Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 151: Martial Arts Master Ramen Brother

This time, Xiao Jie will not pretend anymore, this is a real treasure.

"Thank you, Senior Li, I will make the best use of it and integrate your skills to carry forward!"

He said, and opened the backpack to take a look.

[Flying Cloud Chasing the Moon (Qinggong)

Learning requirements: Agility 40, proficiency in internal skills.

The first section: Step on the wind. Jump up to 6 meters high.

The second section: Flying Cloud Crossing. Jump up again, up to 6 meters high, or make a vertical leap in any direction, up to 12 meters away.

The third section: Chasing the Moon. Make a forward move in any direction in the air, sprinting up to 15 meters.

Skill introduction: There is a poem that says - white birds fly like smoke and clouds, chasing the moon and picking stars and falling to the world. This is the famous skill of Li Cuilan, the "Flying Night Demon". 】

What a Qinggong! As soon as Xiao Jie saw the skill description, he immediately realized that this thing was equivalent to the enhanced version of Pulling Onions from Dry Land + Swallow Three Water Fetching. Whether it was high jump or long jump, it was a magical skill. It was absolutely first-class for climbing over walls and ridges, and running away.

The learning requirements were a bit high. The standard for mastering internal skills was that the upper limit of the internal force value reached more than 500 points, or any internal skill was practiced to LV10. I had to go back and improve my internal skill level.

Although I didn't know what secret book Granny Li gave Xiao Jie, I was also envious.

"Grandma, what about me?"

"What do you mean by you? You're not good at fighting, but you're the best at running away. Don't you already have an axe? You're not short of the bounty, so don't be greedy."

The foul mouth made Yu Chengxian very depressed, but Xiao Jie could understand it. Just now, I was shouting that I wanted to run away. It's good enough for Grandma Li to have a good impression of 60. The reason why she gave me the martial arts secret book was probably because it was a special reward triggered after the impression reached 100%.

"Okay, both of you. The mountains and rivers remain unchanged. I'm going to say goodbye now. Let's go, Baoer, it's time for us to get on the road."

Watching the old and the young gradually disappear in the wilderness, Xiao Jie also breathed a sigh of relief.

This adventure mission was finally completed successfully.

And the levels of both of them have also risen to level 13. It's time to go to Xuanxu Palace to return the magic talisman.

"Let's go to Xuanxu Palace to learn magic!"

"Haha, okay, Brother Feng, let's go."

I can't wait for this. The two summoned their mounts and galloped towards the road, leaving behind only the dilapidated fishing village and the seemingly calm lake.

As soon as the two got on the road and didn't walk far, Xiao Jie received a private message from Brother Ramen.

Brother Ramen: Brother Feng, I'm sorry I ran away early just now. The main reason is that I'm too timid and don't dare to fight too hard. What's the situation over there? Is the mission completed?

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Don't worry, it's human nature. The mission has been completed.

Brother Ramen: Ah, completed? Awesome Brother Feng, I admire you. Are you going back to town? Let's level up together tomorrow?

Yin Yue Sui Feng: No, Cheng Xian and I are going to Xiao Feng City to complete a mission, so we won't be back for the time being. Besides, after the mission in the fishing village is over, there probably won't be so many mermaids, and we won't be able to train anymore.

Ramen Brother: Ah, that's a pity. Let's contact each other when you return to Luoyang Town.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Yes, I'm in touch - by the way, are you interested in hanging out with us?

Ramen Brother: No, I feel that your way of playing is too dangerous. It's safer to stay in Luoyang Town.

Yin Yue Sui Feng: Yes, that's fine too. I wish you good luck.

Xiao Jie closed the private message, and the two of them galloped towards Xiao Feng City.

At the same time -

Ramen Brother closed the private message and sighed helplessly. He felt a little ashamed of running away from the battlefield just now. He didn't expect that others actually completed the mission. If he stayed, he might be able to get some rewards.

It seems that he is not destined to have this fate.

But he didn't regret it. If he encountered such a choice again, he would probably still make this choice.

Having played this game for more than a year, he saw so many people he knew die in various strange ways, including masters of level 20 or 30. This made him deeply understand the truth that it is better to be safe than sorry. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to be a little timid.

He is now level 17. As long as he slowly upgrades it by three levels and obtains level 20 professional skills, he can retire gloriously.

Forget about going to Xiaofeng City for adventures.

By then, I can become an internet celebrity, a fighter, or a master, and earn a few small goals. It can be considered that I have not lived in vain. I can also make a name for myself.

Ramen brother thought happily while riding his horse wildly. Seeing the outline of Luoyang Town appearing in front of him, he couldn't help but relax in his heart. Just as he slowed down his horse, suddenly, a group of knights rushed out from both sides of the road at the same time.

