Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 143 Carrot retires, and Big Bear takes over

The next morning, Xiao Jie took me to Yuchengxian, and Ramen Brother came to the outskirts of the city early.

I looked at the favorability of Radish, it was already 83, and the secret vegetable dumplings for the past two days were not in vain.

"Radish, teach me your skills."

Radish snorted uneasily, "Master, you are not going to drive me away, are you?"

"How can I, am I that kind of person?" Xiao Jie said in a tone of "What do you think of me?"

Who knew that Radish didn't buy it at all, "Woo woo woo, Master, please don't abandon me."

Xiao Jie was a little speechless. When he tamed you, he fell on your nose and slapped your face. It's only been a few days, why are you still reluctant to leave.

"Don't worry, Radish, I will take good care of you, teach me the skills quickly, and I will buy you some vegetable dumplings later."

Sure enough, the vegetable dumplings are still useful, Radish snorted, "Okay, you watch..."

After that, he suddenly ran away, and his speed was one-third faster than normal running, coming and going like the wind.

System prompt: Your pet carrot teaches you the skill [Sprint].

"There is also this trick." He rushed to a big tree, suddenly braked suddenly, and kicked with his hind legs.

With a bang, the tree was kicked and shook.

System prompt: Your pet carrot teaches you the skill [Kick].

Then he ran to Xiao Jie and let Xiao Jie ride on it and ran two laps.

System prompt: Your pet carrot teaches you the skill [Carry].

Huh? This skill can also be taught? Xiao Jie was surprised. Galloping is what he wants most. Kick is a bonus, and this ride is a complete surprise.

[Kick (combat skill)

Use: Kick the target hard, causing 15 points of blunt damage, and there is a certain probability of knocking it down. The damage to the enemy behind you is doubled, and the probability of kicking it down is doubled.

Combat Skill Introduction: This powerful combat skill imitates the movements of horses in battle, and is also known as the kicking skill. It kicks the enemy fiercely with amazing power, and poses a great threat to the enemy behind. 】

It is rare that there are no side effects, not bad.

[Carry (body skill)

Use: Carry a target to fight together.

Side effects: Your movement speed is reduced by 30%, the probability of imbalance is increased by 50%, your body skill and jump distance are reduced by 50%, and your physical strength consumption is increased by 50%.

Skill Introduction: Carry a friendly unit on your back to fight with you. 】

Damn, this weird skill...

[Gallop (body skill)

Use: Increase your running speed by 30% for 15 seconds.

Side effects: Your physical strength consumption is doubled when you are galloping.

Skill Introduction: As fast as a galloping horse, sometimes it is not just a description. 】

This is the skill that Xiao Jie really wants. Although the effect is not as good as the light skill of eight-step chasing cicada, this thing does not require internal force consumption.

And it can be used in combination with Qinggong, which is amazing. Galloping 30% plus flying on grass 30%, that is 60%, and the duration is long enough, it is definitely a magical skill to chase the enemy and escape.

With three skills in hand, Xiao Jie looked at Luobo with satisfaction.

"Rou, I see you've been following me for a long time, it's time for you to take a break."

Rou looked like you'd expect me to, "Master, I've only been with you for three days."

"Ah, only three days? It feels like a long time has passed. It's not that I don't want to take you with me, it's mainly because you've seen that we have a fierce battle to fight next, and I'm also in a dilemma if you don't go up during the fight. How about this, when you fight, you go up to fight the monsters, then I won't chase you away.

I see you're pretty good at fighting, especially that kicking move - no, it's a kick, it's very powerful, okay, it's decided, you'll be the first to go up next time."

Rou was decisive and admitted his weakness: "Master, you better let me go, I suddenly realized that nature is my home."

"Okay, then I'll arrange a good place for you to release the animals, where do you want to go?"

Ramen brother was numb watching Xiao Jie communicating with Luobo to learn skills.

Fuck, can this game be played like this?

I really met a master... I had to hold his thigh tightly.

Ten minutes later——

Looking at the grass in front of him, Xiao Jie clicked to dismiss the pet, and the name on the carrot head immediately changed to [Carrot (Wild Horse): Level 8]

"Goodbye, Carrot."



