Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 163: No worries on the road (two chapters in one)

As soon as these words came out, the evil Taoist's expression suddenly changed.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, let me think."

However, Master Mingyue was not in a hurry to take action. He looked at the evil Taoist with leisurely time, and the dungeon fell into silence for a while.

Xiao Jie found it interesting. Could this evil Taoist really be a clone? No, even if he is his true form, he cannot die casually.

The evil Taoist seemed to be thinking about the powerful relationship, but after thinking about it, he laughed and said, "No, I must not be a clone. If you kill me, you will not be able to figure out all my previous plans. Isn’t that why you kept me here today to figure this out?”

Master Mingyue said calmly: "If you are not a clone, then why are you doing so many things outside? You should know this."

"Naturally, it's my way to teach you."

"Since you know the Tao, why don't you learn it yourself instead of teaching it to others?"

"Yes, why don't I achieve the Great Way on my own?" The evil Taoist seemed to have suddenly discovered the crux of the matter, and fell into deep thought again, "Why don't I achieve the Great Way on my own? Why?

He seemed to be asking questions, and he seemed to be asking himself.

Xiao Jie listened, but he believed it eight or nine times. This guy was probably a clone. If it was his real body, how could he not even know his own plan? This kind of memory loss must be caused by the clone. It seems that this evil Taoist It's just a more advanced incarnation.

Master Mingyue said calmly: "Because you are just a clone, and your thinking is incomplete. Just like the clones you have separated from, there is no real complete consciousness. It can be said that you are not a real person. You You are performing a task given to you by your Creator, so you only know what to do but not why.

Don't you want to become a real living person? An individual, I have the means to make you whole, if you cooperate with me. "

Master Mingyue's guidance was very tempting, and at least Xiao Jie felt that if he were in the position of an evil Taoist, he would probably agree.

The evil Taoist snorted coldly, "Huh, what can you do?"

"He does have a way." A voice sounded from the group of Taoist priests brought by Master Mingyue. The voice was extremely familiar and sounded very similar to the evil Taoist.

The evil Taoist asked in surprise: "Who is talking?

"Why, don't you recognize me, evil Taoist? Or maybe I should call you - my lord."

Just look at one of the Taoist priests walking out, lifting the hat on his head, and revealing a familiar face with a mustache and a thin face. He is clearly the evil Taoist - or his clone.

It's just that the name on this man's head is neither a crazy Taoist nor a stupid Taoist, but - Feng Yilang (Taoist priest of Xuanxu Palace), level 12, health value 300.

"You-how did you become like this?"

"I have realized that although I am your clone, I have gradually gained my own consciousness. I have thought a lot about why I have to go crazy every day, why I have to sell secrets everywhere, and be played as a lunatic by others. Beaten.

There must be something more meaningful to do in my life. It was then that Master found me. He told me many principles of life and taught me many exquisite Taoist techniques.

As a result, I gradually got rid of the shackles of the past, and the crazy thoughts in the past gradually faded away. Now I have returned to normal. I am no longer your clone, but a real person, an independent individual!

People of evil ways, why do you insist on being stubborn? Why don't you just like me and take refuge in the right way. "

Xiao Jie was shocked by these words. Damn it, this clone can actually have autonomous consciousness? Can you still recover from the madness? This is a bit amazing.

Is this cloning?

Master Mingyue smiled slightly, "You see, evil Taoist, as long as you tell me the information I want, not only will I not kill you, but I will also teach you the true teachings of my Xuanxu Palace and make you a member of my Xuanxu Palace. How about you have your own name and no longer be a meaningless 'evil person'?"

"Let me think, let me think!"

The evil Taoist was talking to himself.

The foolish people around were still crying, but the crazy people were making noises.

"Crazy Taoist, how can you commit yourself to this stupid Taoist priest? We are cultivating supreme Taoism and extraordinary magic. Use your magic to kill these ants and let me out! Let's dominate the world of Jiuzhou together! "

"That's right. We are all unparalleled figures in the world, with amazing talents. How can we be someone else's apprentice? Let these idiots worship me as their master."

