Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 218 The Ancient Road

After confirming the plan to recruit Yinyue Suifeng, Qianlong Wuyong took out the Soul Refining Secret Code again.

"President, how do you arrange this soul refining secret book?"

Long Xingtianxia looked at the people around him. The people present could be said to be the core group of the core group. Most of them were above level 30, but there were also a few newcomers in their teens who had recently started playing the game.

"Does any of you want to become a ghost general?"

Level 10 inaugurated military general - level 20 part-time ghost spell master - level 30 can double transform into a ghost general. Although the ghost general is not as good as the divine general, it is still a very powerful profession, even stronger than the divine general in some aspects.

However, no one said a word.

The vice-president said: "President, I think we should train a ghost spell user. Although ghost generals and ghost curse users have their own strengths, we have too many generals now. The most lacking thing is the magic system. After all, ghost generals are just Half magic, and the level 10 ghost curser can join the group after the 20th level advanced ghost curser, which is much better than the ghost general who can only be formed at level 30. "

Long Xingtianxia nodded, "It makes sense, so let's choose one of the recently recruited newcomers to train. The game level is second, and the most important thing is to obey the discipline.

If no one objects, it’s settled. Don’t use the Hidden Dragon. You can go to the logistics department later to get the Light Escape Talisman and give the Soul Refining Secret Book to Lao Xu.

Lao Xu, remember to copy the contents of the book to the analysis team, okay - the meeting is over. "


While Qianlong Wuyong was running for his light-escape talisman, Xiao Jie was not idle either.

I just finished rescuing people in the morning and got the Xuanming Sword, and started working again in the afternoon.

This time, his goal is to learn to identify the location by listening to sounds, and by the way, to verify his guess, he can learn skills from the beast through special techniques.

"Brother Feng, are you sure you can do this? Why do I feel a little ashamed." Dongfang Sheng said uneasily.

Xiao Jie was speechless, "Fuck, just do it if I ask you to do it. Why are you talking so much nonsense? You can't do this little thing well? Forget it, why don't I let the cunning-faced fox do it."

The cunning-faced fox on the side hurriedly took a step forward, "To put it bluntly, you can't do this little thing well. How can you still do it? Why don't I come, Brother Feng, and I will definitely handle it for you."

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything." Dongfang Sheng said, took a deep breath, and rushed out of the tunnel where he was hiding.

"Death to me, you monsters! Kill, kill, kill!" Dongfang Sheng shouted and rushed towards the bats hanging on the ceiling of the cave.

He fired arrows while charging, and the guards around him followed closely.

After a few arrows passed, the bat didn't kill any of them, but it succeeded in disturbing the group of monsters.

It flapped its wings and flew towards him.

Dongfang Sheng was unafraid. After all, he was also a level 12 general. It was easy to deal with several monsters of several levels. He waved the ghost general's iron halberd and killed most of the bats in two or three strokes.

Seeing that there was only one with residual health left, Dongfang Sheng smiled ferociously and was about to kill them all. At this moment——

"Stop!" Xiao Jie jumped out suddenly.

"Humph, who are you, dare to ruin my affairs!"

"Don't you see that these bats have no offensive type at all? Why bother to kill them all and kill them all?"

"Hahahaha, I'm happy for you to take care of it. If you don't want to die, just get out!" Dongfang Sheng said, feeling ashamed in his heart. What the hell is this acting?

The plot is too bloody, and it feels like a third-rate villain in an online novel.

"Hmph, I'm still in charge today." Xiao Jie said and slashed with his knife.

With clang clang, Dongfang Sheng, who had been slashed several times, retreated continuously.

"Damn it, wait for me, I'll call someone!" After saying that, Dongfang Sheng turned around and ran towards the thief's cave and escaped.

Xiao Jie walked up to the bat, but because of the talent [Beast Affinity], he did not attack.

"Are you okay? Brother Bat." Xiao Jie asked with concern.

The bat lay on the ground and sent out a burst of sound waves at Xiao Jie, and what it wanted to say immediately appeared above its head. "Human, why do you want to save me?"

"What I hate the most is bullying the weak and harming animals. You look seriously injured. Why don't you eat something first." Xiao Jie said as he fed a secret dog food to the bat. The name above the head successfully turned into friendly green.

"Oh, you are seriously injured. Do you want me to help you treat it?"

Xiao Jie said and took out a rejuvenation talisman. This thing costs 1,000 yuan per piece and can restore 100 points of health. The effect is the same as the golden sore medicine (medium quantity), but the price is much more expensive than the golden sore medicine (medium quantity). Ten times, but there is no way, who prevents monsters from drinking blood bottles.

