Absolute Honor

Chapter 982: Bluff dude

Seeing a group of people surrounding him as if they were waiting for a critically ill patient, Qin Fei couldn't help but joked: "I heard that electrotherapy can activate the body's active functions and is good for improving muscle strength."

Now, Qin Fei tried his best to intermittently to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed.

One of the most important aspects of confronting interrogation is to keep your sense of humor as much as possible.

"Have you heard of Bruce Lee?" Qin Fei asked Oleksei: "This is how he trained before."

"Oh! You mean Bruce Lee?" Oleksei also laughed, apparently he knew who Bruce Lee was, "but he is dead."

Qin Fei laughed loudly, "Yes, so I hope you won't put the wrong battery in a while and electrocut me too. If I die..."

Having said this, he narrowed his smile slightly, his eyes shot at Oleksei like a sword like a sword.

"If I die here, I assure you, Oleksei, my brothers will make you two brothers more uncomfortable than going to hell. Believe me, the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross really has this ability, plus X mercenary group, your elders in Mafia, Russia will be angry with you two brothers because of this incident, and the fate of you two will not be much better than me.

"and also."

Seeing Oleksei's face gradually pale, Qin Fei continued to add: "You may know some of my background identity from Maggie, right? Who do you think I am?"

Oleksei's gaze wandered over Qin Fei's face, and his expression became hesitant.

Although Maggie did not mention Qin Fei's identity and background in detail, she did say that Qin Fei served in the top special forces of p1a.

Oleksei is not a fool, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be doing something wrong tonight.

Too impulsive!

Too rash.

He suddenly felt that he was naive, especially inferior to his elder brother Andre.

The second brother Vera has been dead for so long, why didn't the eldest brother Andre take revenge?

Oleksei never thought about this problem before.

At this moment, it suddenly popped into his mind.

He suddenly had the urge to call Andre, but his pride and arrogance prevented him from doing so.

Finally found a chance to perform, and now the situation seems to be quite smooth, the first character of the x mercenary group has fallen into his own hands, with this trump card, are you worried that Eric will not take the bait?

What's more, the cooperation with Black Sun, Veneto's Setta, and Garcia will reduce the import price of cocaine by at least 10%. This is an extremely substantial profit, and it will even be a purchase channel for the European market in the future. It will also be fully controlled by the Russian mafia organization, which is simply a fat trade.

Now that all of this is in your hands, there will be the final result tonight. At that time, in front of all the mafia elders, I can prove to everyone that I am not a waste, not a brake, eating, drinking, and playing but useless. The dude who directs picking up girls.

The huge temptation and the fear of Qin Fei’s unknown identity violently collided in Oleksei’s mind. He took out his small silver box from his pocket, picked out a little white powder from it and sucked it into his nostrils. .

"What? You haven't done it yet?"

Maggie returned to the room. She saw that although Qin Fei had been connected to the wire, there was nothing unusual. It could be seen that Oleksei had not tortured Qin Fei.

"Um...I'm thinking..." Oleksei stammered, "Should I call my brother."

"Why? Afraid?" Maggie looked at Oleksei, who was a little ridiculous, with a mocking look, and reminded him: "I told you that this Qin Fei was trained by top special forces, and he knows how to use people. ’S psychological weakness, are you frightened by him?"

"Uh...that's not." Oleksei said, "I just have some details and want to call my brother. After all, the current transaction between us and my brother sent me here before. It's very different. I have to ask him about some things."

"Whatever you want." Maggie had roughly guessed Oleksei's careful thoughts, he was bluffed by Qin Fei.

When Oleksey took his men out, Maggie's attention returned to Qin Fei's body.

"Very well, you really know how to negotiate." Maggie said, "You didn't have a long time in the special forces. I'm curious how you learned so fast. No wonder our boss has always admired you. I really thought about it before. Recruit you to subordinates."

"What about now?" Qin Fei still smiled, in fact, his heart was already suspended.

Maggie apparently had a phone call with Fan Tianlong. Qin Fei used the hard drive as an excuse to delay time and asked Maggie to throw a rat-fighting device on herself. Now that Maggie has taken the bait, it also means that Fan Tianlong has also taken the bait.

The hard drive called "Achilles' Heel" does not seem to be simple. Fan Tianlong still remembers it until now, and even temporarily gave up killing himself for this hard drive.

With this move, the bet is right.

However, trouble came immediately.

Because she wants her own hard drive, Maggie must hand it over by herself, or confide where the hard drive is now.

But Qin Fei couldn’t say, because all the core team members are now in Mexico, and there is only one He Weiming left on Comoro’s side. I don't know if I can prevent the elite team sent by Fan Tianlong from infiltrating.

But if you don't say it, you have to endure the sentence.

Maggie is different from Oleksei. Maggie is a black sun. She doesn't know how to throw rats, let alone be merciful~www.wuxiaspot.com~Now? "Maggie sneered: "You should thank you for being a little bit quick-witted. If the hard drive wasn't in your hands, you would be a dead body by now." "

"Have you asked Oleksei about this idea? He doesn't want me to die." Qin Fei said.

Maggie said: "He only needs a video of you still alive. It can lead your people here. After that, you are as worthless as a beast."

After that, she glanced at the door and muttered to herself: "It seems that now our **** has been intimidated by you. Okay, let me do it all."

"Before asking you questions, I think I have to prepare a video of you alive for Oleksei." Maggie said as she walked up to Qin Fei and checked the metal clips and the like.

"I don't know what effect Oleksei wants. Since he has called, I will do what I want. Before I ask you where the hard drive is, I want you to have a personal experience with low-voltage electric torture. Experience."

After speaking, Maggie walked to the controller and turned on the switch.

Qin Fei immediately felt the place between the two metal clips on his chest, and the feet that stepped on the bucket began to feel a little numb, and there was a little bit of tingling in the numbness.

"How many ma is this?" she said, turning the black plastic **** gently like a child saw a novel toy for the first time.

Qin Fei suddenly felt a violent electric current coming from under his feet and his chest. The muscles of his two legs felt like cramps in an instant, and his chest was like someone's hands gripping the flesh and twisting desperately.


He couldn't help but his body collapsed into a reverse bow shape, and his buttocks left the seat!

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