Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 68 Three Newcomers

Xiao Jie picked it up and took a look.

[Bandit's broadsword (normal)

Attack power: 18 cuts.

Item description: A crudely made broadsword, a weapon commonly used by bandits, with a wider blade and a thicker spine, which increases the weapon's lethality by increasing its weight.

It's a pity that it's just a blank weapon, much heavier than the Yanling Knife, but its attack power is not as good as the Yanling Knife.

Just make it a spare weapon.

I want to become an immortal over there and also solved the battle, and let out a surprised cry.

"Brother Feng, I've got a skill book."

He said as if he was offering a treasure to Xiao Jie.

[Roar (combat skill)

Requirements for learning: Strength 15, Stamina 15.

Use: Let out a roar, which increases your attack power by 10% for 60 seconds. Consumes 100 points of physical strength.

Skill description: A combat skill used by warriors in the wild era, which releases the killing intent in the heart through hysterical roars, boosts morale and strength, and can increase attack power a little. 】

"Not bad, it suits you very well."

I learned the skill excitedly.


His character stomped his feet and roared angrily, "Ah!"

A light red halo immediately appeared on his body.

Xiao Jie also tried the new sword. The speed of this sword was obviously one or two frames slower than the Yanling sword. Ordinary people may not feel it, but for professional masters like Xiao Jie, it is very clear.

Just use it.

The two did not stay for long and walked straight to the village.

As soon as he entered the gate of the village, Xiao Jie saw Wang Kai talking about business with a naked player at the door of the blacksmith shop. He knew he was a newcomer just by looking at his appearance.

I don't eat beef (returnee): "One dollar can only buy ten coins, brother, your price is too expensive, right?"

Wang Kai said: "It's one penny and ten dollars."

I don't eat beef was shocked: "Fuck, why don't you go and rob!"

Wang Kai's voice was still unhurried, "The current gold price is this, you can ask casually, it's all this price, after all, this game is a death game, I earn money by selling my life, don't complain about it, as long as the level is up, you can learn any skills and make it back in real life in a matter of minutes, if you think it's expensive, you can earn it slowly by yourself, go and farm for others, ten coins an hour, an hourly wage of 100 yuan."

I don't eat beef obviously didn't believe in the death game, but seeing Wang Kai's seriousness, he was a little unsure, so he perfunctorily said, "Okay, then I'll take a look, I won't bother you."

After that, he left in a hurry.

Xiao Jie took me to the door of the blacksmith shop and asked knowingly: "Newcomers?"

"Yes, there are three in total. One is called Dongfang Sheng, who is farming for others. One is called Sanbing, who is wandering around. And the one just now who doesn't eat beef seems to be a krypton gold player. He just asked me to buy gold, but it seems that he hasn't figured out the situation yet."

Xiao Jie was not too surprised. Although according to Wang Kai, the system will introduce the rules of the death game to the player when sending the activation code, this kind of thing is a bit too outrageous after all. It is estimated that it is difficult for anyone with a normal mind to believe this kind of thing.

"What will happen if they don't understand the situation?"

"They will die... Of course, if they are lucky, they will learn a skill before they die, and then use it in real life, then they will naturally understand that this game is not a joke.

Of course, there are also those who are stubborn and don't believe it, and they die after wandering around. Generally, there are always two or three such unlucky people among ten people.

It is difficult to persuade a damned ghost with good words. It is useless to persuade such a person. It depends on his luck."

Xiao Jie hummed, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

If someone had persuaded him and Han Luo at that time, maybe Han Luo would not die.

He is not a saint, and he will not be a good person, but if he can save one or two people, he will not refuse.

Just when he was about to find Wang Kai to repair his weapon, a naked player suddenly ran over.

Skrifter (returnee): "Brother, are you a player?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can you give me some money?"

Xiao Jie was stunned and thought he had heard it wrong.

"What did you say?"

"Can you give me some money? Not too much, just one or two silvers to learn skills."

Xiao Jie was speechless for a moment, "Why should I give you one or two silvers?"

"You are an old player, isn't it normal to give some money to new players?"

Well, another person who doesn't understand the situation.

Xiao Jie has encountered begging in the game before, and he has done it himself. Generally, in old games that have been operating for many years, the game currency has depreciated seriously. When new players start their accounts, they ask old players for some starting funds. In fact, it is completely normal. Generally, old players will help with such things.

After all, old players can get a lot of money by killing a few monsters casually. It's just a piece of cake.

But this is a death game, brother, you are asking for one or two silvers right at the beginning. You don't understand the situation at all.

"You know that the death penalty in this game is real, right?" Xiao Jie asked tentatively.

"Ah? Isn't that a marketing advertisement? Don't tease me, brother."

Well, he really doesn't understand the situation.

Xiao Jie felt that he needed to explain things clearly to these newcomers. Even though it had little to do with him, if they really died like this, he would feel a little sorry for them, as their death would be too cruel.

"Listen, the death penalty in this game is real. If you don't plan to fight desperately, I suggest you exit the game immediately and don't come in again. If you really want to play, be more serious. Otherwise, don't blame me for not reminding you if you die. you."

After hearing this, the straggler was silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Hahahaha, brother, you are so funny, just don't pay me, and you are so fucking fooling me, damn, I can't be bothered to care about you anymore."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Damn it, this idiot... Xiao Jie looked at the back of the straggler and was speechless, okay, anyway, he has said what he should say. If this guy is stupid again, then he will blame himself.

Wang Kai said from the side: "It's useless. Many newcomers will have this reaction. After all, who would believe this kind of thing? I used to persuade people often, but it had almost no effect. Sometimes I would get scolded. After a long time, I’m too lazy to persuade you, so don’t waste your efforts.”

Xiao Jie did not answer, but said to me, "Chengxian, when you pass by the farmland to buy medicine, go and remind Dongfang Sheng."

"Okay Brother Feng."

Regarding the task assigned by Xiao Jie, I Want to Become an Immortal carried out it very seriously. When I went to buy medicine, I found Dongfang Sheng on the way and explained the rules of the game to him.

This guy was plowing the ground in the fields. Dongfang Sheng's reaction to my reminder of my desire to become an immortal was not that exaggerated. After hearing my words of wanting to become an immortal, he seriously agreed.

When I wanted to become an immortal and left, Dongfang Sheng felt a little surprised in his heart.

(Does this game really kill people? Can you also gain abilities from the game? Isn’t that really a marketing slogan?) Dongfang Sheng was a little suspicious for a moment, but judging from the tone of the other party, it seemed that he was very serious. It's like playing tricks on others.

Dongfang Sheng, as a migrant worker who hangs out in a liquor store, watches his boss's face every day, so he is very experienced in judging people's attitudes and tone.

I feel like I Want to Become a Fairy is a very real person, not like a liar.

(Anyway, it’s okay to be careful. If it’s true, try first to see if you can get abilities from the game. If you can really get abilities, it means that the death penalty is probably real. Besides, if you can play games without dying It’s not a bad thing after all.)

Thinking in his mind, he planted the seeds silently.

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