Absolute Honor

Chapter 1019: The magical "deep eye" project

There are still hundreds of kilometers away from Eritrea’s Capital Airport to Tijo, which is not easy and takes a long time.

Qin Fei couldn't wait.

Because Mister told himself that the "Deep Eye" project lived up to expectations, and it took more than five hours to finally find a key suspect.

Qin Fei asked Diago, who came to pick up the plane, to temporarily requisition an office at the airport, let's take a look at the results of this mysterious "deep-eye" system analysis.

Among all the people, except Qin Fei, they didn't know anything about "Deep Eyes".

The analysis result is sent directly to a dedicated confidential mailbox in Mister, and you can watch it directly after downloading it.

After clicking on the file, all the details of the intruder were presented in front of everyone.

After reading the contents of the file clearly, everyone present was taken aback.

The identity of this intruder is not simple.

According to the information sent by the analysis department of the "Deep Eye" project, the intruder was an Egyptian man of Sister Reid, aged 41 years old.

"Sister Reid?"

Qin Fei's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Not because of the name, but because of the long resume behind the name.

Seth Reid, nickname: multifaceted, Egyptian, British, former MI6 front-line intelligence officer, worked in several key embassies in the Middle East during the nine years from the 1998 to 2007. He concealed his identity. Sometimes it was the military attache of the embassy, ​​sometimes it was the counsellor, sometimes it was the secretary or assistant.

He has served in the British airborne assault force. He has been trained as a counterintelligence and MI6 spy in Scotland Yard. He is good at sneaking and escaping, and intelligence theft.

"No wonder this guy enters the palace like no one, he is an expert!" Mister whistled and his eyebrows jumped. "No wonder he is so professional and meticulous."

"Wow! The former intelligence officer of MI6!" Eric smiled: "It's fun now, MI6 is all involved."

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Fei's body.

You know, everyone knows that the relationship between Qin Fei and Ms. M is pretty good.

The old fish was amused as he watched from the side, looked at Mistor and said, "It seems that what was said in the news last time is still true. You even monitor your allies."

"That can't be counted as an ally. You didn't see that this person is no longer a member of MI6, just a former member." Mister pointed to the corner of the profile and said: "Look, I said here, this person is a dangerous person. , The double agent, it's just a two-headed snake. Although it's not mentioned here how he left MI6, I guess he is an identity wearer. Knowing that MI6 will not let him go, he ran away."

"Well, it seems that we are going to clean up the door for MI6." Lao Yu turned to Qin Fei and said: Are you going to communicate with Ms. M, this person is also their former employee anyway, and everyone in the intelligence industry I'm not sure what the inside story is...

Qin Fei heard what the old fish meant.

Yes, the intelligence community has always been complicated.

Rhett looks like a MI6 traitor, who knows if he is a traitor?

What if he is just an agent who is ordered to change his identity, a decoy like himself or a hidden person, what secret mission is performing for MI6?

Once he pursues the multifaceted Reid, he may be killed by the wrong hand during the pursuit. No one can guarantee this, although Qin Fei wants to catch this **** alive and take it back from him. "The Heel of Chloes", but no one can say for sure about combat on the ground.

It seems that it is necessary to ventilate with M.

Today, Qin Fei is much more mature than before. The bizarre experience over the past year has given him the thinking and ability of a team leader, and he often cannot rely on temporary blood and impulse to do things.

Only by stability can we sail for ten thousand years.

MI6 is a veteran intelligence agency, and the X mercenary group cannot establish a strong opponent and enemy for itself.

"Where is Reid now?" Qin Fei asked.

Mister put his finger on the touchpad and turned to the last page of the information.

"According to the footage taken by "Deep Eye", this person was photographed at the International Airport in Johannesburg. Later, he was photographed with a probe at a station on Central Road. Due to the limited number of probes, where did he go afterwards? People know."

"In other words, this person is hiding in Johannesburg?" Qin Fei asked.

"It is very likely that this is the case." Mister said.

Qin Fei thought for a while and asked, "Mister, how accurate is your information? Is your system analysis accurate?"

"Are you talking about deep eyes?" Mister said: "This identification system that analyzes external information such as bones, walking morphology, etc., often relies on data modeling. The more object data collected, the more image data. , Then the higher the accuracy of the analysis, as far as I know, their modeling level is divided into three levels, the highest is level 1, and the lowest is level 3."

He pointed to a mark on the footer of the information.

Qin Fei looked at it. There was a red circle stamp on it, and an Arabic numeral "1" in the middle.

"Level 1 is the highest, and the accuracy of level 1 can reach more than 75%." Mister said: "That means Reid's modeling is very complete, but it is not surprising that he is in so many embassies. After working, there are many probes in the museum itself, and those probes will take pictures of his every move. In addition, many of his public official activities will be carried out in some relatively formal places, and a lot of imaging materials will be left behind. Maybe after he betrayed M16, these materials were sealed, and the "Deep Eye" project could also be obtained and used for modeling."

"75%?" Eric couldn't help but ridiculed: "That means we still have a quarter of the chance that we may be empty or find the wrong person. You Yankees are not claiming to have the most powerful intelligence organization. Is it? How can it be at this level?"

Mister knew that Eric was aiming at himself, and couldn't help but sneered: "Oh! Then you have the ability to find your Holy Cross assassin, you are so powerful, you go find it! Don't brag with me here! When I didn’t send the data back for analysis, weren’t you at a loss? At that time, you were like a dead chicken ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and didn't see you come up with any decent solution?"

"Fak! Do you want to fight again!?"

"Hit it!?" Mister did not show any weakness, "I'm afraid you won't succeed!?"

"Don't make any noise! ​​It's normal when you two are separated. How come you stand together and sparks hit the earth?!" Qin Fei slapped the table and shouted, "Shut up both! We are the most important thing now. It’s about getting the hard drive back, not about infighting!"

After speaking, he turned to go out and took out the satellite phone as he walked.

When he reached the door, Qin Fei looked around and walked along the long second-floor balcony to a secluded end.

From there, you can see the ups and downs of the planes on the airport. After making sure that the surrounding area is safe, Qin Fei pressed Ms. M's number on the phone.

"Qin, I am really happy to receive your call." Ms. M still had the cold official tone on the phone, "I thought you died in Mexico. It is said that you were captured?"

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