Absolute Honor

Chapter 980: Secret camp

This row of small wooden houses was designed to blend into the surrounding dense woods and vegetation for the purpose of hiding themselves effectively, in fact.

The entire Seta Group’s camp is ten acres, almost all hidden in the dense forest. The houses in the camp are scattered and small and dilapidated. Even if you use a helicopter to reconnaissance from the sky, it is difficult to spot the mess on the ground.

If it were not for the three-meter-high barbed wire fence around the camp and the twenty-foot-high wooden guard towers, and the armed men and patrols with live ammunition, the poor forest villages here and other parts of Mexico are not too big. respectively.

This area is about 30 kilometers away from the coastline. Due to the complicated road conditions, it will take at least one and a half hours to come directly from the coastline.

Next to the camp, there is a large water pool of nearly 100 meters. The water pool was actually excavated manually in the early years for irrigation purposes. Later, it was occupied by members of the Setta Group as a camp site. All local farmers moved to live in Kavalon Town. , The small village was abandoned.

The water in the large artificial pool is actually drawn from a small tributary, the river is gentle, and it extends northward to enter the Gulf of Mexico.

Such a position can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack. If an army or special police force intends to attack here, but has not entered the forest to find the photo secret camp, I am afraid that the people here have already escaped.

All in all, this secret camp in Veneto is almost as difficult to find as a paradise. It is difficult for locals who are not familiar with the road conditions to find here, and the locals are not willing to guide the military, so the camp is relatively safe. .

There were six wooden houses in the row used as interrogation rooms. Each square was seven meters long and five wood wide. Qin Fei was taken to one of them.

The guard pushed him into the middle of the house and tied him to an iron chair. Opposite the chair was a wooden table. Next to the wooden table were two chairs made of fir.

After doing all this, two of the guards walked out of the door and stood there like a **** on the left and the right, while one of the guards stood beside Qin Fei, staring at him intently, as if afraid that Qin Fei would become magical in the blink of an eye. Disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Fei raised his head and looked around all the furnishings in the cabin.

For a captured special soldier, every second and every moment you have to use all the opportunities to spy on everything around you, and immediately keep them firmly in your mind, because you may be able to get out of the trap in the next second. , And everything here is of great help to you, including the tools you can use, as well as various small objects and even maps that can find the location of the camp.

The cabin is full of corruption. The rainforest is very humid most of the time. The paper products such as newspapers and calendars on the walls have already turned yellow and there are circles of mildew.

The light is not very bright, there is only one incandescent lamp that looks a bit aging. The lamp is a wire hanging from the ceiling, so it is shaking, the light is shaking, and the figure is also swaying. This feeling looks a little frightening. The atmosphere of the film.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open from the outside, and there was a Young Master Pian Pian outside the door, and the Miss Maggie who would not forget that Qin Fei spent a lot of money.

As soon as he entered the door, Oleksei took out a handkerchief to cover his nose and mouth, obviously the breath here made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Didn't you go to discuss major issues? Why come to me to talk to me when you have time?"

Qin Fei deliberately teased Oleksand and Maggie.

"Olyeksey, you are the brother of Andrei, the head of the Russian mafia organization?"

"Yes, it's me." Oleksei nodded politely. He looked like a scholar studying classical literature at Moscow University. He didn't look like the traditional impression of the five big and three thick tattooed bears. The same Russian gangster.

"I think you must also know the origins of the beauty standing next to you." Qin Fei deliberately took the initiative to speak to them. In fact, this is a good way. .

After all, the longer the interrogation against oneself, the more suffering he will have to suffer. It can be delayed for a while, who knows what will happen in the next second?

The longer the delay, the more favorable it is for Qin Fei to find a time to escape.

He weighed it up. Actually, dealing with people like Oleksey shouldn’t be a big problem. Maggie’s a bit tricky. Regardless of being a woman, this girl who is more venomous than a snake probably has a high status in the Black Sun organization. People with a bit of status in the Black Sun organization were all trained by Fan Tianlong, which Qin Fei knew very clearly from the information provided by the ghost.

Fan Tianlong used to be a member of the p1a's top special forces. He was the proud protégé of Qin Fei's father, Qin Anguo. The subordinates he trained might have been compared to him, but not inferior to him.

"Of course I know who she is." Oleksei glanced at Maggie with a smile, "She is Mr. Fan's right-hand man and his confidant."

"Let me guess." Qin Fei looked at Maggie, and said, "If I guessed correctly, she is the legendary white tiger, one of the four major action groups of the Black Sun organization, the white tiger of the Qinglong Baihu Suzaku Xuanwu. ,Right."

White Tiger Maggie didn't say a word, wringing her hands and looking at Qin Fei.

On the contrary, Oleksei was surprised. He looked at Qin Fei and Maggie with a surprised look: "Oh! He is really a smart man, Maggie, he guessed it right."

"What's the difficulty of this?" Maggie rolled her eyes and looked at Oleksei, with a rare and strange expression on her face: "Among the four major groups, only I am a female. He has seen the general organization chart of the Black Sun organization. , Of course I knew it was me."

"Oh!?" Oleksei felt surprised again: "Since he knows you, why is he still undercover by you without knowing it?"

In the eyes of this playboy, this is indeed a surprise.

If Qin Fei can guess that Maggie is a white tiger at a glance, why would he be fooled before? Maggie had been with him for several days, but Qin Fei didn't know that this was the black sun.

"Let me tell you, Oleksei." Qin Fei said, "According to intelligence, among the leaders of the four major action groups ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Bai Hu is the most cunning, and she is the best at it. It's disguise and makeup."

Qin Fei stared at Maggie and looked again.

"I believe that the way she is now is not her true face. If I guess correctly, it may be just a mask made of high-tech."

This technique is not new. Qin Fei has seen ghosts before and wore an extremely well-made silicone mask. Now this thing can be fake and true, and if a woman is proficient in makeup, it will be more able to turn decadence into magic. Who Can't see her true face.

"Is this really the case?" Oleksei turned his head to look at Maggie in surprise, as if he was about to reach out to touch her face immediately 2.

Maggie glanced at Oleksei coldly: "Enough, we have to hurry up to get things right now, haven't you seen that he is deliberately guiding you to waste time? He is trained by the top special forces of p1a, and Do you think he is just a mercenary leader as simple as that? He is not working for money, he is working for his motherland!"

Oleksei was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood.

Qin Fei did successfully change the topic just now, and was walking around the garden with him.

"Well, do business!"

He turned around and snapped his fingers at the door. Soon a mafia member came in at the door with a tripod and a miniature video recorder in his hand. He set it up three meters away in front of Qin Fei, pointed the lens at Qin Fei, and adjusted the focus.

"Well, Mr. Oleksei."

"It's nothing to do with you here, let's go out first." Oleksei waved his hand, and his men turned and backed out, closing the door.

Qin Fei watched all this calmly, not knowing what tricks they were going to play.


Then force a confession of his identity and publish it?

What kind of extreme organization do you play?

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