Absolute Destiny Game

Chapter 99 Distribution plan and fire attack plan

Xiao Jie had been prepared for this problem. He had been a professional player for so many years. He led a group to participate in the organization's activities. The most important thing was the distribution of benefits. If you don't pay attention to this kind of thing, it is easy to cause trouble. At the least, you will be criticized for being a group of people, and the world channel will be spammed. At the worst, you will be posted on NGA or even reported to the GM.

Therefore, he has been familiar with various distribution rules, such as ROLL group, gold group, DKP group, four-point group... He has a lot of experience in how to make the members move at their own pace.

Moreover, he has carefully studied the loot distribution system of this game, so it is relatively easy to solve it.

"Whoever picks up the monster's drops gets it. I think everyone has no objection to this, right? The real question is how to distribute the boss's drops.

I have three distribution plans here, let's listen to them.

1. Pick up in turn according to the contribution value.

This system is built into the game. All the actions of the player in the boss will be scored, including outputting damage, taking damage, healing, removing DEBUFF, causing negative status to the boss... As long as the behavior is beneficial to the boss battle, the contribution value will be calculated.

After the boss battle, the system will give each player a contribution score. Contribution The highest player has the priority to pick up the equipment first.

Then the second, third and so on. If everyone has picked up the equipment and there are some left, there will be a second round until the items are distributed.

2. ROLL point distribution, one need, many greed, if the equipment you want is out, just ROLL point, click the big one to take it, and if you have taken one, temporarily exit the ROLL point until everyone gets one.

Then start the second round of ROLL points until the equipment is distributed.

3. Captain distribution, everyone votes for a captain who can be trusted, and after the battle, everyone discusses their own pursuits, And contribution, and finally the captain will distribute it uniformly according to their respective contributions in the BOSS battle.

How about it, which plan do you prefer? "

Dongfang Sheng said: "I vote for ROLL points distribution, this is the fairest."

I want to become an immortal but said: "Don't come on, you are so low in level, ROLL must be the most advantageous, I trust Brother Feng, I think it is better for the captain to distribute, so that everyone can get the spoils they want and deserve."

Xiao Jie did not comment, "Ye Luo, what do you think?"

"I choose contribution--" She stopped halfway through her words, "Wait a minute, you are so cunning, so I have given you three different options for us to share the votes. In this way, your last vote will be the deciding vote. You can choose whichever you want. You must have chosen the captain to distribute the equipment. In this way, you have the final say on how to distribute the equipment. "

Xiao Jie said speechlessly, "Oh, how can you slander someone's innocence out of thin air? Am I that kind of person? This kind of thing must take everyone's emotions into consideration. Naturally, it is decided by voting... If you really care so much, then follow your idea. How about we distribute it according to the contribution value?"

Ye Luo was a little surprised. She didn't expect Xiao Jie to compromise so easily.

In this way, she couldn't say anything.

Dongfang Sheng opened his mouth, but he couldn't question it either.

"Then it's settled. After forming a team, we will use the contribution value distribution mechanism. The one with the highest contribution value will get the equipment first."

Xiao Jie said, which was considered to be the result of the distribution problem.

Dongfang Sheng suddenly said, "Brother Wang Kai, I want to buy some more things. Is it convenient for us to talk alone?"

"Oh, no problem, what do you want to buy..."

Watching Dongfang Sheng and Wang Kai walk aside, I was anxious.

"Brother Feng, Dongfang Sheng must want to buy more props. Then he can use the props to deal damage and brush contribution points."

Xiao Jie smiled, "It's okay."


"If Dongfang Sheng can really use props to kill the BOSS, then I'm really happy to see it happen. After all, we have to defeat the BOSS first to get loot points. The biggest problem now is whether we can win. If he can really get the most contribution points, it means that he has made the greatest contribution. What's wrong with letting him get the reward first?"

In fact, he calculated that he would use the contribution value distribution method at the beginning. Only in this way can everyone use their greatest strength to fight the BOSS and spend their own money for limited picking rights.

Otherwise, if everyone does not work hard and the BOSS is flattened by a wave, everything will be over.

Although the idea is good, such a thing must not be decided by him as the proposer. No matter how good the proposal is, if the proposer decides it himself, it will arouse suspicion and wonder if there is any calculation.

So he must let Ye Luo choose this plan. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but there is no way. Human minds are so complicated.

"Besides, don't worry. Don't you have no confidence in me?"

"Of course not. Brother Feng, tell me, how should we do it?"

"Do you still remember the tricks we used to deal with the demons in the Tian family's old house?"

I want to become an immortal and my eyes suddenly lit up.

"You mean - fire"

"That's right!"

Dongfang Sheng had already added the order and walked back with confidence.

Xiao Jie didn't care what he bought at all. Anyway, it was all good for fighting the BOSS.

"Okay, since the distribution plan has been determined and the basic tactical arrangements have been determined, then it's settled.

In the next two days, if you have anything to prepare for, do your best to prepare for the battle. In three days, we will have a big fight.

But calculate defeat before victory. It would be best if we can defend it. If the village really cannot be defended, everyone will flee to the back mountain. We will meet at the top of the back mountain. If it doesn't work, we will run away over the mountain. At least we won't be in danger. The group is destroyed. "

Xiao Jie was also prepared to fail in defending the village. If he could not defend the village, he would rely on the invisibility talisman and the magic walking talisman to escape. Unfortunately, there were no teleportation talismans, otherwise it would have been much simpler.

Being a deserter is not a good thing, but it is better than losing your life.

Ye Luo said calmly: "Okay, but I don't think it's a big problem."

