Absolute Great Teacher

Chapter 188: Resolutely study Netherworld for 100 years unshakable

? Zhang Qianlin's footsteps are slower, and he concentrates all his attention, afraid of missing a word.

"Temporarily confidential!"

Sun Mo smiled.

"Teacher, don't be like this!"

"We are all your loyal fans, do you have the heart to treat us like this?"

"Teacher, you secretly tell me, I promise not to tell anyone else."

The students complained all the while, but they were very relaxed. After attending Sun Mo for so many days, they also knew that this teacher had a good temper and felt like getting along with friends, unlike other teachers. Majestic and terrible.

"Ha ha."

Sun Mo raised his index finger and shook it: "Don't say it."


The corners of Zhang Qianlin's mouth twitched, and he really had an urge to rush to pry his mouth open.

"Well, if anyone finds the source of this spiritual pattern, I will massage him for a month with the ancient dragon capture hand!"

When Sun Mo said this, the audience exclaimed.


The eyes of the students shined in an instant, and some of them could not wait to leave, and went to the large library to check the materials, otherwise it was too late, and those materials books might be borrowed by others.


What Sun Mo wants is this effect. Learning is a chore. Without some rewards, students always lack motivation.

It is not Sun Mo who brags himself, his "hand of god" is enough to make a prize.

"Classmates, listen to what I said, everyone must keep it secret, don't disclose this reward, otherwise others will come and grab us."

A boy suggested.

"Sure, I will say it unless my brain is rusty."

The students were very excited. Sun Mo could make a student advance with a squeeze. If he squeezed it for a full month, my goodness, how much improvement would that be?

Hey, dare not think about it!

"Fang Yan, why did you learn spiritual patterns?"

Sun Mo looked at this tower-like boy.


Fang Yan's concise and concise, two-character answer is full of willfulness.

"If it doesn't have a particularly profound meaning, I advise you to give up. You have no future in psychic patterns."

Sun Mo advised that he really didn't want to see such a good cultivator wasting his time.

Hearing this, Fang Yan's face changed and he became a little angry: "How do you know I am not talented?"

Yes, everyone was stunned. Sun Mo had the hand of God, but wouldn't that thing be able to touch this kind of talent?

Besides, Sun Mo has never touched Fang Yan.

"Do you think I drew a normal spirit gathering pattern? I know you don't understand it if you look down on your expression indifferently!"

Sun Mo shook his head.

Even if there is no God's Insight technique to obtain data, Sun Mo can see a general idea that the real talent is Lu Changhe's kind.

"Ha, is there anything unusual about Spirit Gathering Pattern?"

Fang Yan was happy.

When Lu Changhe heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore. Teacher Sun was an idol he admired and he would never allow others to question him.

"Fang Yan, the spirit gathering pattern is a simplified version."

"Simplified version?" Fang Yan blinked, and instantly changed from Demu to Erha, with a dazed expression: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Qianlin next to him was shocked. He didn't make a mistake. This Sun Mo had a few brushes.

"That is to say, the twelve spiritual lines are omitted from Teacher Sun's spiritual gathering pattern, which is different from the common ones."

Lu Changhe explained.


Fang Yan yelled, don't fool me, I also understand the expression of spiritual lines: "I saved more than a dozen spiritual lines, so the spiritual lines still take effect?"

"Others may not be good, but Teacher Sun can."

Lu Changhe smiled. How can you understand the talent of Teacher Sun?


Friendship from Lu Changhe is +30, friendly (270/1000).

Fang Yan put away his contemptuous thoughts and looked at Lu Changhe: "Can you show me the spirit gathering pattern in your hand?"

In Sun Mo's spiritual pattern class, it is a custom to randomly send the spirit-gathering patterns depicted in the classroom to the students who are most attentive to the class.

Lu Changhe worked very hard, and Sun Mo had the heart to teach him, so every time he drew a new spirit gathering pattern, he would give it to him.

"Sorry, this is my treasure."

Lu Changhe refused.


Zhang Ganlin stared at the spiritual paper that Lu Changhe was holding, and swallowed a mouthful of water.

"Fang Yan, let me tell you one more thing. Teacher Sun has not only simplified this spiritual gathering pattern. So far, he has taken a total of 25 spiritual patterns class and drew seven simplified versions of the spiritual gathering pattern."

Lu Changhe broke the news.


Before Fang Yan spoke, Zhang Qianlin called out first.

You say that you are full of inspiration and improve the Spirit Gathering Rune once, I believe, but how is it possible to improve so many times? It should be understood that these basic spirit patterns are the most used in the cultivation world, and are also the most contacted and studied by the spirit pattern masters. Therefore, they have become the most perfect patterns, and there is almost no change.

"This teacher, I have five of them in my family, and when Teacher Sun described it, everyone saw it. There is no need to lie."

Lu Changhe answered.

Zhang Ganlin was speechless, yes, Sun Mo couldn't lie about this kind of thing, otherwise he would be the one who was ashamed.

But... but improved spirit gathering patterns seven or eight times? Too fake, right?

