Absolute Honor

Chapter 106: 1st hot meal

   The night fell.

   Half of the sunset has sunk into the sea, and the afterglow covers the entire island.

   Under the casuarina tree near the beach, Lei Ming wears sunglasses and sits on the pony. There is a small table in front of him with a bottle of mineral water on it.

   His eyes are fixed on the beach.

   The direction of the beach is still boiling.

   Several huge bulldozer tires rolled on the beach, with four people behind each tire.

  Although there are no mountains here, there are countless small soil slopes, pushing huge bulldozer tires uphill, rolling down, and pushing up again.

   This is a kind of volitional training.

  Chen Kefan walked to Lei Ming, looked at his watch and said, "It's time for dinner."

   Leiming did not answer, but took a sip of the mineral water.

   Then walked towards the beach.

   Qin Fei felt that his arm was hardly his own.

In the afternoon, when they reached the middle of the sea 15 kilometers from the coastline in a rubber dinghy, they were quickly kicked into the water one by one by the instructors, and then "kindly" threw three energy bars into the water and told them this is what they are today. Lunch.

After   , Lei Ming led his door **** instructors to start the motor on the rubber boat and drove away.

   It took nearly four hours for everyone to swim back to the shore in the vast ocean.

   Just after unloading the equipment, the instructors like the door gods drove everyone to the physical training field by the sea like ducks, rolling tires, log 7 moves, lifting rubber boats...

   Qin Fei felt that he was close to the edge of numbness.

   The last time I felt this way was during the military area scout training. Qin Fei also tried similar Hell Week training.

   Generally, this kind of training can only be described by the four words "inhumane".

   He had seen him get up in the morning, when a scout ran out and said to the instructor with a sad face that he had just urinated.

   The instructor told him lightly, "Run for ten kilometers and it will be fine."

   Like the Hell Week training of all special forces, the first day of the opening is always so cruel and torturing.

"Before you became the official members of Unit 203, you will always receive this kind of training. Maybe you have participated in similar training camps before. Every special forces training camp has a Hell Week, but I want to tell you that this is not a Hell Week! Hell Week!"

   The disgusting voice of Lei Gong appeared on the side of the training court again.

"I know that this kind of physical training is meaningless to you. Although you are as naive in terms of actual combat skills as Boy Scouts, you are already considered good in terms of physical fitness. However, my task is to eliminate most of you. This kind of training will continue until the last 7 people are left. In other words, you don't have to compete with me, you compete with each other!"

When he walked to Qin Fei, who was pushing the tires, Lei Ming took a megaphone and shouted at Qin Fei: "Among you, 75% of you will definitely be eliminated, which means that 75% of you will not insist. In the end, this is a cruel fact!"

   Qin Fei was used to the threat of thunder, and ignored him, pushing the tires hard.

Lei Ming yelled at a group coming up from behind: "Don’t think that you can win the final victory by clenching your teeth and persisting. I tell you that only 7 people will win the victory! Other people will be caught by me if they are not careful. Kick away! Give up early to make everyone feel better! But feel better for your teammates!"

   A member of the number 21 slipped and the tires retreated. The other three people evaded, but he was run over by the tires.

   Thunder and two instructors rushed up and checked the overwhelmed team members.

   "No. 21! What do you think? Do you need to see a doctor?"


   "Are you okay?"

"I can do it?"

   "Don't embarrass yourself!"

   "Report to the instructor! I can really do it!"

   Thunder stretched out two fingers.

   "What's this?"


   stretched out three fingers.

   "What's this?"


   "Well, go back and continue training!"

   stood on the scene and watched for a while.

   Thunder blew the small horn in his hand.

   toot toot——

   "Stop training!"

   The strong male instructor uttered a command, and everyone immediately pushed the tires aside, and sat down on the ground, never wanting to move.


   Several door **** instructors rushed up and kicked everyone hard.

   "Who approves you to sit down!? Stand up immediately! You rubbish! This little training intensity is so exhausting, how can you qualify to enter Unit 203!"

   Qin Fei got a corner on his ass, as long as he crawled and stood up.

  The team assembled soon.

