Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 48 Stone-Splitting Slash

Finally reached level 3, it’s not easy.

Xiao Jie looked at the five newly obtained attribute points and felt emotional in his heart.

It took me several days to play this crappy game before I could reach level three. In other games, it would not be a casual thing to reach dozens of levels in one day. It is nothing like this game, which is so frightening to play.

However, the rewards brought by upgrading are unmatched by other games.

Looking at these five precious attribute points, Xiao Jie had already made plans on how to add them.

Since we are going to take the agile route, agility is naturally the most important attribute in the early stage.

Secondly, you need to increase your physical fitness. The longer the health bar, the higher the safety. Especially in the early stage, the damage can be compensated by weapons, but the blood volume is the basis of survival, which can only be supported by attribute points.

However, the main attributes are also very important. Since I want to take the agility route, I must add this. Otherwise, it will be too frustrating if the attributes of the skills I want to learn are not enough.

Xiao Jie discovered that 15 attribute points seemed to be a node. The skills rewarded by the weird goat and the skill book that Ye Luo gave me to become an immortal can only be learned with 15 attribute points.

So after struggling for a while, Xiao Jie chose to add 2 points of constitution and 3 points of agility.

In this way, the basic attributes become.

Physique: 12.

Strength: 10.

Endurance: 10.

Agility: 15.

The agility of 15 points is already far beyond that of ordinary people. You can go back and experience the flexibility of 15 points of agility in reality.

Although 2 points of constitution only adds 20 more HP, the survivability is undoubtedly greatly improved, especially when facing the scarecrow's flame embrace, at least you don't have to worry about being killed if you are jumped.

I continued to kill monsters and killed two more scarecrows. My wish to become an immortal also reached the third level.

"Brother Feng, I have also upgraded." I said excitedly.

"Well, have you figured out how to add more?"

I want to become an immortal, but he is a little entangled about this. Of course he has thought about it, but he has not made up his mind.

Ever since he heard Ye Luo's words, he had thought about the option of adding spirituality, adding dozens of spiritual points to it, and then finding ways to trigger adventures to achieve immortality.

However, although he is young, he is not stupid. There is no guarantee of enhanced combat effectiveness without basic attributes in the early stage. He might die before reaching level 10. Just like the time he was burned before, it was thanks to the 5 points added before. Only the physique survived.

"Brother Feng, do you have any suggestions? I want to cultivate immortality, but...you know, do you think I should take a gamble and add spirituality?"

Xiao Jie said calmly: "I can't talk about suggestions. I can only help you analyze it. If you want to become an immortal, you must take the legal route, so there are only two options.

Route 1, accumulate spirituality in the early stage, strive to trigger adventures before level 10, obtain a legal profession at level 10, and then continue to advance to more powerful professions.

Route 2: Add basic attributes in the early stage, choose a physical profession at level 10, obtain adventures before level 20, then obtain a legal profession at level 20, and double transfer at level 30.

Route 1 is more dangerous, but it is more likely to become an immortal. Route 2 is more stable in the early stage, but the possibility of becoming an immortal is lower, but it is not completely impossible.

So you just need to consider whether you are willing to take this risk. Think about the probability that you will die before level 10 if you don’t add basic attributes. Now we are only fighting Scarecrow and Lost Soul Bandit, and we are in danger twice. , you will definitely face stronger enemies in the future. Can you guarantee that you will not make mistakes again? Anyway, I don’t dare. "

We are all adults. Even if the other person is younger, Xiao Jie cannot make decisions for the other person, but some risks must be explained clearly.

He also didn't want to watch this young man kill himself on impulse.

After hearing the subtext in his words, I couldn't help but sigh, "I understand Brother Feng, I'd better take the physical route. On the contrary, it's too late to take up the legal profession at level 20."

As he said that, he directly added all the attribute points to strength.

15 points of strength was just enough to learn the Stone Splitting Slash. It was too strenuous to defeat monsters without combat skills. He had been envious of Xiao Jie for a long time, who could do fifty or sixty damage with one strike.

