Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 89 Goodbye ‘Enlightenment’

Xiao Jie went online early the next morning.

After getting to know the "big guys" in the group, he became more eager to improve his strength.

There are so many powerful forces, so many extraordinary adventures, and so many mysterious treasures in this game, all waiting for him to explore.

Time waits for no one.

As soon as he entered the game, he saw Ye Luo sitting in the tavern eating breakfast. Seeing her sitting and eating, she looked very ceremonial.

Xiao Jie also sat down at the table, checked his satiety, and asked for two steamed buns.

"You got up early." Xiao Jie said something else.

"I didn't sleep last night. I killed ghosts all night."

"Then why are you still level 10?"

"Night ghosts are not wild bandits and dogs. There are limited numbers, so it's not that efficient to train them. Moreover, this game has a threshold every 10 levels, and the experience points required for upgrading will increase a lot at once. But it's almost time. I should be able to upgrade tonight."

"Why don't you level up with me and Chengxian? The efficiency will definitely be high if there are three of us, and we can also take care of each other."

Ye Luo hesitated for a while, but still shook his head, "No need. I kill ghosts not only to level up, but also to brush up professional materials."

This refusal was not unexpected by Xiao Jie. What surprised him was that Ye Luo actually hesitated.

It seems that after fighting side by side yesterday, Ye Luo is no longer so resistant to teaming up.

He was not in a hurry, and ate the steamed buns by himself. While talking, I Yu Chengxian was also online.

Seeing Xiao Jie, he immediately came over excitedly.

"Brother Feng, let's do the task of investigating the ancient tomb today? It's been several days."

At the beginning, Yang Baichuan commissioned them to investigate the mysterious ancient tomb, but they had not completed it because of their low level.

Now that they are level 7, they can give it a try.

"Okay, let's look back and see the situation. If the time is right, we will go and see. By the way, I joined a group yesterday." Xiao Jie said and told the local player group about it.

"Wow, there is such a good thing, then we should have such a group here."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Yunchuan Province."

Xiao Jie said, "I don't know, but there should be one."

"I advise you not to be too idealistic." Ye Luo suddenly interrupted.

Xiao Jie said unexpectedly: "Why do you say that?"

"Not every player group will be so harmonious and help each other. Sometimes it will bring you danger."

"But players are not allowed to PK offline." I want to become an immortal said.

Ye Luo sneered, "There's no need to do it yourself. If you really want to harm someone, there are a hundred ways."

Xiao Jie said, "I'm very touched by what you said."

Ye Luo's face changed slightly, "No more, I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

After that, he logged off directly.

Xiao Jie and I Yu Chengxian looked at each other as Ye Luo disappeared into the tavern.

Well, it seems that I said the wrong thing.

After they had enough food and drink, they were full of energy, took supplies, and set off.

It was still the old place to brush the soulless zombies, just around the carriage.

Xiao Jie wielded the double swords, and I Yu Chengxian wielded the giant axe, skillfully killing monsters.

Xiao Jie used the double swords to kill monsters as much as possible. Today was the last day of the enlightenment BUFF. He hoped to have another enlightenment skill before the BUFF ended. It would be great to have a double weapon specialization or a spinning sword dance.

The double sword attack mode has much higher damage than the single sword attack, but it is also more prone to mistakes.

Fortunately, after continuous attempts, Xiao Jie has mastered the rhythm. The key is to leave enough time for the monster's counterattack after the attack, otherwise it is easy to reveal a flaw after the attack.

In addition, you can't be greedy, because the attack time of the double swords is relatively long, and it is easy to be counterattacked and lose blood.

The solution Xiao Jie thought of was to use more rolls, and cut two knives every time he rolled. After mastering the rhythm, there is a kind of mechanical beauty.

Roll-swish! Roll-swish! Roll-swish!

Xiao Jie rolled around the zombie while waving the double swords. The zombie waved his arms in vain, but each time he fell into the air.

Six perfect rolls followed by double sword attacks just circled the zombie, and the last two knives directly chopped the zombie to the ground.

[System prompt: Your "enlightenment" state has been triggered, and you have gained an "epiphany"! ]

Xiao Jie's character's head suddenly flashed with golden light, and a golden icon appeared in the center of the screen.