Dongfang Sheng also analyzed, "As long as we work together, we should be able to win. The system will not let the Novice Village disappear, right?"

If I want to become an immortal, I will be more direct, "Just listen to Brother Feng and do it."

Seeing the high morale of everyone, Xiao Jie was also quite pleased and said, "Place your order, Brother Wang Kai."


Several people sent the money to Wang Kai respectively. Xiao Jie was really worried that Wang Kai would make off with the money. He had heard of this kind of thing before when he played games.

Fortunately, Wang Kai is quite reliable, and the items arrived before it got dark.

Several people each received the ordered props and copper coins.

Looking at the pile of props and 15,500 copper coins in the package, half a million yuan was exchanged for these things. The money he earned was spent before it was warmed up, and Xiao Jie felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

But it doesn’t matter, money is a bastard, I’ll earn it after spending it. When the BOSS is killed, the best items will drop and I’ll earn back my capital and profits.

In the next two days, all five people worked hard to prepare for the war.

Dongfang Sheng immediately started to leave the village to level up. He was only at level 1 now. It was a bit overwhelming to participate in the monster attack on the village. He couldn't just throw props all the way. No matter how much money he had, it wouldn't be enough. It is possible to upgrade the level and increase some combat power. Fortunately, the first few levels of the game are relatively easy to upgrade.

Moreover, he now wears a top-notch novice outfit, a set of fine leather armor, and a top-grade spear. He also bought a combat skill [Sweep Thousands of Armies] to deal with groups of monsters. He also knows a move [Lance Thrust], plus With all the talismans and props in the backpack, this configuration is absolutely luxurious.

Even if you encounter the legendary Three Dog Immortal Slaying Formation, you can probably deal with it easily.

Ye Luo didn't know where she went, and she disappeared the next day. Xiao Jie didn't ask. This woman had a very deep understanding of the game. Xiao Jie felt that she must have prepared some powerful trump card.

At that time, it is most likely to get priority pickup rights.

However, Xiao Jie is quite confident in his plan. To strike, you need to be strong on your own. It is better to rely on others than to rely on yourself. Xiao Jie deeply understands this truth, so his hope of truly defeating the BOSS is still on himself.

The first thing Xiao Jie did was to buy supplies. He had already bought all the high-level consumables, and the low-level ones were also indispensable.

I bought a bunch of Jinshou Medicine and Dali Pills in small quantities, and ordinary arrows were indispensable. I bought 400 of them and spent another 2,000 Wen. Considering that this siege is mainly about soulless walking corpses, zombies, corpse dogs and other monsters, it is inevitable that corpse poison will appear. Some of these blood glutinous rice cakes must also be made, and some must be prepared for others.

All kinds of props cost money like water.

In addition to purchasing supplies, the most important thing was to lay out his fire attack plan.

Xiao Jie's plan was to build a temporary urn inside the city gate using wheat straw, dry firewood, and wood. When the corpses broke through the gate, poured in, and directly ignited the U-shaped defense line, the corpses were all brainless monsters. It must be a mindless charge, and when the time comes, they will be set on fire, and their experience points will definitely skyrocket.

And it can also deal a solid wave of damage to the ghost general and zombie owl.

Lay yourself first pick right.

To lay out such a system, a huge amount of materials are consumed. In the past two days, Xiao Jie not only collected it frantically by himself, but I also helped cut down a large amount of wood, but it was still not enough. After all, the two of them had limited manpower.

In the end, I simply went to the NPC to buy it in bulk, and spent more than three thousand coins on it. The repair costs for hatchets and logging axes alone cost several hundred.

In two days, the two of them accumulated a total of 132 bundles of wheat straw, 145 bundles of dry firewood, and 254 sticks of wood.

This much flammable material is enough to start a fire.

Since the game has a refresh mechanism, the two could only hoard these supplies in the warehouse and wait until half an hour before the siege to take them out to set up a defense line.

Finally, the time came two days later.

It was the end of another busy day, and it was getting dark. Xiao Jie quit the game. He had just had a meeting with several players to confirm tomorrow's defense matters. At this moment, Xiao Jie looked at the computer screen. desktop background, and looked at the sunset outside the window.

Suddenly, there was a sense of calm in my heart, like on the eve of a war.

Tomorrow is the day when monsters attack the village. In the past two days, he has been preparing for the battle with all his strength. He thinks that he is fully prepared, and several allies have also gone all out. It can be said that they have exerted their respective abilities to the limit.

But the outcome of a war is never determined by human will.

Monsters attack the village, boss-level bosses, and massive mobs. No one knows what the outcome will be.

Xiao Jie is not completely sure about tomorrow's battle.

Although an escape plan has been prepared, it is not known whether it will actually work when the time comes.

At this moment, Xiao Jie was full of expectations, anxiety and uneasiness about tomorrow's battle.

Maybe he might die in battle tomorrow? Xiao Jie suddenly had such an uneasy thought in his mind.

His heart was full of ups and downs, thinking about all kinds of possibilities, and the suffocation before the battle became more and more obvious.

Xiao Jie took a long breath and tried to calm himself down.

In fact, there is another way, that is to find someone in the group to help.

For such a lucrative activity as monster attacking the village, everyone must be very interested.

Let alone others, just the woman An Ran Yi Meng can probably deal with the BOSS, but the biggest problem with doing so is, who will get the BOSS's drops when people come? It must be someone else.

When the time comes, someone will beat the BOSS and collect the drops, and I have to thank them. I can't get any benefits and I have to owe someone a favor.

It's better not to trigger the plot event from the beginning.

So asking for help is just a thought.

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