Standing on the two-meter-high sand dune, Lei Ming looked at the students who were covered with sand and became tired of dogs. He picked up the loudspeaker and said, "It is 6:32 in the evening. I will give you 10 minutes. According to the original grouping, each group gave me a rubber dinghy and rushed to the dining hall to have a meal. Remember, only 10 minutes, and then come back here to gather immediately. As long as someone is late, everyone immediately lifts the rubber dinghy for me. Let me run five kilometers along the coastline!"

   After all the teams lifted the rubber dinghy, Lei Ming pointed in the direction of the dining hall, holding the stopwatch to set the time.

"start the timer!"

   The four sub-groups were already starving, and I heard that there was food to eat, and they suddenly gained strength.

  The most exciting one is the singer.

   This guy is like an Ethiopian refugee who has been hungry for several years. He has been a little incoherent.

   "Finally...Finally I have food to eat, I have food to eat! I want to eat! I want to eat meat! I want to eat pork knuckle!"

   The dining hall was built fifty meters away from the row house, and it was also a bungalow.

The facilities inside    are good, typical buffet style.

   There is no shortage of funds for the 203 troops, and the food and security are also first-class.

The long table is filled with a variety of food and beverages, from sports drinks to milk, from milk to buns, from buns to various chicken legs, chicken wings, pork knuckles and chunks of beef and lamb chops, fish, shrimps and crabs, Chinese and Western All.

   The eight leaders of the cooking class were wearing white aprons and standing behind the table with spoons, planning to divide the dishes among the candidates.

   But soon they realized that they were superfluous.

   What they saw was not a group of soldiers, but a group of wolves, a group of wolves that were so hungry that they were going crazy.

   The gate was almost knocked down, and a group of people stinks all over their bodies, even their heads were covered with sand, their faces were so dirty that they could hardly see their original colors, and they rushed in like a pack of wolves.

  The long table where the food was placed was almost knocked down. Fortunately, this situation has been considered before. The table is made of heavy angle iron and solid wood.

   Even so, I was still squeezed.

   The cooking squad leader was so scared that his face was blue, waving a spoon in his hand, and hurriedly yelling: "Students, don't worry, there are many things, one by one, all, all!"

   No one listens to him.

  The students who grabbed the dinner plate can't wait to pick up the food tongs to clip things. In their opinion, the thing is really unnecessary and in the way.

  Hand is the best clamp.

   Qin Fei is no different from other students.

The time is only 10 minutes. It seems that the thunder is generous enough. In fact, everyone knows that it takes at least 6 to 7 minutes to run to the canteen against the rubber boat and then back to the original beach training ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~here The journey has taken a lot of time.

  In other words, they may only have 3 to 4 minutes to eat.

   Qin Fei, who has not eaten hot food for a few days, felt like a man who had been poor all his life and suddenly fell into a golden hole filled with gold coins. His mentality was beyond description.

   Eat it!

   Take, take, take!

   Grab, grab, grab!

   This is the most primitive thought in my mind. It is the duty of soldiers to obey the order, but since the order allows them to eat, other rules are all to his mother!

   The plump elbow of sauce in a large aluminum basin was robbed in an instant, and Qin Fei was emptied in an instant before he could start.

   He was surprised to find that standing beside him was his teammate singer.

   This guy appeared in his sight with a shocking gesture.

The singer’s mouth has been stretched to its largest, like a big toad, and the plate is filled with food like a hill. What’s more frightening is that the mouth is now divided into two sides-while biting a crab, while holding a sauced elbow. .

   did not idle his hands either, there was a prawn in almost every finger of his left hand, which was a real acrobat.

  'S right hand is the only one that is still active, and is constantly grabbing food and putting it into his pocket.


  Zhong Zhentao shook his head, looked at his pocket, then looked at the table.

   Qin Fei immediately understood that this guy asked himself to put food into the pocket of the camouflage uniform, as much as he could.


   His mother is crazy!

   However, Qin Fei felt that he was not normal. He also followed Zhong Zhentao's appearance, except for the plate and mouth, a few pieces of fatty steak were stuffed into his pocket.

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