"Feed me another wild vegetable dumpling."

Watching Carrot disappear in the wilderness, Xiao Jie was not too sad. It was time to catch a real beast.

This time he planned to catch a bear.

A tamer can only tame beasts whose level is not higher than his own, so level 12 is the limit.

Currently, the only options are wolves, wild boars, leopards, and bears.

Considering that he is a fragile person, he might as well catch a bear as a meat shield.

However, it is difficult to tame this thing, and there is no beast illustration, so the difficulty cannot be reduced. I am afraid it will take some effort.

This time the pet is not a transition. If there is no accident, it may be used for a long time, at least it can be used to level 20 or above, so it is natural to catch a top-quality pet.

Fortunately, with the skill of identifying wild animals, Xiao Jie didn't have to rely on luck to catch pets like other animal trainers. He could just identify the best one and catch it.

So the three of them wandered around in the surrounding forest, looking for a suitable bear.

Xiao Jie kept using Beast Identification to observe the attribute panels and skills of these bears.

It felt like playing Pokémon.

Hey, the fourth skill is too bad, no.

This one is good, with fierce attack, bite and rage, but the thick skin is a bit low, only LV1, and the survivability is not good.

This one is also good, with five skills, but none of them has reached LV4, which is still a bit lacking.

And this one, it doesn't even have the characteristics of a beast, PASS.

After wandering around in the forest for an hour, Xiao Jie finally saw something.

It was a level 12 grizzly bear, sharpening its claws on a tree.

Used Beast Identification to take a look.

Seven skills, damn, it's superb!

And it's just level 12, within the range of taming.

Looking at the grizzly bear sharpening its claws on a tree in front of him, Xiao Jie thought to himself that it was you.

As if sensing Xiao Jie's gaze, the grizzly bear looked at Xiao Jie and roared in protest, but did not attack.

This beast affinity talent is still very useful. If it were another tamer, I'm afraid they would just start fighting.

Of course, if taming fails, there will still be danger, and at this time, dog food will be needed.

Xiao Jie first fed the beast and threw a piece of barbecue over.

The grizzly bear sniffed it and ate it.

Throw it again, and eat it again.

After a few rounds, the grizzly bear's hostility subsided and its favorability increased.

This time, Xiao Jie walked over, comforted the beast, and continued to comfort it, and then comforted it again.

The grizzly bear felt very comfortable when Xiao Jie touched it.

"Well, good technique, keep going."

"Hehe, comfortable, come, eat some more delicious food." He said, feeding a secret dog food to his mouth.

"What is this thing, so delicious? Human, throw two more to eat."

Xiao Jie decisively fed the bear, and the bear's favorability rose sharply, and the difficulty of taming was reduced to average.


Tame the beast!

"Awoo, what are you doing?" The grizzly bear felt threatened and immediately stood up, more than a person tall, looking at Xiao Jie with murderous intent.

"Don't be angry, I'm giving you a massage."

"No, you are taming me! Humph, you are not the first person who wants to tame me. I have eaten the last one. I warn you, don't try to tame me, otherwise--Roar!"

A bear roar, with amazing momentum.

"No tame, no tame, come on, let's continue to eat meat." After saying that, another secret dog food was thrown over.

The grizzly bear was still snorting, but he couldn't help smelling the fragrance of the dog food.

He lowered his head and started eating.

Taming the beast!

"Roar!" This time he didn't eat the dog food, and a bear claw slammed towards Xiao Jie.

The kite turned over! Xiao Jie turned over to avoid the attack, thinking that it was indeed a bit troublesome without the beast illustration.

"Don't get excited, big brother, we can talk it over."

"Shut up, you human. If you want to tame me, defeat me first."


"Got it!"

I, Yuchengxian, rushed over and used his combat skill—bear hug.

With a bear hug, he actually hugged the grizzly bear tightly.

Awooo! The grizzly bear roared and tried to break free, but it didn't break free for a while.

I, Yuchengxian's Barbarian Bull Skill has been practiced to the third level, which has increased his strength by 9 points. With his own 30 strength, he was even more powerful than a bear for a while.

Tame the beast! Tame the beast!

Roar! The grizzly bear finally broke free, and I, Yuchengxian wanted to give him another bear hug, but the grizzly bear used this skill first.

