Absolute Honor

Chapter 990: identity

   in the SEAL’s car.

   The sniper Buddis was driving, Captain Noland was sitting in the co-pilot, and the correspondent Max, who was injured during the interrogation, was lying in the back seat of the pickup.

   Max was not as badly injured as Qin Fei. Although his face was beaten to a pig's head, he could still sit in the back seat.

With a thunderous M16 automatic rifle that they picked up after they killed the guard, he looked back at the two strange Asian soldiers in the carriage, and couldn't help asking his captain: "Boss, where are these Asians coming from? of?"

"Mercenary." Captain Noland contacted Lieutenant Colonel Wharton at the Port-au-Prince base and learned that the C-130 aerial gunboat had returned to Port-au-Prince to refuel and set off again to fly towards Cavalon in Mexico. It is still over the Gulf of Mexico for the time being, and it will take forty minutes to return to the Mexican airspace.

   He hung up the phone, turned around and said to Max, "At least they said that."

"Captain, do you really believe that they are mercenaries? Who are they here to save? These people seem to be highly skilled in combat. It is not surprising to say that they are special forces. Don't you think it is strange, Captain? There is also the DEA detective named Jack. Member, he is also of Chinese descent. Isn't all this too coincidental?"

   Max looked at the big insect and the tiger crouching on the sides of the car with the "Negev" light machine gun through the small window at the back of the pickup cab, his eyes full of vigilance.

   "I don't care who they are, remember, Max, these people saved us."

Noland turned his head a little angrily and unceremoniously warned Max: "Now we can only rely on others to get out of danger. It is not the time to be a hero. If you want to be driven out of the car now and walk back to us by yourself Go to the motherland of China, then you can question them! Oh! God! Max, throw away your racial prejudice! They are not malicious, don’t you see it yet!?"

   Now there was a fire in his heart, and Cavalon was buried under his eight men. The fire burned his heart.

   Back in China, how should he confess all this to his teammate’s family?

Sooner or later every special forces commander will face this kind of guilt. When your subordinates die while you are leading the mission, the psychological pressure will haunt you like a nightmare for a lifetime, until you lie down. Only at the moment of the coffin will the final peace be obtained.

"Tonight, it was our own people who betrayed us. It was the drone controllers in Nevada who threw bombs on our heads. If now you let me choose who to believe? I can tell you Max. I would rather believe this. people."

   He was so angry that he slammed a punch on the dashboard.

   "Fak! What the **** is going on!" He suppressed his emotions and shouted: "This is not over, I must find out when I return to China, who is planning to push us into the fire pit of death!"

  Max went silent.

   What Noland said was the fact that tonight, his brother died in the hands of his own air force.

   He just thinks that these Asian faces do not look simple. Their agile and skilled tactical movements and gun-fighting movements tell him that these are definitely some veteran oil.

Max was born in Texas in the United States. It was a week of cowboys, and a place rich in SEALs. The home of Chris Kyle, the first sniper of the US military, was there, and Max and him It's a fellow.

As a pure American patriot, Max is actually not so good about immigration. Especially for Asians with yellow faces, he is extremely vigilant, especially the rising power across the Pacific Ocean. How many times have they The training rehearsals are all targeted at the opponent.

Unexpectedly, when my life was hanging by a thread tonight, I was actually saved by these Asian faces, and now I have to be covered by others to retreat, but I am sitting in the back seat like a useless lady. Grumble.

   This makes Max a little uncomfortable.

   Unhappy returns unhappy, the facts return to the facts, he has to admit that the hands of these Asians are indeed one of the best soldiers he has seen in other countries.

According to Captain Noland’s inference, these people are definitely not malicious, so it seems that it is a good thing, at least as a SEAL, he is unwilling to fight with a group of Boy Scouts with extremely low tactics. It is equivalent to death.

The big bug Liu Feilong and Hu Yong, who were sitting in the car, had no idea that the two SEALs in the cab were arguing because of themselves and others. They set up their guns and faced the rear of the rear. Blocking might occur at any time. Enemy.

   "Hey! Buddy!"

   Mistor, who is not free, is holding his M16 automatic rifle, looking at Hu Yong and Liu Feilong.

   "Do you speak English?"

   This guy gestured his hands and feet for fear that they didn't understand what he meant.

   Sergeant Major Sith couldn't help but said, "They probably speak Z text."

   After that, I asked Liu Feilong and Hu Yong in a half-baked Chinese: "He is asking you, do you know how to speak English."

   Hu Yong and Liu Feilong looked at each other. Hu Yong turned to Sith and said in relatively fluent English: "I will, my friend doesn't understand it very well."

   Hu Yong graduated from the naval officer academy with a high degree of integrity. Liu Feilong is the runner-up in Sanda.

   Seeing that Hu Yong can speak English, although he is not very authentic, he can understand it.

  Sith asked: "Have you served in the army?"

   Hu Yong thought for a while and smiled: "Yes, but it's been a while since I retired. Now I am a mercenary and bodyguard."

"So..." Sergeant Major Sith deliberately figured out how Hu Yong and others got involved ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked, "Who are you here for this time? This seems to be our military. And DEA's actions, how did your mercenaries get involved?"

   Hu Yong was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the old fellow Sith would actually ask these questions.

   Of course, he can't reveal his true identity, but a reasonable explanation is required, otherwise it may be out of the question.

This operation was also arranged temporarily as a last resort. After Mr. An obtained the intelligence designed by Qin Fei from the intelligence department, he could only mobilize the most elite troops to come to rescue, because he was worried that a ghost group and a crow squad would not be enough. To deal with the large number and well-equipped Mexico’s largest criminal group, Seta, he even sent out the 3rd squad.

Before coming, everyone temporarily listened to Xiao Jiao’s briefing. An Ruosu introduced Qin Fei’s current situation to everyone. Only now did the people of Unit 203 know that Qin Fei had been using his identity as the head of the mercenary regiment to pursue the black Day organization.

   Hu Yong certainly can't mention this relationship. In the future, Qin Fei will still need to cover up his identity as the boss of the X mercenary group.

   His gaze swept over the former Delta Force member Mist, Hu Yong had a clever idea, pointed at him and said: "Actually, you can directly ask him a lot of questions, you don't need to ask me, he knows very well."

   "Me!?" Mister's eyes protruded in surprise, "What do I know!?"


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