"Yes, yes, after they worship me, I have to see if they have the qualifications to learn my Tao. My Tao is infinitely mysterious. After learning it, it will be easy to become an immortal or a saint. I can't even see it without ten taels of silver." Show it to you.”

Fuichiro looked at those crazy Taoists with an embarrassed look on his face.

The evil Taoist laughed heartily.

"Interesting, interesting. My clones actually have such ambitions, but they look down upon them. Master Mingyue, I've thought about it clearly. I won't tell you anything."

Master Mingyue sighed, "Are you still obsessed with thinking that you are the deity?"

The evil Taoist shook his head, "That's not true. I'm really not sure after what you said, but if I were myself, then naturally all this is what I want to do. Maybe I just forgot for a while.

And if I am not my real self, but just a clone, haha, then my real self must be the supreme and unique existence in the world. Just imagine that even my clone is so wise and powerful. Unparalleled in the world, reaching the pinnacle, then how extraordinary should my original body be? I am afraid it is not necessarily a saint in heaven.

He must have a purpose for splitting out this clone of mine, and this purpose must be extremely important, perhaps related to the rise and fall of Jiuzhou and the survival of the world.

How can I ruin such a great cause for my own selfishness?

And even if I die, it doesn’t matter. My great way will eventually be passed on. ”

Mingyue Zhenren sneered, "Successor? How can you pass on your great way when you are locked up here?"

"It was originally impossible to pass it on, but now it can be passed on. "The evil man said, but his eyes looked at the shadow in a corner behind Feng Yilang and laughed. "Now my successor is here, I have nothing to worry about, hahahahaha!"

"Your successor?" Mingyue Zhenren followed the evil man's gaze, but only saw Feng Yilang with a stunned look on his face.

Amidst the laughter, Mingyue Zhenren's face became more and more ugly.

He raised his hand suddenly, and the white light shot out again.


500 (80 points of excessive damage)!

A bright red number appeared above the evil man's head, and his head fell to the ground instantly.

The next second, a large number of crazy Taoists and foolish Taoists in the prison fell down.

More than half of the crazy Taoists and foolish Taoists were killed or injured, and about two-thirds of them were wiped out.

But there were still a few standing , looked around blankly, including Feng Yilang.

Xiao Jie saw it and thought it was indeed a clone.

Those who died should be the clones of the clones.

And those who are not dead should be the original body of another evil Taoist.

How powerful should the original body of this evil Taoist be?

Judging from the trend of the foolish Taoist at level 1 - the crazy Taoist at level 10 - the evil Taoist at level 36, the real body of the evil Taoist must be at level 50 or 60, which is probably more powerful than Qingfeng Mingyue.

Could it be an immortal?

Feng Yilang was startled and said in surprise, "I'm not dead!"

Then he said in astonishment, "I'm not dead!"

"You are indeed not dead." True Man Mingyue looked at Feng Yilang, but his eyes were a little cold.

"Yilang, are you hiding anything from me? "

This sentence is obviously because of the last words the evil man said before he died, [Now my successor is here, I have nothing to worry about.]

Feng Yilang also realized the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly explained: "Master Mingyue is wise, I have said everything I should say, and I have already become a disciple of Xuanxu Palace, why would you doubt me?"

"Having said that, I can't rest assured. This evil man's magic is mysterious, especially the incarnation technique. Even if my senior brother and I work together, we can't crack the mystery. How can I rest assured?

How do you know this is not a cuckoo occupying a sparrow's nest? Since you are clear-minded and no longer crazy, I believe you can understand it. "

"Master Mingyue, I——"

Swoosh! A flash of white light passed by, and Feng Yilang was killed instantly.

It was a pity that the clone finally cultivated an independent personality, but it could not escape the result of destruction.

Xiao Jie was shocked. Master Mingyue was a ruthless person. He killed people without blinking an eye, and his disciples were killed without hesitation.

He originally thought that he would not die even if he was discovered, but now he didn't dare to think so. He stood behind Feng Yilang and didn't dare to move.

Fortunately, the effect of this magic bead was amazing, and Master Mingyue didn't notice it.

