have learned the skill [Basic Horse Riding], you can buy and use most of the regular mounts. Because your riding level is too low, the maximum movement speed of the mount is reduced by 30% when you ride. ]

The level of riding in this game has little effect on the choice of mounts. Except for some rare mounts and advanced mounts, most mounts only need basic riding skills to ride.

It will only reduce the movement speed when riding. The lower the riding skills, the higher the speed penalty, and the higher the riding skills, the lower the penalty. If you can reach the master riding skills-the realm of man and horse unity, you will not be subject to speed penalties.

"This guy, since you have learned horse riding, do you want to buy another horse?"

The riding coach was selling hard.

Xiao Jie glanced at the list and decisively refused. The cheapest packhorse also costs 20 taels of silver, and the best "sturdy warhorse" costs 120 taels of silver.

We have free ones, why waste this money.

"Carrot, come here." With a greeting, the pet behind him ran over happily. He just spent money to buy a few secret wild vegetable dumplings to feed them, and decisively stopped being shy.

When Xiao Jie moved the mouse to Carrot, a "riding" sign immediately appeared. Click it and see your character climb onto the horse.

Haha, now I have a horse too.

"Brother Feng, I bought a horse."

I saw Yu Chengxian riding a black horse galloping over.

"Is it a warhorse?"

"No, warhorses are too expensive, 100 taels, this is a travel horse, only 40 taels."

Travel horses are also okay, better than packhorses.

"Let's go, let's run around." The two of them galloped on their horses and galloped around the horse farm.

Due to their low riding skills and average horse quality, neither of them ran very fast, but it was much faster than walking. Xiao Jie estimated that it was at least 50% faster than the player's running speed. Xiao Jie's horse was better, and it could increase the speed by about 60%.

Moreover, players need to consume stamina to run, and they can't run after running for a while. The stamina bar of the horse is much higher, and it can sprint a long distance at one time.

Haha, cool, now I don't have to worry about long distances in the future.

After a round, both of them were familiar with the operation of the mount. Generally speaking, it is similar to the riding system of Mount \u0026 Blade. It requires a little skill, but it is not difficult to get started.

Back to the town gate, the two dismounted, and the horse of I Want to Become an Immortal disappeared immediately.

Xiao Jie's horse was still standing there, snorting.

This is the difference between a pet part-time mount and a real mount. What I bought in Yu Chengxian is actually a horse whistle, just like Ye Luo's donkey whistle. The mount will be summoned when you blow it, and it will disappear on the spot when you dismount. It is very convenient.

Of course, even if the mount summoned by the horse whistle dies, it is really dead. The game is very fair in this regard.

Xiao Jie's carrot does not have this function.

Strictly speaking, carrot is not a [mount], but a [pet] with the ability to carry. Although they look like horses, they are completely different things in the system's judgment.

There is no way to trade like a mount.

Unless the other party also has the skill of taming, once the horse is disbanded, it will directly become a wild monster, and you can only kill it, dig its meat and skin it.

Xiao Jie also has some regrets. The freedom of this game is still not enough. If this horse can be caught and traded, it will be great. Just catching the horse and selling it can make money. But think about the many tamers in the game. If there is such a loophole, I am afraid it would have been blown up long ago.

"That's it for today. Let's find a place to level up tomorrow."

"Don't you go and hand in the magic talisman first?"

Xiao Jie explained: "You can hand it in now, but you have to think clearly. This magic talisman can only be handed in once, and this opportunity only comes once.

If you can stack up your spirituality a little higher, maybe you can take the opportunity to become a disciple when you hand in the magic talisman. The game has such a high degree of freedom, there is naturally room for manipulation.

But if your spirituality is too low, what if the Taoist priest who collects the magic talisman gives you some rewards and sends you away? Maybe you will miss the opportunity."

I want to become an immortal. I think so too.

"Then how much spirituality do you think is appropriate, Brother Feng?"

"The higher the better, but I think it should be at least 30 points. Of course, this depends on your choice. After all, I am not absolutely sure. The magic talisman is yours. If you want to go earlier, I can accompany you to go earlier. If you want to stack more, we can also go at level 19."

The reason for this judgment is that when Ye Luo changed her job to Night Walker, she added 20 points of attributes to perception. Her initial perception should not be low, at least 10 points. In this way, 30 spirituality points should be a more reliable number.

In addition, the requirements for attribute points for learning combat skills are generally integers such as 15/20/30. 30 is more reliable. Of course, 20 may also be okay, but for this kind of thing, either don't do it, or do it to the extreme. If you want to be safe, it is not impossible to stack 40 or even 50.

But attribute points are precious after all, and Xiao Jie is not completely sure. If you stack 50 spirituality but can't get a magic profession, it will be a big loss. It can be said that the whole account is useless.

So how to choose really depends on personal thoughts, he cannot bear such responsibility.

