Absolute Honor

Chapter 979: Phantom of the Camp

Several Seta members pushed Qin Fei and Mist who were tied up, and led them to a dungeon.

One of them lifted the wooden fence covering the dungeon, and the person behind took the opportunity to kick Qin Fei and Mist on the buttocks and kick them in.

When he plunged into the dungeon, Qin Fei felt as if he had fallen into the water, feeling cold.

He steadied his body abruptly, raised his head, and left the water.

Then I smelled a bad smell, a pungent smell.

Looking around, he found that this place turned out to be a water prison.

The water was about 1.6 meters deep, and it was submerged on Qin Fei's chest, and the top of his head could almost touch the top of the wooden fence.

Several Seta members locked the wooden fence, and left with a smile, leaving only the nearby guards responsible for the guard here.

"You were also caught?"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

In the darkness, a voice came from a corner of the dungeon.

The voice was very familiar, and Qin Fei knew that it was Captain Noland without turning his head.

"Captain, why did you get caught too?" Qin Fei did not expect that the SEAL team members would also be planted.

Captain Noland said: "We were going to the evacuation point, but there was a problem with the flying team that came to pick us up. They were attacked and we were surrounded..."

"That's how your seals treat your comrades in arms?" Mister sneered from the side: "We are gone, you are not looking for it? You deserve to be arrested!"

Noland's face blushed.

Mister was right. The slogan of the U.S. military has always been "Is it right to abandon the comrades." Two people in the team are missing, and it is not a glorious thing that Noland led the people to retreat when they were not killed. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"At that time, you had already entered the tunnel. We were planning to go in and find you, but there was an explosion and the secret tunnels all collapsed... At that time, a lot of my people were already dead. I can only break through with the remaining team members. I want to attack them. The living are responsible."

Noland's reason sounds very good, but it can't stand scrutiny.

The secret path is broken. In fact, it is not true that Qin Fei and Mist are dead, but to contact each other via radio. Noland has never contacted Qin Fei and others, obviously because he himself planned to give up. Qin Fei and Mister.

However, it is understandable that he and Mister are now agents dea, and Noland can only be regarded as a temporary combination, not a comrade-in-arms.

"By the way, where's Maggie?" Noland asked when he saw that there were only Qin Fei and Mister.

"Maggie?" Qin Fei sneered and turned his eyes to Mister. Mister knew that his negligence had caused the situation today, that is to say, everyone fell into this situation because of him. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Because Maggie was sent by the big boss behind him, and his identity was checked by him, at least on this point, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

"What's the matter?" Noland asked.

Qin Fei said: "Maggie is a traitor and a member of the Black Sun organization. All this is a game tonight. It has been set up a long time ago. The reason why your Predator drone shoots missiles at you for no reason, I guess It is the people of Hei Sun who have infiltrated your military, and all this may have an answer after you go back."

"What!? Black Sun Organization!?" Noland did not understand.

"Yes, this organization is an underground criminal organization. It is inextricably related to your U.S. military and intelligence agencies. Dan came to Cavalon this time not to fight crime, but they were originally one. Guys, including Veneto of Seta, Dan was detained only after they had an infighting."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Qin Fei felt sad for Captain Noland in front of him. The soldiers of the special forces were sometimes manipulated as chess pieces.

Noland thought he was carrying on a very just cause, but he didn't know that their operation was at the CIA's administrative office from the beginning. The senior military officials who ordered them to attack may also be in line with the "Flying Eagle Project." Can't get rid of many connections.

"Fack!" Noland's eye circles suddenly turned red, and he slammed into the wall of the dungeon like a madness, but his hands were **** and could not have much effect. At best, he just vented.

"Captain, it's not the time to get tempered. I want to ask, how many people are left in yours?" Qin Fei asked, scanning the surroundings. Except for Captain Noland, Sergeant Major Sith was also in the prison. There is Sniper Badis.

Sergeant Major Sith looked very embarrassed, his head was burnt, and there were burn marks on his cheeks. He wanted to come to the manor and escaped to save his life. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

A total of twelve people came to the "Bandituo" team, and now only three can be seen here, that is to say, nine people have died.

"In addition to me and the Sergeant Major, there are also Badis and Maxk, the rest are all..." At this point, Noland raised his head, as if he was afraid that he would bow his head and let his tears flow out.

Qin Fei felt very uncomfortable. Although these people had no friendship with him, they were all soldiers. He could understand the guilt and despair of a commander who lost most of his subordinates.

"Where is Maxk? Why can't I see him?" Qin Fei asked.

"He was taken out to be tortured. I guess they knew that Musk was a correspondent and wanted to extract some information from him." Noland was confident in Musk, "but they won't get anything. Musk is a man, they Only get his soldier number and name."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Do you have any backup plans now?" Mister couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have a backup plan for your seals? It's stupid enough! Every time our Delta goes on a mission, we have at least two retreat plans. !"

"What!? You belong to the Delta Force?" Noland was stunned.

Mister had never revealed his identity before, and now he missed it out of anger.

He hurriedly concealed: "Yes, I joined dea after retiring."

Noland nodded in disbelief, and said: "There was a backup plan. There is a river nearby. The river can lead directly to the sea, the Gulf of Mexico, but according to the plan, we have to run five kilometers to reach the river. , But the casualties of our team were too serious, not to mention that they were surrounded at the first evacuation point and couldn't break through at all, so the second set of plans means nothing."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"It's over..." Mister leaned on the wall ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looked up at the night sky through the fence: "I guess the fastest new rescue plan will be 48 hours later. Of course, the premise We were still alive at that time."

As he was talking, the fence above his head was lifted, and a black shadow fell from the top and fell into the water with a sound.

Noland hurried forward and pushed the person who had fallen into the water out of the water with his knees.

It turned out to be the correspondent Musk.

However, at this time, Musk had already changed his face, and his face had long been swollen into a pig's head.

"Musk, how are you?" Noland asked his subordinates with concern.

"For the time being...I can't die..." Musk took a few breaths and leaned weakly against the wall. "These **** won't get any information from me..."

He tried to open his eyes and looked at Noland: "Captain, I guess we might not be able to survive this time... I heard them say that we will be executed before dawn, and then transferred, saying that it is a warning to the Americans... …"

"Who did you listen to?" Mister asked.

"I heard their guards say outside the door of the interrogation room. They use Spanish. I can understand..."

"Fack--" Mister pressed his head against the fence fiercely, "Now only God can save us!"

Before the words fell, the wooden fence above his head was lifted.


A guard pointed at Qin Fei with a smug look, and his finger hooked in front of him: "Come here, someone wants you to ask something!"

Qin Fei knew that he couldn't hide. The person who wanted to see him was either Maggie or Oleksei. Except for the two, no one else was so interested in him.

He was grabbed by several members of the Setta armed forces, dragged out, and then escorted to a row of wooden houses on the northeast side of the camp. 8)

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