Absolute Honor

Chapter 1021: Multifaceted Spy Reid

"This person is a former agent of our MI6, which is a fact."

After a short silence, Ms. M finally confessed the true identity of Seth Reid.

"But he had already left our organization in 2007, and now has nothing to do with us. If you want to do something with him, just do it."

This is good news, at least in Qin Fei's opinion.

Since the multi-faceted man Reid and MI6 have completely broken off the relationship, that is, a free man, all he has done is just a personal act, which is much easier to deal with.

However, Qin Fei is not convinced that this guy will sneak into the Comoro Palace and steal the "Achilles Heel" without being hired or instructed. After all, not many people know that they have this hard drive in their hands. A slap can be counted.

Even if Reid has nothing to do with MI6, he must be related to other organizations.

"M, what organization does he belong to now?" Qin Fei raised his own question: "After all, I don't believe that a former British empire's special agent was suddenly interested in this hard drive in my hand, and then took the risk on our eyes. Steal it from the bottom."

"He is not affiliated with any organization, and no organization dares to accommodate him. He only works for himself and money." Ms. M's answer was simple and clear.

For money?

That's right, but it really costs a lot of money.

Everyone knows that stealing things from the hands of the X mercenary group will not be so easy to enjoy the rewards.

"How did he leave MI6?"

Qin Fei has always been puzzled about this question, and after thinking about it, he still has to ask M.

Ms. M didn’t seem to have any intention to conceal it, and directly replied: “Since 2004, our lurking agents in the Middle East have been assassinated, and many secret operations have also been frustrated. For this reason, we suspect that There was an inner ghost inside, so an investigation team was formed, and until three years later, we deliberately used a piece of false information as a bait to catch the inner ghost."

"It's Rhett, the multifaceted man?"

"Yes, it's him."

In the microphone, Qin Fei could clearly hear Ms. M's sigh.

"We later discovered that after being transferred to the embassy in the Middle East, Rhett had been asking to be transferred back to China. He was unwilling to stay there, but his department boss did not agree to his request. After that, he began to be employed by KGB. We steal information from our system. Later, he could even work for some underground organizations or even KB organizations for money. As long as he gave him money, he could acquire information from him. At the same time, he would also use himself in KGB. The trust gained, the information was sold to the CIA, so to speak, this guy is a man who eats everything, and his belief is only money."

Qin Fei didn't expect Reid to have such a disdainful past.

No wonder his nickname is the multifaceted man.

"Do me a favor?"

Before Qin Fei spoke again, Ms. M had already asked the question first.

"Help?" Qin Fei was a little unhappy. Speaking of it, M already owed himself a lot of favors from his current position, and the London incident made Qin Fei very unhappy.

Obviously, M knew the inside story of the incident, and MI6 did not take revenge against Black Sun.

This point once made Qin Fei wonder if Ms. M and her MI6 are also in the "Flying Eagle Organization".

"M, you owe me a lot of favors, but so far you haven't paid much. Even the safe house office provided for us in London has been attacked by others."

"I understand this very well." M is very frank, "but I also hope you understand that helping us with MI6 will surely be rewarded, and at certain specific times, I will pay you back with a lump sum. I know the truth of the London incident, but our intelligence circle has our own way of doing things. We are not a gang. Sometimes our agents are assassinated. Even if we know who it is, we still have to be forbearing due to some undisclosed reasons. , This point, I hope to have your understanding, but I can guarantee that the London incident will never be the next time. If you need, I can also arrange another place for your Gray Rabbit Defense Company as an office location, and use my personal The reputation of assures you that similar incidents will never happen again."

Qin Fei slowly digested the explanation of M's statement, as well as the pie drawn.

If the Gray Rabbit Defense wants to go to the front desk and get a legal coat, it must establish an office on the land of the British Empire and display its own signboard.

All of this, if you can get the assistance of MI6, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

M also saw this point, so he said so.

MI6 has no conflict with himself, and even Qin Fei guessed that M actually complained about the "Flying Eagle Project" and its affiliated organizations. Otherwise, I would not say just tolerate it because of some undisclosed reasons. That is in the dark. Means that M himself was quite annoyed by the London incident.

It's just that the senior members of the "Flying Eagle Project" organization hold a lot of power within Washington and the USA, and the United Kingdom and the United States are allies. After measuring it, M feels that there is no need for a mercenary group and a powerful old organization. So I didn't take any retaliatory action.

After thinking about it again and again, Qin Fei felt that it would be better to maintain a certain degree of cooperation with MI6 for the time being.

"Well, within the scope of my ability, I can try to help you." Qin Fei said, "Go ahead, what do you want me to do this time?"

"Catch Rhett alive and get something on him."


"It's a miniature memory card."

Storage card?

Qin Fei's heart moved, and he suddenly realized that it seemed that Rhett not only wanted to catch him, but even Ms. M wanted to catch this guy.

Of course, Rhett was originally an agent of MI6. He sold intelligence and betrayed his colleagues, causing MI6's operation to fail. From this point of view, he is absolutely a 100% traitor.

What puzzled Qin Fei was, since she is a traitor, why didn't Ms. M issue an order to kill her?

With MI6's global power, can it be impossible to hunt down a former agent?

Now, Qin Fei seemed to have guessed it.

Storage card.

It is this kind of storage tool that must have some secrets in it, which is also the reason why MI6 dare not touch Reid.

"If I didn't guess wrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the reason why you didn't send a purge team to kill Rhett is probably because of this card, right?" Qin Fei decided to ask.

In fact, this information is not of much use to Qin Fei, but since Ms. M asks for help, she must test the sincerity of the other party.

What cooperation requires is to be honest with each other. If M has this sincerity, he should not hide himself.

If she refuses to disclose these details, it proves that she is very wary of herself, then she doesn't have to risk her life for her.

"Qin, you are indeed a very smart person. Are you testing my sincerity?" Ms. M's tone became more cautious.

Qin Fei didn't intend to go around in circles, this old woman was the head of MI6, and there was no need to whistle around and pretend to cover up.

"Yes, at least as a partner, you should be honest with me, after all, I am taking risks on the front line." Qin Fei said, "I want to know why you didn't chase Rhett, and what's in the storage card? The well-known MI6 actually threw a rat-and-treat against a traitor."

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