Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 26 Thunder Whip

Anyway, there are still five and a half days left, so it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

So let’s start with the shepherds.

After bidding farewell to Wang Kai, Xiao Jie went straight to the corral on the east side of the village.

I found the old Yangtou who managed the sheepfold and directly explained his purpose.

Old Man Yang (shepherd): "What, you want to help me herd the sheep? Haha, that would be great. I am short of manpower here. Alas, my legs and feet are not strong anymore when I am old, and I can't even herd a sheep." , young people, come on, I'll tell you how to let it go.

The content of the job is very simple. You just need to prevent the sheep from getting lost. Have you seen the pasture in the valley behind the village? You can graze the sheep there. Remember, you don't have to worry about the sheep while they are grazing. But if the sheep want to run away, they must be driven back to the flock. Remember not to let them run into the mountains. It is not peaceful outside now. Once lost, they cannot be found.

Sheep are very afraid of noise. If you just swing the whip in front of them, they will run back obediently. Here, this is for you. If there are sheep running, use it to drive them away.

I'll give you 100 coppers if you let the sheep roam for an hour. How about that? It's not a small wage. Drive the sheep back to the sheepfold after an hour. Remember to count the number. If it's less, I'll deduct your wages. One hour less. How about deducting 200 Wen for a sheep? It’s not too much. "

A dialog box popped up in front of Xiao Jie's eyes.

[System prompt: Old Man Yang has issued an errand to you [Sheep], do you want to accept it? 】

If you leave it alone for an hour (two hours), you will get 100, and if you throw a sheep, you will deduct 200. Capitalists are not as shady as you...

There are fifty sheep in total. If they are all lost, it will cost ten taels of silver, which is enough to buy a century-old ginseng...

But thinking about it, my level shouldn’t be that bad. As long as you operate it properly and don’t lose a single sheep, the income is still very considerable. If you work eight hours a day (four hours), that’s 400 Wen, which is better than cutting. Trees make more money.

Okay, for the animal taming technique, let’s start!

Xiao Jie clicked to accept the errand.

System prompts: Obtain the temporary profession [Shepherd] and obtain the temporary weapon [Shepherd Whip].

Xiao Jie looked at the shepherd's whip in his bag.

[Shepherd's Whip (Special Weapon)

Attack power: 5 toughness.

Weapon-specific combat skill: Thunderous Whip. Release: Make a thunderous sonic boom sound, consuming 10 points of physical strength.

Weapon effects: Terrorize beasts (weakened).

Weapon introduction: The whip used by shepherds is used to drive away sheep and scare wild beasts. It will make a crackling sound when waved. It is said that this combat technique simulates the sound of thunder and uses the power of nature to make wild beasts feel fear from their hearts. This is to protect the safety of the sheep. 】

This... Xiao Jie couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw the introduction of the weapons. Why were the weapons given in this job so explosive? The hatchet only had special weapon effects, and a shepherd's whip actually had combat skills.

He equipped the whip.

Use the combat skill - Thunderous Whip!

The character's arm was swung vigorously, and a whip crackled. The sound was so clear and crisp that he couldn't help but think of the sound of an old man cracking a whip in the park.

Looking at the fifty sheep bustling on the grass, Xiao Jie took a deep breath and started to rest.

He drove the sheep to the grassland in the back mountain. When the sheep entered the pasture, Xiao Jie began to herd the sheep seriously.

Fortunately, this job is not as complicated as imagined. The core strategy is to ensure that the sheep stay together and do not get separated.

Most of the goats were huddled together, bustling together, gnawing on the grass under their feet. Xiao Jie waved his whip at a few lone goats and drove them into the large herd.

He noticed that there was a satiety progress bar on each sheep's head.

When there is grass to eat, goats usually don't make any unusual movements and just lie there quietly munching grass.

But once the nearby grass is eaten up, they will wander around and sometimes break away from the group.

At this time, they must be driven back to the appropriate area quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that every sheep can eat grass to ensure the stability of the flock.

But the biggest challenge is the well-fed sheep. There are always a few restless ones that want to run around, or even go into the woods on the mountain.

At this time, Xiao Jie must speed up to block the sheep's path and drive it back to the herd.

If there are too many sheep that are running away and cannot be caught up, just use a thunder whip. This thing is really useful. With a crackling sound, the sheep that want to run away will be frightened and hide back among the sheep.

It was okay at the beginning, the sheep were busy grazing, but after more than an hour, when more and more goats were fed, Xiao Jie became a little too busy.

Damn, how can these goats be so tormented?

He rushed towards the hillside quickly, driving a few goats back to the herd while beating and frightening him, while complaining to himself.

After running back and forth for a few times, Xiao Jie found that his physical strength could not keep up.

Let me go, herding sheep is really laborious work.

Xiao Jie hurriedly took a powerful pill.

Fortunately, there are mountains to the south of the pasture, villages to the north, and steep mountain walls to the east and west. As long as you guard the road up the mountain to the south, you can basically guarantee that you won't lose any sheep.

But Xiao Jie didn't dare to relax completely. He still had to keep moving around the sheep, and he had to drive away the naughty goats from time to time.

This kind of work is much more complicated than chopping wood. At least chopping wood is slower at best, so you don't have to worry about losing money.

After a long time, the time was almost up. Xiao Jie took two powerful pills and was exhausted.

He thought it would be better to chop wood, but for the sake of animal taming, he could only endure it. Alas, it would be much more convenient if he had a dog, Xiao Jie couldn't help thinking so.

Unfortunately, the cost of becoming a hunter's apprentice is too high, and he is a poor guy. If he had money, he would really consider it.

Finally, an hour passed, and most of the sheep were full.

Xiao Jie drove the sheep back to the sheepfold, and he was dizzy with exhaustion. Old Man Yang was very satisfied.

Old Man Yang (shepherd): "Well done, young man, not a single sheep is missing from the fifty. Here, this is your reward. If you want to do more, come to me at any time. These goats are very edible and will be hungry soon."

Xiao Jie was not very happy looking at the 100 coins in his hand. Although he did the work, he did not understand the related skills, which was quite uncomfortable.

Just now, I was busy herding sheep, afraid of letting one run away, and completely forgot about the epiphany.

After resting for more than ten minutes, Xiao Jie's spirit was almost restored. He gritted his teeth and chose to talk to Old Man Yang again.

"Uncle Yang, I've rested well, let's release them again."

Old Man Yang (shepherd): "Oh, young man, you are very diligent. Good, good, these sheep here are hungry, come on, drive them out."

Another fifty sheep were driven out, and Xiao Jie drove the sheep to the pasture. In such a short time, the grass that had been eaten up has been refreshed.

Fortunately, this is just a game, and the grass will be refreshed continuously. Otherwise, if it is not eaten in this way, I am afraid that the mountain will be eaten bare in two days.

Watching the sheep start to eat grass again, Xiao Jie thought that he couldn't just watch. When he had an epiphany of the skill of "cutting off in two with one stroke", he also mastered some rules of the game in the process of constantly chopping wood to complete the epiphany. This time, he should do something.

With the experience of herding sheep last time, Xiao Jie was much calmer and had some time to observe the behavior of the sheep. Looking at the increasing satiety of the goats' heads, he suddenly had an idea.

Since they will run around when they are full, then I won't let you eat enough.

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