Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 187 ‘Expert’ consultation

Half an hour later——

Xiao Jie stood outside the door of the emergency room, looking helplessly at the word 'quiet' opposite the chair in the corridor.

The development of things was indeed a bit beyond expectation. I originally just wanted to ask Chen Tianwen about the Pantheon, but I didn't expect that so many things would happen in the blink of an eye.

Chen Tianwen was rescuing him, and several soldiers in black were still on guard around him, but Captain Lin came over and sat next to him.

"How's the game going, Mr. Xiao?" Captain Lin asked in a hurry.

Xiao Jie replied seriously, "I have to say, it's surprisingly fun."

"As long as it's fun, I'm glad you're still alive. Most of the players I know won't survive more than a month."

"Haha, I'm not an ordinary player. I can't die in a month, let alone ten months or a hundred months. Speaking of which, have you never thought about playing in the game? With your position, it should be very easy to get an activation code. It’s easy, let me tell you, the abilities you get in the game are magical.”

Captain Lin didn't take it seriously, "Haha, I have witnessed the death of so many players, do you think I will be that stupid?"

Xiao Jie smiled at himself. It seems that people always have different views on things. In his eyes, games are full of dangers, but in his own eyes, games are full of opportunities.

"Besides, any abilities you gain in the game can be requisitioned at any time if I need them, so why take the risk yourself."

Xiao Jie was speechless. Why don't you speak so superiorly?

But he chuckled and said: "That's what I said, but it seems that not all players agree with you. I guess the person who attacked Chen Tianwen must not be under your surveillance, right?"

These words made Captain Lin choke up, and he really couldn't refute.

"Hmph, no matter who did this, we will find out. Our Game Management Bureau will never allow old-world players to use superpowers to commit crimes in reality and get away with it. This hole must not be opened."

While the two were talking, the door to the emergency room was finally opened, and the doctor came out with a strange expression.

"Doctor, how is he?"

"The patient's vital signs are very strange. They are currently at the minimum level of human life activities, a bit like the state of animals hibernating. This is very unreasonable because human physiological functions do not have the ability to hibernate.

The patient does not have any obvious external or internal injuries. All of his physiological functions are intact, but they are gradually failing. At the current rate, he will stop working completely in up to twelve hours. This is the first time we have encountered this. Things can only be observed at present. At present, the patient has no signs of recovery and can only be monitored. "

"Is there no way to wake him up? I have something to ask him."

"No, doing this is likely to be life-threatening, and it may not be successful. I suggest you go to the provincial hospital or a higher-level doctor for consultation. The city's medical force is still weak."

Captain Lin shook his head, "This kind of thing requires not doctors, but professionals. Xiao Wang, have you found them?"

That Xiao Wang was the soldier in black who was sitting next to Xiao Jie before. He had changed into casual clothes now, but he was a very young guy. He looked like he had just graduated from college, but he was very capable in doing things.

"Someone has been sent to pick him up. He should be here soon."

Xiao Jie was a little curious, professionals? Who is that?

The answer soon appeared. With the sound of messy footsteps, several men in black trench coats escorted a man and a woman to the emergency room.

Xiao Jie was speechless when he saw the two people.

"An Ran? Why are you here? Is this Master Niu?"

The man next to her is an old man in his fifties or sixties. He is full of energy. He is wearing a white layman's uniform. His hair is combed straight and shiny. He looks like a 'master'. In addition, he comes with An Ran, so his status is different. It goes without saying.

As expected, the uncle laughed loudly and said, "Haha, who is not a master? Just call me Uncle Niu. Are you Sui Feng? You are indeed a talented person."

Xiao Jie was speechless. Is this the so-called professional?

A qigong master and a magician... But well, Jiangbei City is a small place after all, and there are only a few players in total. These two can be regarded as relatively high-end talents.

At least it has more uses than those from the pure physics department.

Captain Lin was extremely serious, "Both two, I've made it clear to you. The current situation is a bit dangerous. Although Chen Tianwen's vital signs are still stable, they are declining. The doctor said it will be very dangerous if this continues. I have already I contacted the 'experts' in the province, but the distance was too far, and the other party's status was relatively high, so coordination was needed and it would take some time to arrive.

I hope you can ensure the patient's vital signs as much as possible during this period. It would be better if you can revive the person. "

Master Niu patted his chest continuously and said, "Don't worry, Captain Lin. We are all players in the same city, so we will naturally help each other. Let me give it a try. My Qi therapy is still somewhat effective in clearing meridians and resolving internal injuries." of."

"Then please."

Master Niu shook his clothes and walked in with steady steps. Xiao Jie and An Ran looked at each other and followed.

He didn't dare to get close to the doctor when he was treating her, for fear of affecting the treatment. Now that Master Niu was treating him, he didn't have so many scruples.