Xiao Jie endured his heartache and put the spell on the bat. Watching the bat's blood volume return to full, Xiao Jie said apologetically, "I'm sorry, those humans are so bad. They have almost killed all your kind. I can do all I can." The only thing I can do is save you. Go away quickly. Those people will be back soon, and I'm afraid all the bats will be doomed by then. "


"But I am weak and not their opponent at all. However, in order to save the bat community, I will risk my life and fight. Maybe I can destroy their torches so that they can't see them, and then take advantage of the chaos. Winning - no, I won’t be able to see it anymore, damn, how can I win?”

"Human - you are so kind - I can teach you - identify the location by listening to the voice."

"Really? Can I really learn?"

"It should be possible - I will teach you - you learn."

"Then please teach me! If I can learn it, I will definitely be able to stop those who return home." Xiao Jie said seriously.

"Human - watch carefully - use your ears - listen to the darkness!"

The bat suddenly shot an invisible sound wave towards the distance, and then -

[System prompt: The cave bat teaches you the skill [Listen to the sound and determine the position].

[System prompt: Your beast knowledge skill has added new related content. ]

Haha, I got it!

Xiao Jie hurriedly checked the skills.

[Listen to the sound and determine the position (magic)

Use: Perform a listening test on the surroundings, scan and find the enemies in the darkness around you, and mark them on your small map.

Side effect: Blackness in front of your eyes. You need to close your eyes to use this skill, so when you release this skill, your screen will be black for one second.

Skill description: Bats can detect things in the dark through their unique hearing ability. Although humans cannot do it completely, they can still use similar techniques to identify the enemy's position through sound. ]

Xiao Jie checked the beast knowledge again.

There are already nine animals marked in his beast knowledge.

They are sheep, domestic pigs, dogs, wild boars, horses, bears, monkeys, wolves, and bats.

He is almost halfway to the 20 species. At present, he has not come into contact with any fairy beasts, demon beasts, or magic beasts. He is not sure which chapter to choose at that time, and there is still time to consider.

"Wait, I will go and drive those people away!" Xiao Jie used the action - clasping fists towards the bats, and then rushed to the direction of the stolen hole.

When Xiao Jie walked back to the mining area, he immediately saw a group of people waiting for him eagerly.

They are all here to kill monsters and level up, and watch the excitement by the way.

"How is it, Brother Feng?"

"Brother Feng, did it succeed?"

"Brother Feng, I acted well just now."

"Success!" Xiao Jie said calmly.

"Haha, I knew it!"

"Damn, this is also possible?"

"Why do you say that animals are stupid? Such poor acting skills can succeed?"

"Damn, my acting skills are obviously very good, absolutely at the level of the best actor." Dongfang Sheng said unconvinced, shame aside, the honors that should be fought for must not be missed.

"It's really good acting, thank you Dongfang."

"Haha, in that case, it's my honor to help Brother Feng."

Today's rescue operation not only made the Luoyang branch more united, but also made Xiao Jie's status in the branch rise sharply, second only to Qianlong Wuyong, and his prestige increased greatly.

Everyone knows that Brother Feng can handle things and save people.

The attitude of everyone towards Xiao Jie has also changed from respect and courtesy to popular support.

"Brother Feng, can you really talk to animals? It's amazing."

"It's just luck that I encountered an adventure. When you play games, pay more attention to details and some inconspicuous clues. Maybe you can also encounter it. Games are not just about fighting and killing. Many tasks in daily life may trigger special adventures."

Everyone was thoughtful after hearing this. If Xiao Jie said this before, everyone might just think it was nonsense, but now that he said this, they have witnessed the magic of animal language and corpse language with their own eyes, and they all started to think about it.

"Okay, let's not talk so much. Let's continue to level up and strive to reach level 18 before dark."

Everyone realized that Brother Feng is not even level 20...

The few players in the team who are more than level 20 sighed, this damn gap is a bit big.

Continue to slaughter the refreshed zombies. There is strength in numbers. As soon as each zombie is refreshed, a row of weapons will be chopped down, and there is no way to cause any effective resistance.

This relaxed battle lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

A white light flashed on Xiao Jie's body, and he successfully reached level 18!

Huh, finally there.

Xiao Jie added all five newly acquired attribute points to his physical fitness. This adventure is likely to encounter danger, so the more health the better.