Master Mingyue flicked his sleeves, "Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

"Master, what about these people?" A Taoist priest pointed at the remaining two crazy Taoist priests and five foolish Taoist priests and said.

"Let them live first, recuperate for a while, maybe they can recover some consciousness, and then torture them.

True Man Baihe, tell your disciples to travel throughout the Nine Provinces and make sure to wipe out all the remnants of these clones. Also give tasks to those who have returned home. If they can find the evil person, or the evil person's real body, it will be a great achievement and they can bestow the true teachings of my Xuanxu Immortal Law. "

Watching Master Mingyue and his men leave, Xiao Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a private message suddenly appeared in the message bar.

There is a cicada under the tree: Brother, don't move, wait a while before going out.

This time, Xiao Jie was not surprised. The old man didn't notice him in the corner because he was in a hurry to talk to the evil Taoist. It was normal for him to be discovered by him after giving him so much time to observe.

In the final analysis, this magic bead can fool NPCs, but it can't fool players.

Fortunately, everyone is on the same boat, so he is not afraid that the other party has bad intentions.

Yinyue Suifeng: Got it, where are you?

There is a cicada under the tree: To your right, don't turn your head, someone will come down to clean up the mess.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, I saw a few Taoist boys leading a few errands down, opened the prison door, and dragged out all the bodies of the crazy Taoist and the foolish Taoist, leaving only a few alive.

After these people left, more than ten minutes passed——

There is a cicada under the tree: No problem, let's go out.

As his figure appeared in the air, Xiao Jie thought to himself that this invisibility technique is really powerful, much better than the invisibility talisman. There is also an invisibility talisman in his bag, which he bought with a lot of money when the monster attacked the village, but he has never been willing to use it. , this thing costs three taels of silver a piece and can only be invisible for fifteen seconds. In comparison, the original version of There is a Cicada Under the Tree is much more powerful and can be invisible for at least half an hour.

The two of them hurried out of the dungeon, looked around and saw that there was no one around. Then they walked towards the distance. They walked far away and stopped at a pavilion. Seeing that they were far away from the crime scene, the two of them relaxed together. tone.

They looked at each other, feeling a bit like friends in need.

"Hahahaha, I was scared to death just now. It was so exciting. Master Mingyue was so scary. Fortunately, I worship Master Qingfeng. Brother, you are so awesome that you can turn into a heavenly soldier. What you used is What spell?"

"Thumbology - transfiguration into human form."

Xiao Jie didn't say it was an equipment skill. Although there is only a 25% chance that a piece of equipment will drop after the death of the white name. There is a high probability that killing people and stealing goods will not work, but there is no big mistake in being careful, especially for a trumpet like him. Try not to attract covetous eyes.

"Awesome, you must have learned it from Qi Yu, right? I haven't seen you before? Are you new to this?"

"I was thinking about it. I came to apprentice today, but Master Qingfeng didn't accept me. He just allowed me to stay here for one night. I was thinking about digging out some hidden content, but I almost died. Fortunately, I have this transformation technique, brother. It’s quite fierce. You’re learning magic from evil heretics in prison. If your master finds out about it, you might be kicked out of the family.”

"That's right. Fortunately, only you and I know about this. Now that the evil Taoist is dead, I won't be able to learn it in the future. It's such a pity. I spent this period of time giving gifts to gain favor, which cost me dozens of dollars. "Two pieces of silver. By the way, what did the evil Taoist teach you just now?"

"No, I've never had a good impression. Has he taught you anything?"

"When the favorability reached 60, he gave me a copy of the True Words of the Unnamed Taoist Sutra and taught me two spells. I just raised the favorability to 80, but unfortunately I haven't had time to learn the Humanity Chapter yet."

Xiao Jie said that it was indeed a pity. He also wanted to know what the content of this chapter on humanity was. The key was to increase understanding.

And although the evil Taoist is obviously bragging, but the bragging is so mysterious, he can always get some powerful spells after learning it, right? Maybe you can get started with Taoism, or unlock a hidden profession or something.

"Do you think this evil Taoist can really become a saint after practicing his Taoism?"