Zhang Qianlin was full of entanglement and loneliness. He had always claimed to have a proud talent in the study of spiritual lines, but now, he was deeply shocked.

In fact, Zhang Qianlin was wrong. Sun Mo simplified the spirit gathering pattern, but it didn't make much sense, because the effect of gathering spirit energy was also weakened.

He was also boring to let Sun Mo draw spiritual gathering patterns every day, so he just had some fun on his own and kept changing patterns to simplify spiritual gathering patterns.

This is to be used for the spiritual gathering potted plants. After all, different plants have different leaf sizes, and the meridian directions on the leaves are different. So Sun Mo painted the spiritual gathering pattern on it, not in pursuit of maximum effect, but in pursuit of completeness.

As long as it can take effect, it doesn't matter if the effect of gathering aura is weak. Anyway, with so many leaves, gathering aura around the clock to maintain a relatively high concentration of aura, which is much more cost-effective than a single spiritual gathering.

In fact, the spirit gathering pattern has been developed to the present, using the simplest patterns to achieve the greatest effect, even if Sun Mo has a quasi-master-level spiritual gathering pattern depiction, there is no way to change it.

"Fang Yan, if you put your energy on cultivation, you can definitely reach a height that many people cannot reach."

Sun Mo persuaded.

"Sorry, Teacher Sun, I know you are for my good, but I really like Netherworld Studies. I will not give up even if I die."

Fang Yan bowed slightly, then turned and left after speaking.

Anyway, Teacher He Yuanjin values ​​herself very much and is willing to teach herself. Her level is much higher than that of Teacher Sun. As for whether she can get Tuina by Sun Mo, Fang Yan doesn't care at all.

"We, Fang Yan, have been determined to learn Netherlineology for a hundred years without wavering!"

Fang Yan cheered himself up, I must make extraordinary achievements in this discipline, so that all of you who question me shut up.

Sun Mo shook his head, but everyone had their own ambitions, so he couldn't say anything.

Sun Mo left, and Lu Changhe was also preparing to leave, but within a few steps, he was surrounded by a group of students.

"What you said is true?"

The students were shocked, and several others stared at the spiritual paper in Lu Changhe's hand, and begged in a low voice, "This classmate, let us see it?"

"Don't think about it!"

Lu Changhe refused directly. This is his own treasure. What if it breaks?

"Classmate, I am Zhang Qianlin, a one-star famous teacher, a teacher from this school, can I appreciate this spiritual gathering pattern in your hand?"

Zhang Qianlin really loves spiritual lines. Although he knew that Sun Mo was an enemy, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked with a smile.

Hearing the title of one-star master teacher, the students around immediately closed their mouths, their expressions were very respectful, and they also bowed to Zhang Qianlin.

Zhang Qianlin smiled slightly, with one hand behind his waist, and his chin slightly raised, revealing a reserved and confident smile.


After Lu Changhe finished speaking, he suddenly got out of the crowd and ran away.


The students were shocked, Lu Changhe, you are so courageous, you don't even give the face of a famous teacher?

Zhang Ganlin's smile froze on his face, and then sank again. When my one-star master spoke up, I was rejected?

What is the name of this hateful student? Check it back and fire him.

Disrespect to the teacher should be punished!

Zhang Ganlin walked out of the classroom. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. He slammed a fist on the wall of the corridor, and then became a little jealous of Sun Mo.

Lu Changhe didn't let himself see it, indicating that in his heart, Sun Mo's weight was heavier than his own one-star master teacher.

"Damn, look down on me?"

Zhang Qianlin was depressed, and wanted to kill Sun Mo soon.

"Huh, you don't understand the excellence of Teacher Sun!"

Lu Changhe curled his lips. In his opinion, Zhang Qianlin, as a teacher, hadn't even seen the mystery of this spiritual gathering pattern in class, so he was not qualified to see it.

Sure enough, only I can appreciate the talent of Teacher Sun. I don’t know if I apprehend the teacher, will he accept me?


After class was over, An Xinhui took a book and walked to the office. Because she was bored, she flipped through a few pages.

"What the hell? Why is the protagonist a monkey?"

Gu Xiuxun glanced, and was surprised, then quickly flipped through more than a dozen pages, and found that the protagonist was really a monkey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is the name of Monkey King.

This book was confiscated from a boy by Gu Xiuxun when he was in class. The boy came to class and glanced at himself for a while, then bowed his head again. It was simply too arrogant.

Really don't know how to get angry?

In fact, Gu Xiuxun knew that when teenagers reached this age, it was normal to know that they were lustful and Mu Shaoai. It didn't matter if they peeked at their chests, legs, and even feet, but if they were stealing in class, they couldn't bear it.

Are you openly saying that my lecture is not attractive?

""Journey to the West"?"

After reading the name, Gu Xiuxiu was a little curious, so she turned to the first page, tusk, this writing is really white, did a primary school student write it?

Shaking M sneered, glanced at the ten lines, and looked down roughly, but after three pages, the speed slowed down involuntarily, and he turned back and read it again.

This monkey is rather interesting.

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