He looked at the attributes,

Physique: 32 (equipment +2). With the addition of Ruby Blood Marrow, the health value is as high as 370 points.

Stamina: 22 (equipment +2).

Strength: 22 (equipment +2).

Agility: 49 (equipment +5).

It's time to start the inheritance of the ancient Qi Refiner!

When everyone exited the mine and returned to Luoyang Town, Xiao Jie saw Qianlong Wuyong who had just finished a meeting.

"This is the light escape talisman you want, the president has specially approved it. However, you can't find it in the epic sword club. The Dragon Flying Knights are mainly composed of military commanders. There are a few epic long-handled weapons, but swords are really hard to find.

But I can help you contact the guild's logistics department and contact merchants from other guilds. There should be results within three to five days."

Xiao Jie thought to himself that I can't wait for three to five days. I can't just wait without leveling up in these three to five days. Besides, Liu Qiang may discover his existence at any time, and every day is precious.

"No need." Xiao Jie said, "If there is no sword, then there is no sword. This sword is actually pretty good."

Although the slashing damage is a bit low and not conducive to slashing people, the high piercing damage is not useless. Some special combat skills can also be used, such as the combat skill-thrust.

Besides, the low damage is relative to weapons of the same grade. 29 slashes are actually not low. It is 3 points higher than the six-layer blood-drinking sword.

Not to mention the two special effects of this weapon, one can kill ghosts, and the other can explode seeds in desperate situations.

Xiao Jie had a feeling that this operation might be useful.

The Hanyue Sword paired with the Xuan Ming Sword is also very powerful in the dual-sword style.

"This light-escape talisman is enough. Thank you, Brother Qianlong. If I can come back smoothly, I will treat you to a drink then."

Looking at the golden talisman in the bag, Xiao Jie suddenly felt confident that he would not be disappointed now.

[Light Escape Talisman (Spell)

Use: Teleports you to the destination marked by the spell.

Current marker: Saofeng City Yuelai Inn.

Item introduction: A magical talisman made with powerful magic power. It is said to be a relic of the ancient immortals. It can travel thousands of miles in an instant and escape by light. Since its production method has long been lost, it is extremely precious and rare. 】

"Then I'll wait for you to come back. By the way, brother Suifeng, what mission are you going to do this time? Do you need help from the brothers?" Qianlong Wuyong couldn't help but ask. His words were not polite at all. After all, he was The general of the Luoyang branch, the talent that the guild spent a lot of money to attract, would be in big trouble if he failed.

"Haha, I think so, but it's a pity that I am the only one who can do this task."

Xiao Jie's words were also not polite. He couldn't help but recall the conversation he had with the two immortals in his mind.

Master Tianxuan: "The inheritance of this ancient Qi Refiner has been cut off long ago. After all, the spiritual energy is so thin now that there is no condition for cultivation at all."

Kaiyang Xingjun: "Fortunately, this method of cultivation has survived. Back then, we, a group of ancient Qi refiners, practiced immortality and Qi together in the Tianpu Cave in Kanglao Mountain, and worked together to create this ancient Qi refining method. In order to To prevent mistakes in the inheritance of the skills, this practice method was engraved on the cave wall.

When you get there, as long as you see the carvings on the cave wall, you will naturally know the secrets. "

Master Tianxuan: "But remember, you are the only one who can go."

Xiao Jie wondered: "Why is this?"

Taoist Tianxuan: "When we all became immortals and left, in order to prevent being disturbed by outsiders, we left behind a barrier of immortal magic so that ordinary people could not enter.

You and I are bound by a thread of immortality, so if you go there, it will not be difficult to find if you look carefully. But if you bring a mortal with you who has no immortality, you will not be able to find that place even if you look hard. Arrived. "

Xiao Jie was astonished for a while after hearing it. What this immortal said was somewhat miraculous. Why couldn't he find it even if he took someone there? Is there still an identity authentication system?

But you still have to listen to what the Immortal says.

Kaiyang Xingjun: "Oh, by the way, when we gathered people to cultivate immortality, in order to prevent us from being disturbed by the ancient wild beasts, mortals seeking immortality, witches and demons, we set up three tests outside the entrance of the cave. When you do Be careful."

(Damn, I knew it wasn’t that simple.)

Xiao Jie recalled the scene at that time and sighed secretly in his heart. He could only handle this matter by himself. He hoped that the three tests would not be too outrageous.

Seeing what he said, Qianlong Buyong stopped asking, "Then I wish you success immediately."

"Hahaha, if I lend you some good words, I will definitely succeed!"

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