Absolute Honor

Chapter 1007: Sudden explosion

In this world, what you are afraid of is always what you are coming from.

The entire banquet hall was so quiet that even breathing could be heard, and everyone was waiting for Charlotte to announce "major news."

The cold sweat on Qin Fei's back swept down.

What exactly is Charlotte going to announce?

Of course it's impossible to be so childish as to force the marriage like a little pepper, right?

Isn't that a joke of the royal family?

As a queen, do you want to be reserved?

Do you want an identity?

Besides, the Pepper Man is here, in case Charlotte really desperately announces...

Thinking of this, Qin Fei felt that there was a sharp knife on the front and back of his neck.

He even suddenly had a ridiculous thought in his mind, didn't he just received electric shock in Mexico just a few days? Pretending to be fainted, shameless is better than being caught between Charlotte and An Ruo Su.

"Tonight, I want to announce an important decision."

Charlotte looked at Qin Fei affectionately, and Little Pepper’s high heels had quietly stepped on Qin Fei’s feet under the table...

Qin Fei was not trying to pretend to be fainted, but to really fainted.


At the critical moment, a low explosion suddenly came from outside.

The lights in the entire hall flickered, and after being extinguished several times, they all went out suddenly, and the whole banquet hall plunged into darkness.

Then, there were several gunshots.

There was a panic in the hall, and the guests began to talk and seemed a little frightened.

"What happened!?"

"Guard! Guard! Wait for it to be destroyed!"

Someone shouted in the dark, and when they shouted, others panicked even more.

Qin Fei suddenly flashed a scene in the Stockholm palace in his mind, so he shouted: "Everyone stays where they are! Don't move!"

It's a pity that no one listened to him, and the roar was obliterated by the tide-like noise.

"You stay here, I'll be right back!" After Qin Fei explained An Ruosu, he immediately touched the front and grabbed Charlotte's hand not far from him.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine!" Charlotte's hand trembled slightly in the dark.

Qin Fei squeezed his hand vigorously, then pulled the captain of the guard, "Go and bring all your guards? Let them turn on the emergency power supply!"

"Okay!" The chief guard finished, got up and walked out in the dark.

At this time, the people in the hall had already started pouring out of the banquet hall.

Qin Fei could not stop hundreds of people, and now he can only guarantee the safety of himself and Charlotte.

I am afraid that this situation has been attacked. Those who can carry out such a bold attack in the Comoro Palace, apart from Fan Tianlong of the Black Sun organization, Qin Fei can't think of a second one.

"Team Thunder!"

Qin Fei looked in the direction of thunder. Because he had been plunged into darkness under the brightly lit pretend before, everyone's eyes hadn't adjusted to it for the time being.

The sound of thunder moved to Qin Fei's side.

"I think Fan Tianlong's person is here."

"I guess it is the same. We are going to get weapons now, Lei team, please take your brothers from the 3rd team to get the weapons. I am here waiting for the guard to come back to meet you."

"Okay!" Lei Ming nodded, whistled behind him, and greeted everyone, "The 3rd team, come with me! Go back to the East Palace and get the weapon."

Everyone’s weapons were placed in a house downstairs to the east side of the palace where they settled. It only takes more than two hundred meters from the banquet hall of the central palace, not far away.

After the third team left, Lao Yu leaned over.

"Damn, is Fan Tianlong crazy?" He was obviously a little annoyed: "Dare to attack Comoro directly?"

"I guess it's just a squad infiltrating, and there won't be too many people. Where did you hear the gunshot just now?"

"I didn't pay attention, it was too sudden..." Lao Yu shook his head.

"I know!" Kun Guai whispered: "Boss, I know where it came from."

"Where?" Lao Yu and Qin Fei almost turned their heads in unison and looked at Kunchai's location.

"It seems to be... where we live, to the east..." Kunchai said, "But I'm not sure..."

"Fuck!" Qin Fei suddenly slapped his thigh, and he stood up: "Walk around! Let's go back to the East Palace! Damn, they didn't come for Charlotte or us, they came for us. Come with that hard drive!"

"hard disk!?"

Everyone was stunned and suddenly realized!

Everyone is coming to the banquet hall to attend the banquet tonight, and there is no one in the East Palace! Including He Weiming and Yuli are also here, their studio is empty, only a few palace guards downstairs!

If there is a sneak attack at this time, it is undoubtedly the best chance to get the hard drive!

The chief guard rushed in with more than thirty members of the Royal Guard, holding a flashlight in his hand.

Qin Fei grabbed him and said, "Give me your gun!"

"Gun!?" The chief guard used the French Famaz assault rifle. Their duty was to protect the princess. How could the gun be easily loaned to others?

Moreover, the members of the X mercenary group are allowed to bring guns into the palace. In the East Palace, they even have a small arsenal. Why do you ask yourself to get a gun?

"Sorry, you have weapons of your own, I can't lend you weapons!" The chief guard felt that it should not be surrendered to his assault rifle at such a time. Without a gun, how can he protect Your Majesty the Queen?

"There are so many of you, we are only ten!" Qin Fei was anxious, and what he was most worried about now was thundering them.

The 3rd team did not carry a gun. If the point of the raid is in the East Palace, then they may encounter a heavily armed enemy...

"Give the gun to the Lord Duke!" Charlotte said suddenly.

"What?" Qin Fei was puzzled by the second monk.

Lord Duke? When did he become a duke?

"Qin, I plan to announce tonight that I will grant you the title of Grand Duke of Malo. It's just this kind of thing, but I decided it will be the final result. Although I didn't officially announce it tonight, you are already a Duke, and the fief is a horse. Luo Dao." Charlotte said softly.

Qin Fei was in a mess now, and he had no time to care about whether the duke was the duke or not.

The chief guard saw that the queen had said so, so he would naturally obey the order. With a wave of his hand, the people behind him came up and took off the gun and some of the magazines and handed them to Qin Fei and Lao Yu.

"Ruosu, give you this gun!"

Qin Fei drew a pistol from the waist of the chief guard and handed it to An Ruosu.

Turning back to Charlotte and said: "I'll go and see what happened first~www.wuxiaspot.com~What you just said, we will talk about it later."

"The things I decided will not change. What's more, your title has been reviewed by the royal court and the nobles have agreed." Charlotte said: "If you don't accept it, you are dissatisfied with our royal family and look down on our Comoro. Royal family."

Qin Fei's head hurt again.

Now there is really no time to argue with Charlotte, so I can only agree casually. Anyway, it's not a prince or a husband, or a duke. The duke is the duke, and others can't wait for it!

"Okay, I accept, is this all right!?"

After that, he took everyone out of the banquet hall through the side door.


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