"It's a fart. How is it possible? I finally figured it out. The NPCs in this game are just like people in real life. Few of them tell the truth. Each one is better than the other. I solved a problem when I was in Novice Village. Task chain, that drunkard said he would teach me a set of peerless magic skills as long as I helped him make wine, but it turned out to be an entry-level internal skill. "

Xiao Jie said in his heart that one can learn internal skills in Novice Village, even entry-level ones are very powerful.

"And I suspect that the saint thing is just a gimmick. At least so far, I have never heard of any saint. Even my two masters don't know about saints. It seems that there is no such setting at all. have to."

Xiao Jie was a little unbelievable when he heard that the saint was clearly mentioned in the opening CG.

But okay, maybe it’s content from the later stages of the game that I can’t access for the time being.

"You can't become a saint, but you can become an immortal, right?"

"Haha, you are thinking too much. At least so far, I have never heard of any players who have become immortals in this game."

"Not one?"


Xiao Jie frowned and speculated: "Perhaps someone has become an immortal and made a fortune without telling anyone about it?"

"It's impossible. This game has been in operation for three years. If there is a true possibility of becoming an immortal, it would have been spread long ago. If you ask me, there is no possibility of becoming an immortal in this game."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because of balance, have you played online games before? Which online game do you think allows players to become gods and immortals, completely superior to other players?

Becoming an immortal or a god is still possible in single-player games. Online games must consider balance. The most powerful player in online games is just a big lord or something, and it is usually just a title. When you really play the game It’s not the same as running errands for NPCs.

The legal professions in this game are already very strong. If they can become immortals and saints, wouldn't the physics profession be like ants? "

Xiao Jie couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. What he said about the cicada under the tree actually made sense. He had also considered balance before.

It wasn't until I met I Want to Become an Immortal and saw how persistent he was that I began to have some fantasies. Then I heard a cicada under the tree make a similar analysis. The unrealistic fantasies seemed to be shattered all of a sudden.

Yes, becoming an immortal or a god... sounds very unrealistic.

In fact, it is incredible to be able to learn martial arts and other skills and bring them into reality.

But unlike the cicada under the tree, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart. This game gave him the feeling that it not only brought magical power, but what fascinated him was the weird gameplay and magic. adventure.

Let him feel that this game has infinite possibilities.

It’s not necessarily that there is really no chance.

There was a cicada under the tree and said, "We are destined to meet each other. Brothers, let's become friends. Maybe we will have the opportunity to form a team together in the future."

"That would be the best." Xiao Jie also happily added each other as friends, thinking that you said that people in the game are hypocritical, but in fact, people in reality are not hypocritical either. For example, if we team up together, it is probably just a casual talk. How can we hit it off at first sight when we meet by chance?

Besides, the level difference between the two is so big.

However, more friends mean more paths. It is better to know more people than nothing. Maybe there will be a chance to cooperate one day. Some polite words are a bit fake, but they should be said.

Watching the cicada under the tree leave, Xiao Jie also returned to his room. It was only seven o'clock at this time, but he didn't dare to walk around anymore.

This trip to the dungeon was really scary. It's a pity that I almost heard the so-called humane chapter.

But what did the last sentence of this evil man mean?

[Now my successor is here, I have nothing to worry about! ]

It is unlikely that his successor is Feng Yilang. Could it be the cicada under the tree? Shuxia Youchan learned the Mantra Chapter, which barely met the requirements, but Shuxia Youchan had already become invisible at that time, and the Humane Chapter was not passed on to him at all, so how could he be considered a successor?

Speaking of which, I also learned the Mantra Chapter, so from this point of view, I and Shuxia Youchan have similar conditions.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to listen to the Humane Chapter. This evil Taoist is really something. Why didn’t he write the Humane Chapter into a secret book and send it to me directly...

Wait a minute! Xiao Jie suddenly had an idea, a secret book? Could it be——He hurriedly opened his backpack and looked at the Immortal Method Secret Book that the Crazy Taoist gave him.

The bamboo slips were still the same bamboo slips, but when he moved his mouse over them, he was immediately ecstatic.

The name of the Immortal Method Secret Book became——[Unnamed Taoist Scripture: Humane Chapter]

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