Absolute Honor

Chapter 1054: The tricks in the equipment room

"What's this?" Qin Fei flipped over the bullet, then squeezed it with his hands, feeling that there was no problem with the weight.

Military bullets generally use various colors of paint to mark the types of ammunition, so that soldiers can identify the purpose in the shortest time, and choose the ammunition according to the battlefield conditions in the fastest time.

Generally speaking, ordinary bullets are not painted or painted silver (steel-core bullets). It is made of copper sheathed with a core made of steel or lead. It is mainly used to kill the living target of the enemy.

The warhead of the tracer bullet is painted green. The front end of the warhead is a lead core, and there is a tracer tube in the middle. The composition of the tracer includes combustibles, oxides and adhesives, so when it flies at night, it always drags a bright light behind it. Tracer bullets are mainly used to display trajectories, indicate targets, and modify shooting.

The incendiary warhead is painted red, and the front end of the warhead is filled with incendiary agent. There is a steel core in the middle of the warhead and tracer at the back. It contains "fire", which is mainly used to ignite flammable materials, such as enemy grass and wood camouflage facilities, as well as ammunition depots, fuel depots, and assembled vehicles. Use it to shoot at targets such as fuel tanks made of thin iron sheets, and you can also get good results.

The armor-piercing incendiary warhead is painted black (some painted black with a red circle). Its steel core is made of quenched high carbon steel. The bullet core is covered with a lead sleeve. The incendiary agent is installed in the front end of the warhead, and now most of the production is installed in the rear end of the warhead. It is mainly used to shoot the enemy's lightly armored targets and fuel tanks.

The armour-piercing incendiary tracer warhead is painted red, and the top is painted purple. It is mainly used for some large-caliber machine guns. It has the same structure as the incendiary bomb, except that the rear end of the warhead is equipped with a tracer. It gathers the specialties of various bullets, which can indicate ballistics, penetrate armor, and set fire at the same time. It is mainly used to shoot air and long-distance targets.

The warhead of the instant explosive projectile is painted white, the middle of the warhead is filled with explosives, the front part of the explosives is equipped with a cap, a penetration tube and a detonator, and a tracer tube is installed behind the explosives. It is a large-caliber machine gun shell used for anti-aircraft shooting. When the warhead hits the target, the explosive is detonated due to the action of the penetration tube and the detonator. The warhead does not explode because there is no obstacle in the barrel. But when the warhead leaves the muzzle and misses the target or obstacle, after a certain period of time, the flame of the tracer will also ignite the black powder inside, causing the explosive to explode.

Of course, since the two bullets are marked with a mark, they are special bullets, but the marked places are a little weird, not on the warhead, but on the primer. The marks are still very small, and you can't see the difference if you don't look carefully.

Reid said: "You put it in the gun, install it to the launch position."

Qin Fei put two bullets into the gun and turned to the firing position according to what Reid said.

"Give me a shot in the head." Rhett's eyes were full of playfulness.

Qin Fei hesitated for a while, and suddenly he got a chuckle in his heart, and instantly understood.

He did not shoot at Rhett, but at the open space next to him.

After all, he wasn't sure whether his guess was correct. Once he made a mistake, Rhett's life would go to the west, and everything would be over.


The trigger hit the bottom fire, making a crisp sound.

There were no gunshots.


Qin Fei knew it, and he pulled the trigger again, but as expected, the gun was still not fired.

These two are not real bullets, but two fake bullets similar to trainer bullets, and there is no gunpowder in them.

Since these two are fakes, the other ten are real ones.

With two trainer ammunition and ten live ammunition in the box, Qin Fei vaguely guessed the purpose of this ammunition.

"Do you know what the two bullets are for?" Reid asked.

Qin Fei nodded: "Understood, it is used to play Russian roulette."

Reid smiled and said, "You are really smart."

Qin Fei put the bullets and revolver back into the box, and put them in the original drawer again.

This is a good prop.

Just think about it, if an interrogated subject with a slightly weaker mental capacity puts a revolver with real and fake bullets on his forehead, and then shoots a shot to the side and then buckles his head, the taste will be horrible. It's better to die.

You can’t kill but no one’s head. Many people gritted their teeth and can pass it, but a few consecutive empty guns are coming, a real guy, another fake bullet, and telling you that you’ve encountered a bad bullet. Come once...

In this case, there are not many people who can not pee on their pants.

There is no doubt that Rhett is familiar with everything here.

Qin Fei stood at the table without speaking for a long time, and Reid looked down on the young man in front of him more and more now.

In his opinion, although Qin Fei's tactical literacy is one in a million, when it comes to interrogation...


He sneered twice in his heart, and began to wonder how he could find a chance to get rid of Qin Fei.

"Well, we seem to have to talk honestly and honestly."

Qin Fei suddenly turned around, dragged a chair and walked to sit in front of Rhett.

"Let's talk about terms."

"What are the conditions?" Seeing Qin Fei's serious expression on his face, Reid didn't find frustration. He had a premonition that he was a little uncomfortable. Is he too happy to be too early?

"You hand over the conditions of the hard drive and SD card." Qin Fei was still very sincere.

Reid looked at Qin Fei, suddenly raised his head and laughed, as if he had heard some super funny joke.

In the end, he smiled and asked Qin Fei: "What conditions do you think can make me even give you my life-saving charm?"

He looked around and said contemptuously: "It's the props here? Or the torture instruments here? Tell you, every MI6 spy has to withstand the test of these things, at least you need to try it."

Rhett looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

Qin Fei frowned suddenly: "Rhett, I have a question for you."

"Just ask."

"You are a citizen of the British Empire~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a frontline agent of MI6. What made you betray the way you are today? The people of Kawasaki Ryuichi are obviously going to kill you. Did you choose to give him the hard drive? I think no matter what his price is, as long as he gets the hard drive, he will kill you."

"All he wants is a hard drive, understand?" Reid said, "I don't matter to him."

"You seem to know a lot about that hard drive. What I want to know is, what is in the hard drive?" Qin Fei asked.

Reid froze for a moment, and suddenly curled up his lips: "Do you think I have to tell you this?"

"It is necessary." Qin Fei still maintained a serious look. "It is necessary, Rhett, you made a big mistake. In fact, you are really old. Maybe it is because you are old, so you committed to yourself. I’m pretty self-righteous about my mistakes, and I think I’m so awesome to be able to talk to me here, but let me tell you, you really don’t have a chance."

Rhett trembled, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"What the **** are you doing?!"

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