Absolute Honor

Chapter 1028: Nostalgia

Qin Fei's hand controlled the mouse, turning Reed's personal files forward one by one.

After more than ten seconds, he stopped and clapped his hands: "BINGO!"

Looking back, I saw Mistre and Yuri staring at each other, their faces full of doubts.

"Oh! It's like this..."

Only then did he remember that he was a little gagged, no wonder these two guys didn't know why they suddenly became excited.

"Mister, you reminded me."

"Me?" Mister held the coffee in one hand and pointed at him with his index finger in the other.

Qin Fei's words made him very happy, at least it was not a bad thing.

But he didn't understand what Qin Fei meant by saying this.

"Although I am very happy to hear you say that, but I want to know what I have reminded you..."

Qin Fei pointed to the archive page on the laptop screen.

"Look here, this is Reid's personal character and behavior analysis."

Mister and Yuri’s eyes fell on the archive page, in which the column of personal hobby analysis reads——Golf enthusiasts, possessing a senior club card at Kings Barnes...

Remarks: Advocating high-end quality of life, easy to be bought by money...

"Golf?" Mister scratched his head. "This guy likes to play golf?"

"That's right." Qin Fei said to Yuri: "Immediately call up all the golf courses in Johannesburg and mark their locations."

"Good boss!" Yuri finished speaking, turned around and went back to his laptop to start inquiring.

"You mean, this guy will go to the golf course here to play?" Mister seemed to realize what Qin Fei was thinking, but he still felt that this was a bit of a fantasy. He could really find Rhett based on a hobby alone?

"Did you deliberately find some accommodation with a good coffee shop when you were on the run in the past two years?" Qin Fei asked.

Mister was taken aback.

He began to think about it carefully, and quickly nodded and said: "Well, it seems that something is happening. I remember that Yaou, who had just escaped from me, lives in a small town in Mexico. I chose the address because of that place. There is a cafe not far away that I don’t hate drinking."

Qin Fei said: "That's right. You are a person who likes to drink coffee and make girls. It has basically become your inherent habit. This is how people are. Unknowingly, they will be biased towards their own heart and follow their own feelings. When making a decision, you often unintentionally move closer to what you once liked. This is human nature."

"There are only three of us. One must stay for technical support. Even if we know that Reid is going back to the golf club, we can't monitor the disappearance of these clubs 24."

"What can't it?" Qin Fei asked back, "Nowadays, there is no need for human monitoring at all. Your thinking is still on the technical level during the Cold War."

As he said, Huacao Yulinu said.

Then he turned his gaze back to Mister's face: "Do you think the golf club will not be monitored?"

Mister suddenly realized: "Oh! I see, you let Yuri hack into their surveillance system?"

"Yes, we are insufficient in terms of manpower, but if we are technically concerned, we can't do it. A club occupies at most a few windows. There are at least four computers here, enough to build a monitoring platform." Qin Fei smiled. road.

"Yuri, can you hack into all the golf club surveillance systems in Johannesburg?"

"Of course you can, meaningless!" Yuri didn't look back, still inquiring about data, "If I want to hack into their police system, I can do the same."

"However, it is still impossible for us to stare at the screen 24 hours a day, right?" Mister still had some doubts.

Qin Fei fed him a reassurance pill and said: "Of course not, but since we now have information that Reid believes so much, input the photos in his file into the system to form a facial recognition trigger system, which will trigger once Reid appears. Alert, we will know which club he is in."

Mister looked at Yuri with his head tilted, and thought for a while: "Why do I suddenly feel that I am old? It seems that I can't keep up with this era."

"You are not a spy, you are just a member of a combat team." Qin Fei said, "I don't know it's normal."

"It seems that you are also a member of the special forces. Have you been trained as a spy?"

"There is an old saying in our country, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black." Qin Fei pointed at Yuri and said: "It's not the first time I have seen Yuri's ability. Besides, I haven't eaten pork before. Pig Run? Every time I take action, I think about technical matters. After all, I am not an ordinary team member, I am the leader of the X mercenary group."

"Oh! It sounds terrific..." Mister curled his lips, feeling a little dissatisfied.

After all, he is an elite of the Delta, and now he is regarded as an idiot by a hairy boy, which is really detrimental to his self-esteem.

Although Qin Fei didn't regard himself that way, his self-esteem made Mist feel a little difficult to step down.

"I found it!"

Just when Mister had lost interest in talking to Qin Fei and had fallen into silence, Yuri sat on the wheeled office chair and turned around.

"I have already positioned all the golf clubs in Johannesburg, including those in the suburbs."

Qin Fei didn't even look at the screen, but at Yuri: "You mark the golf clubs near Central Street and see how many are there."

Yuri froze for a moment, then turned around, crackling his hands on the keyboard for a few seconds.

"My God! There are actually four courses near Central Avenue! A Royal Golf Club, a Holden Golf Course, a Harder Park Golf Course, and on the southeast side of Central Avenue, there is also a Rocheville Golf Course... "

"With these four courts as the center, make a circle, how many residential areas are there in the center of the circle." Qin Fei bent over, holding his face in both hands, staring straight at the floor without looking at the screen. "If I guessed correctly, he lives in several residential areas around the center of this circle."

This seemed to be a blind answer, and Qin Fei wanted to open the book to read the answer at the last moment.

"The central area has been calibrated, but the circle seems to be all places such as colleges, observatories, government parks, residential areas..." Yuri said as he checked each place name carefully on the screen with his finger, and said after a moment: "More concentrated There are three residential areas in Oakland, Horton, and Obsser, the three relatively concentrated areas, all of which belong to the affluent areas. But..."

"But what?" Qin Fei asked.

Yuri's eyes were filled with hesitation and said: "In addition to these concentrated settlements, there are many scattered places where people can live. Boss, are you sure that Reid must be in these residential areas?"

"Large hidden in the city, the more people there are, the easier it is to hide yourself." Qin Fei said: "Living alone is too eye-catching, Red is not stupid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He will not make such a mistake. Now, you will Let me take a look at the most high-end calibrations in these residential areas."

"It's the Houghton community." Yuri said, "It's next to St. John's College, and it's next to Houghton Golf Course...Wait! Boss, you mean, Reid must live in the Houghton community! ?"

"Why not!?"

Qin Fei finally straightened up and cast his eyes on the computer screen on the table.

A few English words in the Horton community came into view.

"Now, let the facts prove my guess." He said to Yuri: "You should know what to do, monitor these suspicious locations, and control their imaging systems in your hands."

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch: "Mister and I are going to cook. You are staring here. There is not much time. You must complete the task before 12 o'clock tonight."

"YESSIR!" Yuli respected the soldier in the movie, and turned around to execute the order Qin Fei gave him.

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