Master Niu first checked Chen Tianwen's condition. He didn't know whether he really understood or not. He was a little embarrassed after reading it.

"To be honest, I'm not a professional doctor. I don't know how to treat this, but I see that his breath is weak and his physical signs are not very good. Why don't I transfer some internal energy to him to help him breathe again."

After that, he asked someone to put Chen Tianwen in a cross-legged meditation posture. He sat cross-legged opposite Chen Tianwen, put his hands together with Chen Tianwen, and began to "use internal energy to heal injuries."

This posture of using internal energy to heal injuries is exactly the same as the martial arts movies Xiao Jie has seen. He felt a little bit of laughter when watching it, but the current situation is very urgent and serious. He can only resist the urge to complain and watch Master Niu use internal energy to save people.

Qigong masters in the game also have this skill, which can add blood to teammates and remove some DEBUFFs such as serious injuries and bleeding.

I just don't know if it is applicable to Chen Tianwen's current situation.

As the internal energy is running, bursts of white smoke come out of Master Niu's head.

Like a human furnace, it emits a strong heat radiation.

Captain Lin looked serious, Xiao Jie and An Ran watched quietly, but the doctor was stunned.

After a while, Master Niu stopped and inhaled, and his hands slowly left Chen Tianwen's body.

"I transferred some internal energy to him, he should be able to hold on for a while, An Ran - how about you try it too?"

"Me?" An Ran hesitated.

"Yeah, many hands make light work, don't you sorcerers also have healing skills?"

"Okay, but let me make it clear first, my magic is a bit weird, don't you guys be scared, that person - can you step aside first?"

It was the doctor who was talking.

The doctor waved his hand hurriedly, "Don't mind me, I'm also interested in this... uh, new concept therapy."

Xiao Jie thought it was hard for you to come up with such a name.

An Ran glanced at Captain Lin, but Captain Lin waved his hand, and immediately two men in black windbreakers came up and pushed the doctor out.

An Ran started to act.

It was the first time that Xiao Jie saw a sorcerer cast a spell.

But An Ran took out a dagger and cut open his palm. As the blood flowed out, An Ran's eyes suddenly turned into a strange blood red, and his pupils instantly became larger, like cat pupils.

He was muttering something, but it was not human language, but more like the howling of some wild beast, which even Xiao Jie could not understand.

As An Ran chanted, the blood dripping from his hand turned into a blood mist. As An Ran waved his hand, the blood mist instantly turned into a mist snake and drilled into Chen Tianwen's seven orifices. His face, which was originally as pale as gold paper, instantly became extremely ruddy.

The whole person seemed to be rejuvenated and energetic, and his breathing became much more stable and powerful.

But he still did not wake up.

"This should last for a while."

Xiao Jie asked curiously, "Don't you have any way to remove the curse on him?"

An Ran shook her head, "My magic can only strengthen his physical blood, but it can't do anything to damage his soul. I suspect that he was probably hit by a spell like a ghost curse, which can capture his soul and take his soul away. I can't solve this.

You have to find a Taoist priest, a heavenly master, or a fairy master. If that doesn't work, finding a monk to chant scriptures may also be helpful."

Xiao Jie thought it was a pity that the sacred wood talisman was an equipment in the game and could not be brought to reality, otherwise he could try it.

By the way, isn't Chen Tianwen a heavenly master? Qimen Tianshi is also a heavenly master. It's a pity that he is unconscious, otherwise he can ask him how to save him in this situation.

Although he and Chen Tianwen can't say that they have a very good relationship, they are from the same city after all, and they can take care of each other on weekdays. They are more or less friends. Now seeing his appearance of life and death, Xiao Jie can't help but worry about him.

Captain Lin sighed and said, "In that case, we can only wait. I hope the experts from the province can come quickly."


A phone rang suddenly. After answering the call, Captain Lin said a few words, and his face suddenly became ugly.

"The 'experts' from the province are teaming up with others to go to the dungeon. They can't come for the time being. It may take some time."

Xiao Jie was stunned, "What should we do?"

"We can only wait." Captain Lin was also quite helpless.

This wait lasted for several hours. Because the three of them were so-called 'professionals', they could only waste time in the hospital.

Unknowingly, it was night. During this period, An Ran and Master Niu took turns to 'treat' Chen Tianwen, but Chen Tianwen's vital signs continued to deteriorate uncontrollably.

Even his breathing became vague.

As a tamer, Xiao Jie had no treatment ability and could only watch from the side. He didn't know if it was because he was too bored or because of the hospital lights. Xiao Jie began to feel drowsy, his eyelids became heavier, and he kept dozing off.

As the sky gradually darkened, Master Niu stood up and said.

"You two, let's not wait any longer. Let's eat something first. Don't you agree? Xiao Jie, I'm going to get something to eat. Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Well, whatever, I..." Xiao Jie was about to answer when a vague voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Xiao Jie... Xiao Jie... Come over here..."