Without saying a word, the group of people greeted each other with long-range weapons.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Strong bows, powerful crossbows, javelins, flying knives, and all kinds of flying props came at once.

The traveling horse under his crotch screamed, and was shot all over like a hedgehog, and was instantly killed by concentrated fire.

Ramen brother fell off the horse, and as soon as he stood up, he was surrounded by people around him.

"Fuck, my horse!" Ramen brother looked at the dead horse on the ground with heartache. Although this thing is just a poor horse, it costs 400,000. For Ramen brother who is used to being poor, it is extremely painful.

He looked at the people around him in anger and fear. Damn, it's the people of Tianxiahui!

What you fear will come true. The leader is none other than Yun Xiaoke.

The two of them knew each other. After all, they had been in Luoyang Town for so long, so they were familiar with each other. However, they had never interacted with each other.

"Brother Yun, what do you mean? I haven't offended you."

"What do you mean? Haha, nothing else. I want to ask you something. As long as you explain it to me clearly, I will let you leave alive. Where did Yin Yue Sui Feng and I Yu Cheng Xian go? Is there a secret leveling point?"

Ramen brother was stunned. Sure enough, they came for the leveling point. He secretly complained in his heart, "Brother Yun, how can I know if you ask me."

"Don't try to get close to me. Did you call me Brother Yun? And don't think I don't know. You have been hanging out with those two people for the past two days. You haven't leveled up for more than a month. You only leveled up after hanging out with them for one day. What the hell are you pretending for?

Don't talk nonsense to me. If you don't, I will kill you now. I have killed six brothers because of Yin Yue Sui Feng in the past two days. If you don't give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation."

Looking at the people around him who were on the verge of a fight, Ramen brother felt nervous.

"No, no, no, I said it's not possible. There is such a place, in a small fishing village in the southeast. There are a lot of mermaids there, and these mermaids will run to the shore to fight. They are very easy to kill. It's so cool to level up.

Yin Yue Sui Feng is still leveling up there. If you go there now, you should be able to stop him. I am absolutely telling the truth. If I lie, I will be punished by thunder."

Yun Xiao Ke grinned and said, "I believe you - but I lied, do it!"

At the command, the people around him attacked together.

Ramen brother was shocked and angry. Fortunately, although his level and strength were average, he had practiced light skills quite well. At this time, he jumped out of the circle without saying a word.

As long as he escaped back to the city, he would be safe.

Yan Zi San Du Shui!

However, he jumped out of the encirclement with a somersault, and before he could jump the second section, a group of black shadows suddenly entangled him.

Ghost Curse - Evil Ghosts! But Feng Buping, the only magician in the team, suddenly took action.

Ramen brother's body suddenly froze, and the whole person fell directly from the air. Ramen brother saw that his character was entangled by a black figure. He desperately pressed the keyboard and mouse, but the character struggled in vain and could not control it at all.

This is the power of the magic profession. No matter how good your martial arts are, a spell can destroy most of it.

Seeing the people around him gathered around.

"No, no, no!" Ramen brother wanted to beg for mercy, but this group of people didn't say a word and chopped him down directly. The next second, his screen turned blood red.

[System prompt: You are dead. ]

Ramen brother looked at the blood-red screen in front of him, and the whole person froze there.

He closed his eyes and felt dizzy and unreal like a dream.

However, when he opened his eyes again, the blood-like screen was still in front of him.

It was true, everything was true, and he was dead.

He suddenly covered his face and cried.

He roared in despair and unwillingly.

Why is this happening, why!

"Heaven--under-the-sky meeting! Cloud--in-the-sky guest!" He gritted his teeth and said, picking up the phone and trying to call people.

However, he remembered at this moment that he never joined a guild and rarely formed a team with others. Even the two people he had just met in the past two days were just friends in the game.

Now even if he wanted to find someone to help him get revenge, he had no idea where to start.

Although he had known the truth of this game for a long time, he had never thought that he would really die one day.

As long as he was careful enough, nothing would happen - he had always thought so.

However, it was too late to say anything now.

Ramen brother dejectedly dropped his phone, hugged his head, and curled up in the computer chair.

After more than ten minutes, he suddenly raised his head again.

Wiping the tears from his face, Ramen brother regained his composure.

"No, I must not die in obscurity like this. This should not be my destiny."

He muttered to himself, and suddenly showed a resolute look.

He had wanted to be famous and stand out all his life. There was less than a day left, and he could not waste it like this.

Soon he changed into a clean sportswear.

Walking on the street, Ramen Brother recalled his short life.

When he was a child, he was an average student, occasionally naughty, but he never did anything bad. He entered the society before graduating from college and worked in various jobs. The longest job he worked was learning to make ramen in a ramen shop. The name Ramen Brother can be regarded as a kind of remembrance of his past.