I want to become an immortal and pondered for a long time, "Brother Feng, I think 30 points is just right. OK, let's level up tomorrow. By the way, Brother Feng, how about you? Do you also want to stack spirituality?"

"Of course."

Xiao Jie also thought a lot about this. His faith is only 7 points, and stacking faith will lose 1 level of attribute. Perception seems to be a ghost curse spell, which he is not very interested in. The rest of the immortals, Taoists, and demons all need to stack spirituality, so he will stack spirituality sooner or later, unless he does not intend to go the magic route.

But with the opportunity to become an immortal, how can Xiao Jie stop at being a martial arts master? He must fight hard.

So it is natural that the sooner you stack spirituality, the better. The sooner you have high spirituality, the more opportunities you have to trigger the adventure of learning spells.

Before, I didn't add spirituality for the sake of stability. After all, it was too dangerous to have no professional ability. Now that I have learned martial arts, internal strength, and light skills, and have animal taming, I have the strength to protect myself. Next, I will naturally start to stack spirituality.

He now has 5 free attribute points. If he levels up three more times, he can stack his spirituality to more than 30.

"Let's practice together to level 13, and then go to hand in the magic talisman. If we are lucky, we may be able to enter together." Xiao Jie said optimistically.

In fact, the chance of entering together is not great. After all, this magic talisman can only be handed in by one person, but you have to try your best. Anyway, there is no loss if you fail.

What if you get in with it.

"Okay! Then we will start leveling again tomorrow, and then we will learn spells together!" I want to become an immortal excitedly agreed. Both of them have learned various martial arts and have mounts. Now they are not afraid to go out to level up.

After the discussion, Xiao Jie said goodbye to I want to become an immortal, found an inn to book a room and went offline.

Exit the game. Xiao Jie's excitement did not subside, but became more excited.

The power in the game is false, and the power in reality is real.

No matter how strong he is in the game, after all, there is a screen between them. Only when he masters it in reality can he really feel the charm of this game.

Spells are still a bit too far away, but the inner strength is already in hand.

He can't wait to start running the inner strength.

(No, this mentality is not suitable for practicing, calm down, calm down.)

Xiao Jie tried not to let himself be affected by the ecstasy and excitement in his heart.

He first drank a glass of iced apple wine to calm down and calm down.

Then he drew the curtains, closed the doors and windows, turned off his mobile phone, and turned off the computer to ensure that there was no noise and would not be disturbed.

Then he returned to the bedroom and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Jie closed his eyes and began to feel the changes in his body. The inner strength-where is the inner strength?

That's right, it's in the dantian, where a stream of energy is accumulating and running.

Xiao Jie's mind moved, and the energy flowed with it, as if looking for a breakthrough.

Xiao Jie tried hard to sense the rhythm, and sensed his own meridians through the method of introspection.

Found it, the Ren Meridian - the Three Yang Meridians of the Foot...

Xiao Jie suddenly activated his internal force, and in an instant, a warm current began to circulate in the meridians.

As expected, there is internal force! Xiao Jie carefully pushed this warm current, feeling the meridians being stimulated by the flowing internal force, and every cell became active, and more internal force was fed back to this energy flow.

This is the real extraordinary power. No matter how high the agility, how strong the strength, and how good the physique is, it has not transcended the scope of normal people.

However, at this moment, this trace of weak internal force in Dantian really made Xiao Jie realize that he has become a being beyond ordinary people.

The internal force ran for a cycle and returned to the Dantian Qi Sea again. Xiao Jie could feel that the internal force in Dantian had a slight improvement.

So that's it, is this how internal force becomes stronger with practice? Dantian is the place where internal force is stored and generated, but every meridian, every acupuncture point, and every cell in the human body can generate internal force, but it is very small. It is necessary to use internal force to circulate and stimulate the meridians continuously, and then transfer the generated internal force into Dantian, so as to continuously maintain the total amount of internal force.

Dantian is like human muscles. It can slowly expand through continuous accumulation and enhancement, but if too much internal force is input at one time, there is a danger of Dantian breaking...

Xiao Jie slowly opened his eyes and stretched his body. The meridians and acupuncture points on his body felt numb. Xiao Jie knew that this should be the feeling produced after the meridians were expanded by internal force, just like the soreness of muscles after exercise, which is not a bad thing.

In this way, the time and intensity of practice will be gradually increased every day, and strong internal force can be trained sooner or later.

Just think about it, when the internal force is fully developed in the future, flying in the sky, stepping on the snow without leaving a trace, jumping up a building with a somersault, and wielding a sword in the world, it is exciting to think about it.

Of course, I have to play a game with Liu Qiang to see who is better...

I can practice my internal skills in my room, but sword skills and light skills are not suitable.

I might as well go to Tiger Hill to practice before it gets dark.

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