Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 70 The Three Brothers of the Stone Queen

Cut it in two with one sword!

The sword light cut through the face of the bandit. As the bandit fell in front of him, Xiao Jie's body flashed with white light. Level 6 - easily solved.

He added attribute points to constitution and agility respectively. In this way, his attributes became -

Constitution: 15. HP 150.

Endurance: 12. Stamina 600.

Strength: 15.

Agility: 20+3.

Feeling his ever-improving physical fitness, Xiao Jie was looking forward to what it would feel like to go running again in the evening.

He touched the corpse, damn, there were only twenty or so copper coins.

Speaking of which, since the first bandit exploded a copy of "The Turn of the Harrier", he has never found anything decent from the bandit again. The best he got was just a bandit's broadsword.

I also solved the opponent over there when I wanted to become an immortal.

"Haha, Brother Feng, I've got another one! Hey, Whirlwind Slash, your skill book."

Xiao Jie was thinking, how come I'm so lucky to be an immortal?

While taking over the skill book that I'm an immortal, he couldn't help but ask, "Chengxian, how lucky are you?"

16 points, what's wrong?

Fuck, such high luck! Xiao Jie didn't know what to say for a moment.

If 10 points is the average level of ordinary people, then this 16 points of luck is definitely a dog shit luck.

"You can touch the body of the BOSS in the future,"

"Uh, okay."

Xiao Jie double-clicked the mouse on the skill book, and a white light flashed, and another combat skill was added.

After releasing it twice in the air, this Whirlwind Slash is still somewhat useful. Although the instantaneous burst of damage is not as good as a one-shot cut, it has a rushing effect. The body will move forward while whirling and slashing. If you are surrounded, it is still useful for breaking through.

Looking around, there were no lone bandits on the hillside. Even the pairs were killed by the two men. The rest were in groups of three or four. Further ahead was the bandit camp.

"Brother Feng, do you think there will be a BOSS in that camp?" I want to become an immortal asked.

"Maybe, but it's probably just an elite monster. After all, it's just a small camp, but there may be a treasure chest."

"Treasure chest? Brother Feng, how do you know?" I want to become an immortal was a little curious.

Xiao Jie said lightly: "Intuition, monsters like bandits are easily related to treasure chests. If I were to design the game map, it would be more reasonable to arrange a treasure chest in a camp full of bandit monsters."

As the saying goes, long illness makes a good doctor. After playing more games, Xiao Jie also has some understanding of game design, especially the design ideas of different games. Many times, you can see the big picture from one look. Although it's just a guess, he thinks it's nine out of ten.

I want to become an immortal, but I suddenly became interested. "Why don't we get closer to see? If there is a treasure chest, there must be good things."

"No, it's too dangerous."

"If there are three or four bandits, I think we can handle it, right?"

Xiao Jie shook his head across the screen, thinking that young people are brave.

He glanced around the camp, and suddenly his eyes lit up. There was a slightly higher mountain to the west of the bandit camp. There seemed to be no monsters around, which was just right for observation.

"Let's go around the hill over there. From there, we should be able to see the scene in the bandit camp, so there is no need to take risks."

The two walked down the hillside on the other side and climbed towards the protruding small mountain.

The mountain is surrounded by continuous hills and rugged rocks. Several huge rocks stand at the foot of the mountain. There is a winding path behind the huge rocks that can be climbed up.

As soon as the two climbed up the earth slope, they heard a roar.


Xiao Jie was startled, and when he turned around, he saw three bandits suddenly rushing out from behind the big rock.

Damn, there was an ambush.

"Chengxian, get ready to take on the monsters!"

Although he didn't want to fight three at a time, he had no choice but to do it now.

Although he hadn't opened three monsters, Xiao Jie had already arranged the tactics in advance, just in case he attracted too many monsters and didn't get flustered.

2 vs 3, the best way is to solve one first, and then kill one by one, which requires someone to resist two monsters first, and the other person must quickly solve his own monster.

Among the two, I want to become an immortal, who is in iron armor, so of course he can only do the hard work of resisting monsters.

I want to become an immortal, without any nonsense, shot an arrow at a bandit, and then quickly switched to a battle axe to attack another bandit.

Xiao Jie was a little anxious in his heart. He really didn't want to take this risk unless it was absolutely necessary, but since the monsters had already been opened, he would have to make a quick decision.

Cut it in two - roll - cut it in two - roll!

After two rounds, the bandit got angry, roared, and rushed towards Xiao Jie with a spear in his hand.

Spear thrust!

Flip! Xiao Jie dodged this fierce attack with a side flip - Spinning Slash!

He knocked the bandit to the ground with three slashes.

After taking a powerful pill to restore his physical strength, Xiao Jie didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, and quickly rushed towards Wo Yu Cheng Xian.

At this time, Wo Yu Cheng Xian was alone with the attack of two bandits, and there were dangers everywhere.

It was easy to kill quickly in 1V1, but it was a completely different concept in 1V2.

Double attack, double toughness, double blood volume, it was impossible to exchange blood head-on.

In a one-on-one duel, you can use the stiffness to make the bandit have no chance to attack, but in a one-on-two duel, the other bandit can attack as much as he wants.

Therefore, he suffered a big loss in the first encounter, losing one-third of his health.

Because the armor was too heavy, he couldn't run away or hide, and I could only keep parrying.

Fortunately, two dogs kept attacking from the side, distracting the bandit's attention, and the iron armor was hard enough, otherwise it would be a disaster.

Fortunately, Xiao Jie solved the battle quickly.

He rushed up and slashed at the bandit with an axe on the left.

When the hatred was pulled over, it became 1V1, and the battle suddenly became simple.

Now I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took advantage of the time when the dog attracted hatred to quickly drink a blood bottle, roared and started to prove hard, and it didn't take long for both of them to solve the battle.

"My fault. It seems that it is too much to deal with three monsters at a time."

"Don't blame your brother Feng. Who would have thought that there were three monsters hidden behind this big rock?" I want to become an immortal and said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, there are only three monsters. If there were four monsters, at least one would have died this time.

"No, my mistake is that I shouldn't have taken the risk to come here. As the captain, I must be responsible for the safety of the team." Xiao Jie summed up himself, "The most important thing in playing this game is not to take unnecessary risks and to play steadily. The vision here is so poor. I should have considered it in advance.

Instead of taking the risk to come here to explore the real situation of the bandit camp, it is better to level up safely. If you come after reaching level 10, you will not be so passive. We should pay more attention to this in the future and try to take fewer risks."

Review is review, but since we are here, we might as well go up and take a look.

After recovering their physical strength and blood volume, the two climbed up the hillside to the top of the mountain. From here, they can see the scene in the bandit camp more clearly.

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