Absolute Honor

Chapter 1046: Act ahead

"Things become like this, how you do it depends on what you think."

Mister said: "In fact, there is not so much to be annoying. We need a hard drive. We will do it when Rhett gets home. You and us will deal with him individually, and we should be able to win."

"You mean, after taking Rhett, give him some means to take away the hard drive?" Qin Fei asked.

"Yes, it depends on how you look at it, and you can't go wrong with it." Mister said: "If you just want to know the contents of the hard drive, I don't believe that you can't pry open his mouth if you catch Rhett. I have not seen anyone who can really survive the interrogation for a long time. The only difference lies in the length of time he persists. As long as he really knows where the hard drive is, he will definitely compromise in the end."

"But in this way, we are equivalent to cutting off all subsequent intelligence links, and we won't know who is instructing Reid to steal the hard drive."

Mister said: "If you want to find the black hand behind the scenes, you can only wait and wait for them to catch up when they trade."

Qin Fei leaned back into the seat and stared at the roof of the car blankly: "But we only have three people, and there will be no more foreign aid. It may be difficult to control everyone and stay alive to obtain information."

Mister grinned and said: "You can wait until their transaction is completed and we will attack them. As long as you plan carefully, you will definitely be able to get the hard drive."

Now Qin Fei began to be in a dilemma.

Do you try to deal with Rhett early, or is it really like Mister said, wait for them to complete the transaction, and then ambush the buyer?

The latter approach is obviously much more risky.

In case of a slight loss of control, the hard drive may fall into the hands of someone who shouldn’t have fallen into it, and it is difficult to recover it.

Among the three of them, only two can actually fight.

The two deal with an unknown enemy. If the other party has a large number of bodyguards or mercenaries to protect, it will be no problem to kill a few of them, but there are too many things to consider if they have to stay alive to obtain information and seize the hard drive.

Once the action becomes complicated, the probability of failure increases exponentially.

Besides, I only have two people.

Qin Fei thought about it for a few minutes, but still didn't make up his mind.

Yuri, who had been sitting in front of the monitor, said, "Boss, Rhett is out."

Qin Fei immediately sat upright, and through the windshield, he saw Reid walking out of the hospital door holding the little girl Rosa. Carmen looked a little tired. Following Reid, both of them looked a little heavy. .

Understandably, no matter who Luo Lisa is, it is very important to Reid and Carmen.

Now Luo Lisa is terminally ill, and no one will be better off.

Reid looked strange to Qin Fei.

Spies control emotions are very first-rate, that is their instinct after training.

How could Rhett get caught up in this kind of love affairs?

This is a taboo thing.

Just thinking about it, Rhett had already gotten into his BMW 323.

"Qin, have you made up your mind?" Mister had already returned to his driver's position, glanced at Qin Fei, started the car, and waited for Reid's car to drive out of the hospital. After a few seconds, he stepped on the accelerator and followed Up.

"If we want to do it, we go back and do it immediately. When we control Rhett, I will go to J Yard and tie the two mothers and daughters together."

"What do you mean?" Yuri heard something wrong in the conversation between the two of them. "What the **** are you doing?"

"You are a kid, don't ask, this is a problem for adults." This time Mister finally found something that he was good at but Yuri was not good at. "You guys who do technology don't understand ours at all. , We have our own style of doing things."

Yuri heard it in the mist, although he didn't fully understand it, but he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

Indeed, he did not understand these things.

Mister didn't say exactly what to do, but Qin Fei never asked him what to do.

This proves that the two of them are really ingenious, and both know what the other party is going to do and how to do it, so there is no need to say more.

"I don't approve of targeting women and children!" Yuri protested: "That's immoral."

"Moral?" Mister grabbed the steering wheel, and people couldn't help but laugh: "Yuri, let me tell you one thing. This is the experience I have summed up after so many years in the Delta Force. If you You are an action player, you have to survive all kinds of black operations, and you have only one thing to do."

"Which point?" Yuri seemed to know that Mister was going to take the opportunity to taunt him, but he still wanted to know.

He suddenly remembered that when he was a child, every time his father came back and took off his clothes to take a bath, his mother always shed tears.

Because his father Sasha's body is always scarred, as if the scars on his body have never healed, new injuries have not been healed and new injuries are added, either in training or performing tasks that he has never heard of.

At that time, he once thought about what made his father endure this kind of pain and still live this kind of life, and why his father was often in a dangerous situation but could still come back alive by himself when the other comrades died. The injuries on his body can be seen, he is almost working with his head in his crotch.

"Boy, let me teach you a lesson." Mister became a little proud. He was ridiculed by Yuri too much before. On some levels, he was not Yuri's opponent at all.

"The reason why members of special forces can survive is simple. The enemy is cunning and you are more cunning than the enemy, the enemy is ruthless you are more ruthless than the enemy, the enemy is ruthless, you are more ruthless than them, and the enemy is strong, you are stronger than them. In the world of the world, it is the law of the forest. Your weakness is not an excuse for you to suffer less, let alone a reason. If you are weak, you deserve your life. So don’t talk to me about humanity and talk noble, so let those who ask us to perform our tasks. At that time, people who said noble humanity would go to the battlefield with guns on their backs for a few days and then come back to joke around. We went to war with guns and bullets on their backs, instead of wearing a suit and tie and hooking a big-breasted girl to a high-class dance party. understand?"

This time, Yuri was speechless.

He really couldn't refute Mister's high point.

Because Mist is a person who has experienced life and death, whether he or Qin Fei, they are all people who crawled out of the dead, and they can't hold their guns securely, so there is really no right to criticize them.

"Mister, I think to avoid long nights and dreams, let's do it first and cut our heads!" Qin Fei said, "Our situation is not suitable for the situation to continue. As for who the buyer is, I can also find out through Reid. It’s just that we have lost the opportunity to track buyers. For us, it’s better than risking our lives and losing the hard drive. We can’t be greedy. I also promised M to get their MI6 back in Switzerland. The SD card in De's hands was loaded with information on covert operations."

"OK, I listen to you, and I agree with this. We are too few people and it is not worth the risk." Mister said: "Anyway, Red also knows who the other party is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as we know, we will The intelligence can be sent back to their respective intelligence analysis agencies, so that they can provide us with tracking data, and all we want to know is what the **** is there in that **** hard drive that can attract so many people."

As Mister was talking about it, the BMW car about thirty meters away suddenly accelerated, as if it was chasing something scared of Rhett.

"He's speeding up!" Mister was taken aback.

Qin Fei was also a little surprised: "This guy found us!?"

He looked out of the car window and found that there were indeed very few vehicles around. It was in the suburbs, and there were almost no cars. Besides, it was already 12:40 in the night. This kind of country has poor public security and there are not many people who go out late at night.

Is it because there are fewer cars on the road, so it was discovered by Reid?

It seems that you have to act early.

Qin Fei pulled out Glock 18, hit a silencer tube, and said to Mister: "Get ready to do it."

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