He didn't make much money and didn't save anything. Now he is 26 years old and has never had a partner. It can be said that there is no highlight in his life and nothing to be proud of.

"But today is different!" Ramen Brother said to himself, "Today will be the day I become famous."

He stopped suddenly. In front of him was a square next to a park, which was also the place where many anchors broadcast daily. It was noon at this time. Most of the anchors had not come yet, and the few anchors who were left were sitting on the roadside to eat lunch.

Ramen Brother walked up to the anchors and said loudly: "Brothers, it's time to do something big. Open the live broadcast room. Today I will make you popular too." Ramen Brother's voice trembled a little.

Being an introvert, he seldom became the center of attention. Facing such a large group of people, he inevitably felt a little nervous. However, when he thought that he was about to die, the nervousness immediately disappeared.

"Why are you still standing there? There is no store like this after passing this village. I'm going to start!"

As he spoke, Brother Ramen took a deep breath, walked to an open space, suddenly made a five-element fist start, and then started practicing with punches and kicks.

Several people looked at him in surprise. It turned out to be a live broadcast of martial arts training?

Several people were a little disappointed, wondering what they thought.

You don’t need too many of these martial arts routines on Douyin.

But don't mention it, this move is very powerful and powerful.

Two anchors couldn't help but turn on their mobile phones, and started to praise them habitually while opening the live broadcast room.

"Hey family, I met a martial arts master on the road today to open your eyes."

"You guys, who dares to believe it? I met a mysterious master while walking on the street. Look at this action. He's so handsome. This is real Kung Fu."

However, most people still didn't pay much attention to it, but when they looked at it, everyone realized that something was wrong.

There was a faint sound of fist wind breaking through the air during the fist technique.

"I'll go, there will be sound effects!"

"Is it true? Is it so magical?"

The anchors were a little surprised and turned on their mobile phones to start live broadcasting and recording. Not only that, there were also passers-by who stopped to watch.

A circle of people gradually formed around him.

Brother Ramen didn't care. At this moment, he was very involved in the fight. This might be the last time he used this set of kung fu. He had acquired so many skills in the game, but he had never had the opportunity to actually fight in reality, only occasionally. Sneaking practice.

Now it can finally be shown to the world, but it will be the last song.

The more grief and anger in my heart, the more powerful my fists become.

boom! boom! boom!

As the internal force circulated, the air vibrated violently. Everyone was frightened and retreated one after another to avoid being affected by the fist, but they were unwilling to stay too far away, wanting to see every detail clearly.

boom! After finishing a set of boxing techniques, I wanted to become an immortal and practiced his combat skills again.

Kick through the clouds! Gale combos! Shadowless chain kicks!

The last set of volleying and flying kicks made everyone around him stare straight. This action that violated the laws of physics was so cool.

"Holy shit, shit, you're really a master."

"Legendary martial arts master! Master, will you accept a disciple? I want to become your disciple."

"One more set, one more set!"

Brother Ramen felt the cheers around him, and the feeling in his heart was indescribable. Is this what it feels like to be famous? Haha... It is indeed wonderful, but unfortunately, I will never feel it again.

"Keep fighting."

"Don't stop, master."

The sound is a bit noisy, the time is almost up, Brother Ramen thought, and an inexplicable palpitation suddenly appeared in his heart.

That feeling never went away, as if there were many invisible enemies surrounding him. He looked around, but there was nothing there, only the fanatical faces of the onlookers.

He felt a little elated again for a moment. This feeling of being admired by the world was indeed very satisfying.

The feeling of heart palpitations became more and more intense.

No, you can't die here!

My image as a martial arts master must not be damaged.

He shouted loudly, jumped into the air, and flew towards the distant park woods.

Swallows draw water three times.

This time no one could stop him.

"Fuck me, Qinggong!"


"Master, don't leave!"

"Master, please accept me as your disciple."

People chased the Ramen Brother in the direction where he left. However, in the blink of an eye, the figure of the master disappeared in the woods. Throughout the afternoon, people searched in the park, trying to find this mysterious man. There was no trace of the master, but unfortunately no one succeeded.

In the following days, these live broadcasts about the master caused a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet, and people speculated about the identity, origin, and sect of the master.

Many people even ran to the park to look for the whereabouts of the master.

However, some people soon raised doubts on the Internet. There is no expert. Most of these must have used special effects.

In addition, the master never showed up again. Although many anchors vowed to witness it with their own eyes, few people believed it. They just left messages saying that the special effects were good.

After a few days, the popularity gradually subsided, and on the fourth day, a talking cat appeared out of the blue and stole the limelight of the popular Internet topic.

By the fifth day, no one remembered the expert.

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