Absolute Honor

Chapter 1039: 1 all caught off guard

Mister hasn’t been to this kind of place for a long time. When I was in the Delta Force, I had to perform various tasks outside all the year round. As a result, these energetic young and middle-aged Special Forces members performed tasks in dangerous areas, so they were dangerous. With regional subsidies, the American army still takes good care of the soldiers and officers who work **** the front line.

Mister has language subsidies, plus war zone subsidies, etc., and the salary is still very good.

It is said that men are wealthy and restless. Of course, the old American commandos who eat beef all the year round are no exception. Therefore, whenever they go to a place, as long as they don’t go to the kiln or go to the bar during the mission, hang code words and roll the bedsheets, these are bad things. Mister didn't do less, but over time, it became a habit.

The J Yard here allowed Mister to find the time when he was deployed to a base in a certain country in Southeast Asia. The local income level was not high, but in such a place, the more girls who lost their footing in this kind of profession would have.

This time, in Johannesburg, Mister finally recovered a little familiar feeling when he was still in the Delta Force.



"My sweet white chocolate..."

Although Mister's skin tone looks a bit wheatish, this is due to the harsh conditions he performs all the year round, but he is essentially a white cowboy from Texas.

But for the first time, he was called "white chocolate".

This group of girls with heavy make-up surrounded them. There were whites and blacks, and the scent of inferior perfume instantly enveloped the surroundings.

They generously rubbed the rich "capital" on Mister's arms that they were proud of, and put them on his shoulders, using the most intimate nicknames in the world to call their lovers. A man who might be his benefactor tonight.

Mistor's head was immediately congested for a while, and couldn't help but have a little physiological reaction. He reached out and grabbed a hand on the **** of one of the half-black mixed-race girls. The full and elastic hand feels Mister was almost out of his body.

"Wow! Sweetheart, your body is really good. I promise God that if I were a king, I would make you my queen..."

"Really? Then do you want to go up, tonight I will let you be the real king..."

When other women saw that Mister seemed to be most interested in this hip-bottomed mixed-race girl, they immediately knew that they couldn't squeeze a steel pin on Mister, so they scattered and continued to walk to the side of the street to solicit business.

"Mist! What are you doing again?" Qin Fei's roar suddenly came from the agent's headset.

Mister was startled, and suddenly he poured cold water on his head like a basin of cold water.

Seeing Mister suddenly froze, the **** girl next to her suddenly became puzzled: "Hani, your complexion doesn't seem to be very good, is it uncomfortable?"

"Oh! It's okay, I suddenly remembered that, in fact, I came here to find someone..." Mister casually made an excuse.

"Who are you looking for? There is no one I don't know here." The Qiao-butt girl asked nonchalantly.

Mister is still a veteran after all, knowing how to get rid of this kind of girl.

"SORRY! Baby, I actually forgot to tell you that I came to find someone today." Mister put on a look of regret and said: "Actually I am a driver. The BOSS asked me to pick someone up here. "

Hearing that Mister was just a driver, the face of the girl with a hip suddenly became less enthusiastic.

"Oh, are you here to find someone?" Her tone also became cold.

"Yes, come to pick up a professor. He is a friend of our boss." Mister said: "But I don't know which room he went in here, so...Can you do me a favor?"

In fact, this sentence is quite risky, as long as the buttocks girl agrees, Mister is really not going to step down.

First of all, since Rhett is very familiar with Carmen, and Carmen lives in this J courtyard, maybe she is just a girl.

If so, then of course the **** girl knows Carmen, and it is very likely to know Rhett. Judging from the way Reid is familiar with the road just now, it is not the first time that he has been here.

So, the buttocks girl is also very likely to know Reid.

If the **** girl agrees to take herself to Rhett, things will be troublesome.

Of course, Mister is not a fool. The reason why he describes himself as just a driver is to vaccinate the hip girl in advance.

You know, these girls who stand on the street are not good men and believers, let alone innocent little white rabbits. They only have money in their eyes, otherwise they would not let their dignity go this way.

People who love money are often very realistic. Since there is no benefit from Mister, then she is definitely unwilling to help, even if she has no interest in it.

Sure enough, the face of the buttocks girl immediately collapsed, and Mister gave Mister an impatient look.

"Sister, I don't have much time, why do you want to go, don't bother me!" The girl turned her head, and left Mister cursingly while murmured cursing in her mouth: "Poor ghost! Don’t take advantage of the sisters if you don’t have money..."

Mister also pretended to be disappointed, and shouted behind him: "Beauty, can you help me..."

"Fuck you, just fly on the plane! Don't bother the old lady!" The girl with the top buttocks turned her head and changed her appearance. The sweet and charming girl has long since disappeared, replaced by a street bitch. tigress.

Mister stopped squeaking, and when the hip girl walked away, the corner of his mouth curled, and he smiled and walked towards J courtyard.

"Don't rush me, Qin, I'm inside now..."

Entering the building, there were only dim pink lights in the narrow corridor, and the sound of laughing and flirting vaguely came from upstairs.

Arriving upstairs, Mister found himself in a big trouble.

With so many rooms, he didn't even know which room to go to find Rhett.

This is a red light district. Behind every door, there may be clouds and rain in Fengwu Mountain. Pushing the door in will definitely become a rage among men.

In that way, Rhett is bound to be alarmed, and everything will be over.

After strolling in the corridor, Mistor considered whether to go up to the third floor to take a look. It didn't make any difference if he went to the third floor. He still couldn't judge where Reid was.

He quickly took out his cell phone.

Now I can only try to see if there is an IFI signal here, and it turns out that there is no signal at all here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no IFI here...

It seems that Yuri is too dear to the J House in Johannesburg.

"Qin, Yuri, I'm in trouble!"

"What's the trouble!?" Qin Fei asked first.

"I can't find Rhett, there are too many rooms here, and there is no IFI here, Fack!" Mister cursed while pacing back and forth like an ant on the hot pot.

"You turn on your Bluetooth, scan the surrounding signal sources, and you can see the ID of the phone from the Bluetooth available list. If Reid uses his own name as the ID, then you can see him within the range of Bluetooth. You can judge where he is.” Yuri gave a solution: “Bluetooth is only about ten meters away, and the partition wall may be shorter. So, as long as Reid’s cell phone appears, it proves that he is near you. ."

Mister quickly took out the special mobile phone Yuri gave him and turned on Bluetooth.

Soon, a list popped up.

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