Absolute Honor

Chapter 1044: Mysterious buyer appears

Yuri really deserves the title of his own computer genius.

Sometimes things like talent are really terrible things. Just less than two minutes later, Yuri's proud voice came from Qin Fei's headphones.

"Boss, I got him."

"So fast!?"

"Any system has loopholes, not to mention that Apple's mobile phone itself has a backdoor." Yuri said: "I just helped Reid open it. Now his mobile phone is not only monitored by us, but I have implanted it in his system. Some things can turn on his microphone and earpiece, that is to say, his mobile phone is now a monitor."

"Fuck me!" After Qin Fei listened to Yuri's narration as if he was listening to a heavenly book, he even thought this guy was bragging? So god?

He is also a college student anyhow, although he is a liberal arts, but he doesn't even know the basics.

Is it so easy to crack a system?

Especially the IOS system, which is known as security, has no defensive ability in front of You.

"Are you sure you are not kidding?" Qin Fei asked.

Yuri said: "Boss, you are an insult to me. What you are questioning is not my ability, you are questioning my talent!"

Soon, Qin Fei heard the conversation between Reid and the doctor next door in the headset.

He was even taken aback for a while, thinking that he was hearing a hallucination.

There is a wall between the two of them, even if they are not soundproof, they will not be able to transmit the sound to the other office.

Soon, he realized that this was Yuri deliberately switching the channel, sending the sound monitored through Reid's mobile phone directly to the channel.

"Wow! Yuri, if you are in the USA, I guarantee you will be registered on the key personnel monitoring list by the CIA."

This time it was Mist who sighed. Although Yuri always looked for opportunities to hurt him, Mist didn't appreciate him at all.

He really belongs to the kind of person with few roots, maybe in addition to women, he doesn't want to put too many things in his mind. For a special forces soldier who has been on the front line of killing all the year round, Mister's character It also ensures that he will not have too much psychological burden.

This is definitely a good thing for him, to clear the unpleasant negative emotions out of his memory as quickly as possible. This is why Mister, despite being in adversity, was wrongly planted and discharged from the army with disrepute, and at the same time was The CIA is pursuing it, but it can still maintain the fundamental reason why it must whistle when it meets a beautiful woman.

"I look down on your CIA guys. The spirit of hackers is freedom, understand? Once controlled by any department, he will not be free. Once he is not free, he will lose his faith and become a tool. Once he loses his faith, he will not be free. The technology will give you amazing imagination and dazzling light, understand?" Yuri said proudly, as if an old pastor was teaching a ignorant and ignorant lost lamb.

"I don't understand!" Mister shook his head.

"In fact, the biggest terminal illness in the world is not disease!" Yuri looked at Mister, with a sad expression on his face.

Mister asked: "What's that?"

"It's stupid!" Yuri caught the opportunity to hurt Mistor again: "Stupid, there is no cure."

"Fuck you/Damn it!" Mister was unhappy, and took a sip: "You have the ability to fight like your father on the battlefield with a gun? See if you are good or I am good?"

"I'm a technologist. The most annoying to me is that you guys who are brave and ruthless have no technical content. Since I was a child, I don’t like my dad who fights and kills all day long. I never go home once a year. So I will be fainted by the smell of smoke on his body... Since I was a child, I have vowed that I will never live as my father did to make money."

"You know what a shit! Although your dad and I are in the opposing camp strategically, as a soldier, I admire your father. A young man like you doesn't know what patriotism is. In this life, a man has to order something. Go all the time, you can be a woman, you can be a country, understand?" Mister taught.

"I don't understand, I only know that I don't like bloodshed, I like peace, and everything can be solved by non-violent means." Yuri refused to give up.



"You two are endless!" Qin Fei suddenly appeared on the channel: "Whether you two are arguing on the channel for me to listen to? I want to say, you are all fed up and have nothing to do, and you forgot that it is now. What are you doing here? A special Delta deserter, a wanted computer criminal criminal, is actually here to talk about life and belief?"

Yuri and Mister were immediately embarrassed, and Qin Fei broke their hole cards.

Just now, the two of them had a quarrel, they were addicted to it, and they had forgotten their true identities.

Qin Fei was right. No one is more noble than anyone else. One is a criminal wanted by the Russian police, and the other is a dangerous person wanted by the domestic intelligence agencies.

"Mister, it seems we still have something tonight." Qin Fei continued: "I listened to the conversation next door just now. Carmen and Reid definitely have an unusual relationship, the girl named Luo Lisa. Not Reid’s biological daughter..."

"How did you know?"

"I heard it with my ears." Qin Fei said: "Just now you two were publishing a long story and being impassioned. You forgot to listen to what they were talking about, right?"

Mister and Yuri became extremely embarrassed again, and no one had paid attention to the conversation between Rhett and the doctor in the emergency room just now.

"Qin, I think these two mothers and daughters have a little value." Mister said suddenly.

Yuri sat aside, for a moment, then his eyes rounded.

Qin Fei remained silent over there.

After a long time, he said: "Until the last moment, it is not the most compelling~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will not attack women and children."

"Oh! I just remind you, the world is unpredictable, who knows what will happen next?" Mister said indifferently, raised his hand to look at his watch, and muttered: "It seems that the buyer is the buyer tonight. I won’t call, it's twelve o'clock."

"It seems so, shit, it looks like it will be delayed for another day."

For Qin Fei, this is not something to be happy about. The more you look at, the more difficult it will be to monitor and the easier it will be for Reid to detect it.

What's more terrible is the reality. The three people are short of manpower, and even three shifts are not easy to arrange.

A red indicator light on the instrument in front of Yuri suddenly turned on.

Yuri immediately reached out and turned on the recording device.

"A call comes in!"

"It's so late?" Mister asked with a slight surprise: "Could it be that the buyer has appeared!?"

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