Absolute Honor

Chapter 1066: Tough female commander

In Qin Fei's impression, most of the front-line personnel engaged in field special operations are men.

But this time, this mI17 action team made Qin Fei a little eye-opener.

Out of five people, three men and two women.

Two of the three men are commandos, one is a former lieutenant sas, named Hugo; the other is called Conner, a non-commissioned officer of the former sBs special operations unit. They are both around 30 years old and are professional soldiers. Moreover, these people have received special training and training in mI17, have served in it for many years, and it is said that they are very experienced.

There is also a younger guy in the five-person team named George, with the rank of second lieutenant, who is technical support.

Both girls seem to be about 30 years old, and one of them is slightly older. It is estimated that a female major named Michelle, who is in her 30s, is actually the leader of this action team.

Qin Fei was unexpected when a woman took the lead.

The other woman was called Joyce, she was a South American and European hybrid, and her skin was slightly brown.

But it cannot be denied that although these women with European genes are slightly rough on the skin, they can see tiny hairs and dots similar to small freckles on the exposed arms, and they all belong to the tall horse type, without exception. They all have nose-bleeding buttocks, but the golden ratio of the body is quite good, with long legs, wasp waist, and the chest is turbulent.

Michelle is short, and Joyce has a short whip. As a field worker, it seems that the clothes are mainly comfortable and durable. They are all commuter pants and shirts plus a peaked cap and Loa outdoor boots. After entering the door and Qin Fei introduced each other. Fan immediately took off his shirt, exposing the short sleeves inside, and began to move the equipment out of the dilapidated Chevrolet van.

It seemed that they were very familiar with the structure of these safe houses, knew where they were, and went straight to the equipment room.

Mister was almost drooling on the spot, standing beside Joyce like a nympho, wishing to be a docile little donkey and let Joyce whip him on his body.

Michelle pulled Qin Fei into the living room, and the two had a pre-task communication between them.

"Mr. Qin, here is my command now."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Michelle showed that kind of strong desire to control and the peculiar strong behavior of female soldiers.

"I think Baron Harvey has already talked with you. From now on, Rhett will give it to us. As for your hard drives, we will return them. Don’t worry, you and I will be partners in the future. I hope everyone Happy cooperation."

After speaking, stretched out his hand.

Qin Fei could only shook hands with her politely.

"Rhett promised to take us to the place where he stored the hard drive tomorrow, and return the real hard drive to us."

"It depends on the actual situation, because many of the killers of the Quds Army have infiltrated Johannesburg, and the information we have obtained shows that they are connected with the local gang, so you must be careful. I personally recommend that you need a hard drive. Wait for the end of the whole operation."

Speaking of this, Michelle increased his tone.

"What I said is that the fake hard disk must be handed over to the Holy City Army to complete the task. At that time, Reid will take you to take the real hard disk."

"Listen to you, I don't seem to have the right to object? Major, I am not yours..."

"Yes, you are not my subordinate, you are just the head of a mercenary group. Just imagine, do you have a smarter choice?" Michelle said, "I know you sent a team to Colombia, but Seems to be in trouble. Believe me, we also have our own team over there. They have more information than you, and get much more support and support. If you cooperate with us, the chances of rescuing Morris will be greater. A lot, your x mercenary group has indeed had a lot of impressive records over the past year, but believe me, it’s not that you are great, but that your opponent is too weak. I believe that there is still a dark sun with Morris. Organization related, now the Colombian drug lord group announced its support for the Quds Army. You can imagine how much pressure your squad will face. If you want to see your brothers die, I will not stop it."

Qin Fei couldn't laugh or cry by robbing the confession.

This Michelle is really strong enough, and somewhat arrogant, but it can be seen that the five-person team she leads is indeed a very powerful team.

As long as the strong and the strong meet, they can feel the strength of each other without saying anything.

And Hugo and Connor, as well as the Major Michelle in front of him, the Joyce with the South American buttocks in the house, knew at first glance that it was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Then what are we responsible for?" Qin Fei asked.

Michelle spread his hands: "You only need to assist us, for example, to help us do some peripheral vigilance. We are currently in short supply in Johannesburg. I have seen the information about you and Mister. It's not bad. It should be able to help. "

Qin Fei weighed it up in his heart. I have to say that Michelle is a master of negotiation, and she knows to offer the most tempting terms in exchange for the opponent's compromise.

If the situation on Morris's side becomes complicated, and the ghost team and the 3rd team are temporarily unable to withdraw from Southeast Asia, it seems that there is no harm in relying on the power of mI17 to rescue Morris, at least without the old fish and the others taking risks.

"Ok, everything depends on your arrangement." Qin Fei said nothing.

Michelle stretched out his hand and patted Qin Fei's arm, as if a big sister was comforting the little brother: "Yes, leave everything to me, you will feel very satisfied, just listen to my arrangements."

After that, he turned around and entered the room.

Soon, Hugo and Connor took Rhett into the Chevrolet van and left, apparently sending him back to their home.

Taking advantage of no one in the living room, Qin Fei took out the phone and walked aside, sending the situation here to Father An.

Soon, the information came back.

There are only four words-act on the occasion.

This means that Mr. An agreed with his decision, deleted the text message, and returned to the equipment room. Michelle pointed to the mother and daughter of Carmen and said to Qin Fei: "Thank you for sending these two people away. I don't want to be here. I saw some unimportant people."

Both Rhett and Carmen mean to go back to Yard J. In fact, it is fine to do that. Although a place like Yard J is mixed with dragons and snakes, it is actually safer.

Qin Fei and Mist put the mother and daughter in their headgear, then pushed them into the car, and sent them back to J Yard in their own van.

On the way back, Mister asked Qin Fei: "What did that Major Michelle talk to you?"

"Are you sniffing for information?" Qin Fei teased Mister: "Do you want to report to your superiors?"

"You and I have a tacit understanding and cooperation, but don't ask each other about each other's background." Mister said.

Qin Fei briefly told Mister about the content of his conversation with Michelle, and Mister whistled, "Are all British women so powerful?"

"I don't think you care if others are strong or not." Qin Fei said, "The expression you made when you were courteous around Joyce, you almost found a whip and put it into someone else's hand. I'm smoking you."

"That girl is twenty-eight years old, so delicious!" Mister licked his lips, as if the air was filled with the smell of Joyce.

Qin Fei sneered and said, "You should think more about your own affairs. Isn't it enough that you suffered a loss last time?"

"It was different last time. This time the five-person team will not be fakes." Mister said: "They are the elite squads of the British Empire's intelligence services."

Back to the safe house, the people of mI17 are still doing preparatory work in the equipment room.

Qin Fei noticed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that these people have installed bugs and trackers on Reid, because there is an aluminum case on the table with a large syringe-like tool inside, which seems to be A device used to implant a subcutaneous tracking chip.

Since mI17 was presiding, Qin Fei let them do their jobs, went back to his room, took a shower, and lay on the bed to sort out the affairs of today.

Now Rhett has started to get back on the right track. Tomorrow as long as he pretends to escape from the battle between himself and the Quds Army killers last night, and does not fall into his own hands, and then hand over the fake hard drive, everything will be waiting. Net closed.

Looking at the dark roof, Qin Fei fell asleep in a daze, closing his eyes, he seemed to have entered a dream...

In the dream, the image of his father appeared again, and he was walking towards him with a smile...


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