The voice seemed very far away, and it seemed like a whisper in his ear. He suddenly shuddered and woke up instantly.

Damn, who is pretending to scream like a ghost?

However, when he looked around, he was suddenly startled. There was no one in the corridor. An Ran and Master Niu were missing. Even the two black-clothed soldiers who had been guarding the door were missing.

safely? He shouted, but there was no answer. The incandescent lamp in the corridor shone with a cold blue light, dim and deep, and unusually penetrating.

The surroundings were extremely silent, without a single human voice, making everything seem so weird.

"Xiao Jie... come here..."

who? Xiao Jie asked in surprise. This time he finally heard clearly. The voice seemed to come from the ward.

He pulled out the horizontal knife from his arms and walked in the direction of the sound. The lights in the ward flickered dimly, making most of the entire ward in a dark state. Chen Tianwen was lying on the hospital bed, a He was motionless and his face was bloodless.

Xiao Jie observed the surroundings vigilantly, and suddenly the hairs on his back stood up. Turning around suddenly, he saw a huge black shadow that almost covered the entire ward. In the middle of the dark shadow, the deeper darkness squeezed into a twisted shape. Face.

This monster has no fixed shape, just like a twisted and floating ball of ink, exuding a cold chill.

Xiao Jie's scalp was numb with fear, and he slashed out without hesitation. The blade passed through the shadow, but there was no obstacle. Instead, the monster's hair exploded and surged towards him.

day! He hurriedly retreated, but he couldn't avoid the speed of the monster. He was about to be swallowed by the shadow. At this moment, a white flame flew from behind and suddenly hit the black shadow. The monster screamed, like catkins being lit. Burned out instantly.

Only a few wisps of black smoke were left in the air.

Xiao Jie was shocked for a while. How could there be such a monster in the hospital?

As soon as he turned around, he saw a man wearing a moon-white robe suddenly appearing next to the hospital bed. The white spiritual light in his hand was shining. It was obviously him who had taken action to eliminate the monster.

Huh? Who is this person?

Xiao Jie was shocked when he saw the man's appearance clearly - Chen Tianwen?

The person in front of him looked almost exactly the same as Chen Tianchang on the bed, only his clothes were very different.

"Yes, it's me." The man in white sighed, extinguished the magic light in his hand, and looked at himself on the bed with a look of helplessness on his face.

Xiao Jie was a little dumbfounded, "What are you..."

"What you see is my soul form. The real me is about to die. I need to stay by my body to avoid being harmed by the ghost soldiers sent by the enemy. Now only you can save me. Time is urgent and I won't." So much explanation, please do me a favor."

Xiao Jie knew that the situation was urgent and nodded hurriedly: "Tell me, how are we going to save you?"

"Go to my house immediately and hide a resurrecting pill in my study. Only this thing can save my life. In order to prevent my enemies from finding this thing, I hid this thing in a secret place. It can only be opened in a specific way.

After you go there, look for a golden bell in the study. Ring it three times to open the secret realm and get the elixir.

Please be sure to leave quickly and return quickly, my life will rest on your body. "

"Okay, I'll leave now." Xiao Jie said and was about to turn around and leave, but Chen Tianwen said hurriedly: "Wait a minute, you won't be able to get on the road like this, you'd better wake up first."

wake up?

Xiao Jie was stunned, and the next second Chen Tianwen suddenly stepped forward and pushed him on the back. Xiao Jie felt a strong force coming from him, his body suddenly leaned forward, and he subconsciously reached out his hand. , grabbed the armrest of the chair.

He raised his head suddenly, and Chen Tianwen's figure was nowhere in front of him.

Looking around again, he was obviously still sitting on the bench in the corridor. The light above his head was dazzling white. Next to him, An Ran was sleeping soundly, drooling.

Not far away, Niu Baoguo had a questioning look on his face.

The sounds of patients moving around in the hospital and the doctors' conversations suddenly reached my ears.

There is a feeling of being separated from another world.

Xiao Jie was shocked and suddenly realized that he had been entrusted with a dream!

"Brother Xiao, what do you want to eat? I'll bring it for you."

"No, I have to go out."

Saying that, he hurriedly walked out.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't leave. Captain Lin didn't say let me go."

Xiao Jie ignored Master Niu's shouts.

When he walked to the door, he was stopped by someone, it was Xiao Wang.

"Mr. Xiao, where are you going?"

Xiao Jie didn't bother to explain. Time was running out: "I'm going to Chen Tianwen's house. I just don't know how to drive. You take me there. This is to save people. Hurry up, otherwise it's your fault if the person dies."

Xiao Wang became a little nervous when he was pressed by the big hat.

"Okay, but I have to call Captain Lin."

"Get in the car first and fight while driving."

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