Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 24 Gift of Knife

"I see. Thank you, Brother Wang, for clearing my doubts. If you hadn't reminded me, I might have really been in danger."

Xiao Jie's words were not polite at all. These were the experiences summed up by the predecessors with their lives. The experience in the game is often accumulated by the trial and error of the players' lives.

To clear a copy, the whole team may be wiped out dozens or hundreds of times. However, death in such a game is just a waste of time after all, and it is not a big price.

In the game of Jiutu, every experience is accumulated with real lives, and it can be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that the lessons learned from blood are not an exaggeration.

So Xiao Jie's tone was unusually sincere.

"Haha, that's fine, we are all players from the same village, we should help each other."

As soon as the two finished their conversation, I Yuchengxian, who had been listening, interrupted and said, "Brother Suifeng, thank you for what happened yesterday."

"Don't thank me, just thank your brother Wang, after all, he paid for it."

"No, of course I have to thank you, brother Wang, but it is also a fact that you saved me, no matter what your reason is, saving my life is saving my life, just like the police uncle also gets a salary, but if I encounter danger in real life and get help from the police, I have to express my gratitude, right?"

Xiao Jie thought that this kid is quite sensible, and he couldn't help but change his mind about this reckless guy.

"Haha, you're welcome. It's better for you to be less reckless in the future. After all, this game only has one life. You don't have so many chances to start over. Not everyone will save you every time."

"I understand Brother Suifeng. I was too confident before. Yesterday's incident taught me a lesson. Oh, Brother Suifeng, I'll give this to you as a gift from me."

He then clicked on the trading column, and a knife appeared in it - the Yanling Knife!

Xiao Jie was a little surprised. This thing is worth 30,000 yuan.

I didn't expect this kid to be so thoughtful and buy it for me. Just now, I saw him chatting with Wang Kai, so he was probably buying a knife.

Of course, compared to the life-saving grace, 30,000 yuan is definitely not much, but there are too many cases of repaying kindness with enmity in this society. There are endless news reports of people being blackmailed for helping the elderly, people who bravely rescued children who fell into the water went to the hospital, but none of the rescued people showed up, and there were also hikers who were trapped while climbing mountains. After being rescued, they directly said that it was the responsibility of your search and rescue team and there was no need to thank them...

After seeing so much of this kind of bullshit news, Xiao Jie has become much more pessimistic about human nature.

At this time, facing my sincere thanks from Yu Chengxian, I was a little surprised.

However, he is not the kind of hypocritical person. Since others are so thoughtful, there is no need for him to be polite.

"Okay, I won't be polite with you, then I will accept it." He clicked the transaction directly.

Xiao Jie looked at the Yanling knife in his bag and directly selected the equipment. Looking at the precious knife in his hand, Xiao Jie was very satisfied.

Although the leather armor is gone, it feels different with this knife. If a battle is triggered, I will have a bottom line in my heart.

"Brother Suifeng, I have another unwelcome request. I wonder if I can become your apprentice. I think Brother Suifeng is very good at playing games. If I can learn a few tricks from you, I can go further."

"Forget about becoming your apprentice. It's just a game. It's okay to exchange experiences. If you have any doubts, just ask me. I won't hide anything I can say."

Information must be exchanged to gradually increase, just like Wang Kai did not cherish the information about Night Ghost, and he would not take his gaming experience too seriously.

Of course, the most important thing is to play online games. More friends mean more paths, especially in this kind of death game. The importance of teammates is unquestionable. If you want to go to the dungeon and fight the BOSS in the future, you can't rely on yourself alone. You must organize a reliable team.

Xiao Jie used to be the president, so when he came to this game, he naturally had to consider forming a guild and expanding his power.

However, the number of players in this game is too small. Now that I know these two players, I naturally have to make a good relationship with them.

After hearing what Xiao Jie said, I really wanted to become an immortal, so I asked, "Brother Suifeng, can I ask you how you learned that combat skill?"

Xiao Jie laughed in his heart, so he was waiting here, but he didn't mind, the other party's question was polite.

Xiao Jie remembered that he could learn combat skills from the militia captain for money. Of course, he must have the prerequisite weapon skills, and it was expensive. He didn't have the money to learn, but this guy looked rich, so he could give it a try.

"You can't learn my combat skills. If you want to learn combat skills, go to the militia captain to learn. He has several entry-level combat skills that you can learn for money."

This was not a perfunctory statement. There is a difference between [Comprehension] skills and [Epiphany] skills.

For skills like [Knife Weapon Expertise], as long as the player cuts trees for a long time, he should be able to comprehend it, but for skills like Cutting in Two with One Knife, I'm afraid you can't learn it even if you die of exhaustion without the enlightenment BUFF.

Moreover, Xiao Jie was very skeptical. Even if there was an enlightenment BUFF, the skills of enlightenment might not be the same.

I want to become an immortal, "I went to find the militia captain, but he said that I was not qualified enough and refused to teach me."

Xiao Jie said: "If you want to learn combat skills, you must first have the corresponding weapon skills. This lack of qualifications should be said to be this. The NPCs in the game generally don't speak so clearly, so you must learn to understand the real information in the NPC's words.

Generally speaking, if you are not qualified enough, your talent is too poor, or your strength is insufficient, it actually refers to the prerequisite skills, character attributes, and professional level. "

"How do you learn weapon skills?"

"Do errands. Different errands correspond to different weapon skills. For example, I learned the knife weapon specialization by chopping wood. According to this logic, if you want to learn the knife, go chop wood, if you want to learn the axe, go cut wood, and if you want to learn the hammer, go forging iron. I can't say what you can learn specifically. After all, I only played for one day. These are my inferences based on the current information. I dare not say that it is 100% accurate, but it is almost right. "

After listening to Xiao Jie's explanation, I was immediately excited, "Thank you, Brother Suifeng, then I will go find a job. If I don't understand anything, I will ask you again, okay?"

"Okay, okay. "

Seeing me walking towards the firewood shop excitedly, Xiao Jie thought to himself that we should not waste time and start working quickly.

After saying goodbye to Wang Kai, he also started today's work.

This enlightenment BUFF of mine only lasts for seven days, and I must make good use of it. If I operate it well, it will be enough to create a lot of advantages for myself in the early stage.

The basic combat skills taught by the militia captain are obviously not as good as the one-cut-in-two that I suddenly realized.

If I operate it well, I will definitely be able to suddenly realize more powerful skills.

But, what kind of work do you want to do and what kind of development do you want to do? Route, I must think about it carefully.

There are too many errands in this village, and each one probably has corresponding skills to be learned, but I only have six days, so I have to make some choices.

In order to ensure that I can choose the best solution, Xiao Jie simply stopped working and wandered around the village. When he saw people, he asked if there was any work to do. Every time he triggered one, he recorded it in his little notebook.

After wandering around for a whole morning, Xiao Jie triggered a total of more than a dozen errands. Xiao Jie summarized all these jobs and prepared to think about them carefully.

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