A flash of white light, the skill is learned.

[Stone Splitting (Combat Skill)

Applicable weapons: Two-handed axe, two-handed broadsword, two-handed greatsword.

Combat skill consumption: 80 stamina.

Skill effect 1: Swing the weapon to strike forward, causing 240% weapon damage to the hit target, and applying 50 points of toughening effect.

Skill effect 2: When using this combat skill, you can gain 25 points of temporary toughness.

Skill description: The combat skills mastered by the mountain workers in the process of splitting mountains and cutting rocks for many years. Using heavy weapons with both hands with all their strength, they can cause huge damage to the target. 】

Looking at the new skills in the skill bar, I felt excited and wanted to experiment immediately.

I found a scarecrow, and I wanted to become an immortal and asked Xiao Jie to put it on first. He wanted to try it alone.

Putting on the tomahawk he bought in advance, he swung the tomahawk with both hands and struck the head of the scarecrow in front of him like a sledgehammer.

boom! -58!

With one strike of the ax, the scarecrow was knocked to the ground.

"Come again!" Xiao Jie shouted.

I want to become an immortal and swing my battle ax again.

Stone splitting!

The scarecrow was knocked down again by an ax before he could stand up, -57!

At the same time, Xiao Jie slashed out with a knife, making up for the last 5 points of damage, and the scarecrow was instantly killed.

A dozen copper coins burst out.

"This skill is pretty good." Xiao Jie praised.

This toughness reduction effect is still very powerful. Every unit in this game has the concept of toughness. This value is hidden. Once the toughness is reduced to zero, it will be hit hard.

Different monsters have different toughness values. The scarecrow in front of me has low toughness at first glance. Skills like Stone Splitter that have a toughness-cutting effect can be connected infinitely as long as they are continuously connected.

I don’t know if this move can be practiced against bandits.

The only drawback is that the attack is too slow. It takes one second to charge up the force of a slash, but the attack is very fast, almost instantaneously.

This rock-breaking slash takes about one second to charge, but it takes another second to strike with an axe. If the enemy reacts quickly, it may be difficult to hit.

In addition, this combat skill is used with both hands and cannot be equipped with a shield, which is also a hidden danger.

But overall the flaws outweigh the flaws.

"Are you going to take the route of a strong man?"

"I'm not sure yet, but the strength attribute is directly related to physical damage. It needs to be added anyway. Even if you change the sword in the future, it won't be a waste."

"Well, that's right, come on, this time you will be responsible for killing, and I will make up for the damage."

The two continued to work.

This toughening effect can directly smash the scarecrow down, making the battle safer and more efficient.

Stone splitting!

Boom, another scarecrow fell, and this time not only dozens of copper coins burst out, but also a shiny ring.

【Bronze Ring (Ring)

Attributes: Attack +1.

Item introduction: A ring made of ancient brass. The golden color is reminiscent of the legendary gold. Therefore, it has become a material for people at the bottom to make jewelry. It can slightly increase the wearer's attack power. 】

It has rubbish attributes, but it is still an accessory after all.

"Take it," Xiao Jie said.

He has already taken several pieces of equipment before. Although they are all white and gray junk equipment, they are still worth some money. Finally, he has found something that I can use if I want to become an immortal, so naturally I have to be humble.

Although this thing only adds 1 point of attack power, the jewelry has a low explosion rate, so it still has some value.

Even if I want to become an immortal, I'm not polite, "Thank you, Brother Feng." I put it on happily.

The two were about to continue when suddenly, they were startled by a loud curse.

"This is my farm, this is my land. Wherever you come from, you mud-legged fellows, get out of here!"

As soon as the two turned around, they saw a middle-aged aunt with an ominous black air rushing out of the wheat field in the distance, waving a kitchen knife and rushing towards the two of them.

Look at the monster's name again.

Tian Li's (demonized human) level 5. HP 240.

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