There are two golden words written on it - Enlightenment!

Oh my god, it's finally here! Xiao Jie was pleasantly surprised. Today is the seventh day of the enlightenment BUFF. If he doesn't come again, there will be no chance.

He hurriedly checked it out.

[Enlightenment: In the process of continuous rolling and slashing, you gradually mastered the unique moves of combining rolling and attacking, and thus comprehended the combat skill [Rolling Blade Slash].

Hmm? Xiao Jie was stunned. It was not the dual weapon specialization he expected.

Rolling Blade Slash? This name is really unique.

[Rolling Blade Slash (Additional Combat Skill)

Applicable weapons: One-handed sword.

Combat skill consumption: 20 physical strength (triggered after rolling).

Skill effect: Immediately launch an attack on nearby enemies after the rolling ends, causing 100% weapon damage (this action will not affect the next rolling speed).

Skill description: The nameless swordsman created a strange move by combining rolling and slashing. It has no image to use. Although the move is weird and clumsy, it may be useful in some special occasions. 】

Not bad, I finally got something.

Although this fighting skill looks a bit weird, it is better to have more skills.

At noon, when Xiao Jie's experience value reached 35% of level 7, the enlightenment BUFF finally disappeared from Xiao Jie.

It's finally gone. Xiao Jie felt a little emotional when the icon above his head disappeared.

I don't know when I can be enlightened again.

The two ate some food and prepared to rest before continuing to fight, but unexpectedly-Dingling! Dingling!

The sound of the bell rang again.

"Quick, retreat!" Xiao Jie reacted very quickly.

The two immediately judged the wind direction and quickly hid behind two big trees, crouching and hiding.

Soon, a group of soulless zombies were driven towards this side. Behind the team, there was another corpse driver.

Lin Yu (corpse driver): Elite, level 9. HP 440.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, the corpse driver seemed to snort in displeasure, and several corpse-eating dogs drooled at the corpse.

The corpse driver waved his hand, and several corpse-eating dogs immediately pounced on it, biting and swallowing.

Xiao Jie noticed that the name of this corpse driver was different from the one he met at the beginning. The former was Wu Gang, but this one was Lin Yu, and it seemed to be a woman. It seemed that there was more than one corpse driver.

Watching the corpse group gradually disappear, Xiao Jie breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the direction they disappeared, it was the direction of the ancient tomb.

"Brother Feng, are you still practicing?"

"No, we have to change places. This guy is going to the northeast, let's go to the northwest."

"The northeast seems to be the direction of the ancient tomb." I want to become an immortal said.

"Yes, there might be something in this. Could it be that the mysterious man in black that Yang Baichuan saw back then was the corpse driver? No, that corpse driver's clothes were clearly gray."

"Could it be that the color faded over time?" I Want to Become an Immortal had a rather strange idea.

Xiao Jie shook his head and said, "Absolutely not. The task texts in the game usually hide some key clues, so they are generally very accurate. Black clothes are black clothes, and they generally do not convey wrong and ambiguous information to the players. The man in black must be someone else."

"Maybe he is the boss of these corpse drivers?"

Xiao Jie nodded, "That's possible. If even the younger brother is level nine, this boss must be level twelve or thirteen.

And for several hours, there are a lot of zombies and miscellaneous soldiers, and there are stone-eating dogs. Wow, this is probably a big BOSS.

Such a monster appeared in the Novice Village, and it felt a bit like a mainline BOSS. Our levels are still not high enough now, so let's go level up first."

Although I Want to Become an Immortal was in a hurry to complete the task, I was always convinced by Xiao Jie's judgment, so I could only nod in agreement.

The two headed northwest, but the soulless zombies were almost gone, probably attracted by the bell.

There were few wild animals, and they didn't see a single monster after walking for several minutes.

"Brother Feng, there's no goods here, or - Hey, what is that?"

Xiao Jie also noticed that a small blue monster appeared in the woods ahead, with blue skin, less than one meter tall, a big head and a skinny body, like a big-headed doll, with an extremely wretched appearance.

He carried a wooden stick and a cloth bag with the word "goods" written on it.

"The little demon who picked up the remnants!" The two shouted in unison.

This shout scared the little demon directly, and the little demon who picked up the remnants saw the two and immediately turned around and ran,


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