Combat skill—bear hug!

Sure enough, the original one is more powerful. He hugged me, Yuchengxian, and squeezed me hard.

This is also OK. It's a hug anyway, so it doesn't matter who hugs who.

Tame the beast! Taming the beast!

System prompt: Taming failed... Taming failed...

Grizzly threw me out with a throw.

Ramen brother stepped forward to take the monster.

Shocking attack!

Bang! A punch hit the grizzly's ribs, and the grizzly's body froze and stood still, but it only lasted for less than two seconds, and then roared and pounced on him.

Body movement - rolling gourd! The ramen brother rolled on the ground, rolling from the right side of the grizzly to behind the grizzly.

Xiao Jie took the opportunity to tame another beast.

System prompt: Taming failed...

Damn, is it so hard? Xiao Jie was also numb, mainly because the previous two tamings were very easy, which gave him a little illusion, but he didn't expect it to be so hard to meet a tough guy.

In fact, it's very easy to fight, just shoot it to death with a bow and arrow from a long distance, the problem is that it must be captured alive.

Wind combo!

Bang, bang, bang, Ramen Brother punched the grizzly bear on the back. When the grizzly bear turned around, Ramen Brother kicked it in the head with a cloud-piercing kick, and took advantage of the momentum to do a double jump.

The grizzly bear was kicked backwards, and Xiao Jie saw an advantage.

Savage collision!

Bang, knocked the grizzly bear to the ground.

He tamed the grizzly bear lying on the ground.

Tame the beast! Tame the beast! Tame the beast

System prompt: Taming failed... Taming failed... Taming succeeded!

A flash of white light, this time it finally succeeded.

The grizzly bear got up from the ground and looked at Xiao Jie with a confused face. For some reason, the enemy in front of him suddenly became amiable.

The anger in his mind had not subsided yet, roar!

It shook its head vigorously, trying to break free from the invisible restraints, and Xiao Jie hurriedly threw two more dog food over.

Then the grizzly bear gave up struggling.

He ate with big mouthfuls.

"That's right. If you follow me in the future, you will have meat every meal, so you won't be hungry. Tell me, what do you wish for?"

"To have enough food."

Well, it's the same as the coal ball.

But it's not difficult to understand. Wild beasts are mostly fighting for survival, eating, sleeping and finding a partner, and that's about it. Especially for this kind of foodie, having enough food should be the biggest goal of bear life.

Fortunately, Xiao Jie has enough food in his bag, grilled fish, grilled meat, steamed buns, and secret dog food.

The happiness value passed 80 in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the rapidly decreasing food in the bag, Xiao Jie thought to himself that this is another foodie. In order to successfully tame the pet, he made seven or eight dog food.

It seems that there will be money to spend on pet food in the future.

But seeing that the favorability began to rise slowly, and looking at the pet's attribute skill panel, it is still worth feeding this dog food.

From now on, I will call you-Big Bear!

【Big Bear (Yin Yue Sui Feng's pet) Level 12, HP 480.

Experience: 113/29600.

Loyalty: 54/100. Suspicious.

Happiness: 85/100. Very happy.

Food type: Omnivorous, can be fed all types of food.

Pet skills——

Rage (beast trait): After your pet is completely enraged in battle, it may fall into rage, damage increased by 50%, and no longer accept any commands, lasting 20 seconds. In this state, Big Bear will attack the enemy crazily, and only death can stop it.

Bear Hug MAX: Hug an enemy, squeeze it three times in a row, and try to throw it out after the end.

Bear Paw Smash LV3: Use bear paws to attack the enemy fiercely, causing 200% unarmed damage.

Bite LV3: Bite the enemy's flesh and blood, causing 39 points of damage, and may trigger a bleeding effect.

Sweep LV2. Sweep the surrounding enemies, causing 70% unarmed damage.

Shocking Roar LV2: emits a roar, and the surrounding targets have a certain probability of being shocked and falling into a state of stiffness for 1-3 seconds.

Thick Skin LV2. Comes with 20 points of biological armor.

Life Tenacity LV2. Increases maximum health by 20%. 】

Seven skills plus a beast trait, is this what a beast is?

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