Absolute Honor

Chapter 1041: Loss of merit

Mister subconsciously stuffed the phone into his trouser pocket, and he had no time to find Reid's name on the phone's screen and click on the link.

The reason why Reid suddenly appeared on the Bluetooth list was not because he and Carmen lived in a nearby room, but because he was going downstairs.

Obviously, they are leaving here.

The moment Mistor put the phone back in his trouser pocket, Rhett and a woman, holding a child, appeared in front of Mistor without warning.

Mister was secretly cold on his back, and he couldn't stop. As long as he hesitated a little or there was a slight abnormality, Reid, who was as sensitive as a hunting dog, would definitely look at himself more.

Perhaps just a glance will make this professional spy immediately suspicious.

Mister can only bite the bullet, face to face with Rhett, one facing up and the other down, and the two pass by.

Rhett's attention seemed to be on the little girl who was in his arms, and did not notice Mistre. In his eyes, there are too many men coming and going in and out of it. Mistre The manner in which they are walking is very similar to the men who often go in and out here.

Perhaps Qin Fei is right.

Even if Mister didn't speak, his **** face full of all kinds of sorrows seemed to be pierced with the words "prostitution/guest".

Going up to the third floor and turning the corner, Mister heard Rhett's voice disappear in the corridor and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

At last he didn't show his feet, he secretly rejoiced.

Suddenly, he thought of the cell phone in his pocket.

So I quickly took it out, lit the screen, and then called up the list of Bluetooth-enabled devices.

It's just that the familiar and most important "RD" is not on the list-Rhett has already arrived downstairs, the third floor is not high, and the signal has been blocked again after being in the car.

The opportunity has disappeared like a shooting star across the sky.

Mister hit the wall with a punch, and suddenly he realized that it was not the time to vent his temper.

"Yuri, Qin, Rhett has already left. He just went downstairs and got into the car. The gypsy woman named Carmen was with him. Rhett was still holding a few years old girl..."

Mister said as he walked through the corridor.

There was a window on the wall at the end of the corridor, and Mister opened the window and looked down.

Now he must get out of here. He can't just walk out of the front door like this. Rhett's car is at the door. As long as he sees Mister, he must feel abnormal.

Why does this man appear in front of him repeatedly?

In the eyes of a spy, a person who repeatedly appears in front of you must have a problem.

Fortunately, the building was only about ten meters away. Mister glanced at an iron water supply pipe on the outer wall, then climbed out and began to slide down along the pipe.

Unexpectedly, Mister's luck seemed to be bad.

He slipped to a height of about five meters, and suddenly, the water pipe he grabbed made a clear bang.

One of the buttons that fixed the water pipe to the wall fell off, and the entire water pipe tilted outwards. Mistor instantly lost his balance and couldn't hold the water pipe with his hands. The person fell to the ground like a plummet.

It's over...

A terrible thought flashed through his mind.

Five meters is not high at first, but if he landed in this back-down posture, I am afraid that he would suffer internal injuries without dying.

Maybe it was the Lord Mister believed that really appeared this time, Mister felt that he did not directly fall to the ground, but fell to a soft object.

However, soon there was a sharp pain from below his ass, close to the crotch, as if thousands of needles were piercing his body.


He uttered a howl, but suddenly swallowed the scream back into his stomach.

He can't bark. It's only 20 to 30 meters away from the front door. Such a sudden roar at night may attract everyone in the surrounding buildings, including Rhett who is also at the front door.

It's really not easy to endure pain. Fortunately, Mister is also a member of the Delta Force, so torture training is commonplace, and it is of course not a problem to resist the pain.

He resisted the pain and rolled to the side, then he smelled a pungent smell in his nostrils.

It turned out that this guy fell directly into a large trash can, which was full of domestic garbage wrapped in plastic bags, and it was these buffer houses that made Mistor no risk of fracture or internal bleeding.

However, the pain is still so strong.

Mister looked sadly in the direction of his life. There are often glass bottles in the garbage, just in case...

In case of a bad life, his baby will fall directly on the broken wine bottle. The sharp glass can cut tofu as easily as a knife to make him complete a perfect castration. From then on, he has gone to Thailand for surgery but can be left. Eligibility for the next big sum of money.

Fortunately, Mister didn't see any bloodstains in his sight. If his life was really out of the imaginary situation, he would already have five steps of blood splattering by now.

No blood, that means nothing.

However, he still felt pain.

Standing up in the trash can, Mister glanced back and finally found the culprit-a basketball-sized cactus ball, Hao Ran, whose thorns have been bent, and some of them simply pierced into the rice. Under Sturt's butt, it is estimated that even the second child was also a little bit light.


Qin Fei sat in the car and stared at the old BMW in front of Reid.

The car was leaving the parking place in front of the building, slid into the street, drove slowly forward, and soon disappeared at the end of this neon flashing street.

"Mist~www.wuxiaspot.com~Where is your idiot!? Rhett is gone, and if you don't come back, you will take a taxi and wait in the safe house!" Qin Fei was furious.

In his opinion, a member of the Special Forces should be very punctual. Mistor has not encountered a battle. Rhett has already left, so he should leave with him. But now Rhett has drove off, but Mistor has not yet. See the trace.

As long as Reid expelled a few hundred meters and then turned at any intersection, Qin Fei would lose his track.

In this way, everything is back to square one.

Everyone can only go back to Rhett's residence and wait for him to come back.

If in the time period when Rhett was out of sight, he and his employer completed the transaction, even if Qin Fei caught Rhett afterwards, it would be too late.

"I'm here! Fak!"

Fortunately, as soon as Qin Fei's voice fell, he saw Mistre coming out from behind the house, limping and leaping towards the car, like a man with a broken leg. Male dog.

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