Absolute Honor

Chapter 1079: monitor

"Major, could it be that Carmen's disappearance is related to this incident?" Qin Fei was suddenly excited, and intuitively told himself that these two incidents were definitely not accidental.

Reid is very concerned about Carmen’s mother and daughter. Carmen is also Reid’s closest person in Johannesburg. If Reid had disclosed the safe deposit box to Carmen, and once said the account password...

Although this is too unprofessional for a professional spy, who knows it won't happen? After all, Rhett's personal relationship with Carmen violates his rules of conduct as a professional spy.

A spy who violated the guidelines once, he will also violate the second time.

This is not surprising.

"It doesn't make sense, they already got the real hard drive in the cafe. Why would you risk kidnapping Carmen and torture a safe account and password with a fake hard drive?" Michelle immediately denied Qin Fei's statement.

Qin Fei thinks about it, too, this explanation doesn't seem to make sense.

However, he still vaguely believes that these two things are not independent, and must be related.

"So, what do we do now?" Qin Fei said, "If you really can't figure it out here, I think you should go directly to Colombia. The hard drive and Morris are the two essential parts of the synthetic truth puzzle. Since the hard drive is gone, we will Morris must be obtained."

"No hurry..." Michelle walked around in the house wringing his hands, muttering: "Wait...Wait...We have used all the intelligence networks in South Africa, even if the hard disk is off. In their hands, at least they still have to ship out..."

Qin Fei felt that the possibility of such an interception was too low.

Not to mention that I look down on the intelligence gathering ability of mi17, but the Quds Army was able to send so many people in, and was able to see through Reid's plan. In the end, even Carmen and the fake hard disk were taken away together. This shows the intelligence network of mi17 itself. There is a problem.

Maybe all the leaks weren't the Miste, Yuri and others on his side, but they had a problem with their mi17.

Although cooperating with mi17 is the general trend and benefits, Qin Fei really does not trust these people. The whole incident in Johannesburg has made Qin Fei wary of mi17.

If it weren't for mi17 to intervene, I would have taken Reid to the vault to fetch the hard drive today. Why bother to the point where he is empty-handed, people are dead, and the hard drive is gone?

Although some information was obtained from Michelle and Harvey, Qin Fei still felt that it was not a good deal compared to the loss.

"Looking at you, you don't seem to believe in our abilities?" Michelle read from Qin Fei's face.

Qin Fei smiled and said: "With so many incidents, your actions are full of mistakes and omissions, do you want me to count on you 100%? Please, major, I am not a three-year-old kid, I also have my own set of methods. Since yours doesn't work, ok, let me use my method."

"What are you going to do?" Michelle asked.

Qin Fei said: "Mister and I can wait for you here, but one thing is that I also have my team in Colombia, and it can be enhanced. Now my request is to let my people participate in your presence in Colombia. I think there is a problem with you internally. I am worried that Morris will also fall into the hands of the Quds Army or Hei Sun like a hard drive by then, understand?"

"You are just a mercenary organization..." Hugo saw that Qin Fei hadn't given any face to mi17. As a member of the action team, of course his old face couldn't hold back.

"In terms of intelligence and influence on the local government, you and us are not on the same level at all. Now Morris is in the hands of the boss of the Garcia Group. With a small team of you, it is impossible to enter their territory to save people. "

"I don’t deny that your influence in Colombia is much stronger than our small mercenary group, but what I don’t trust is your entire network. Have you not seen what happened today? Maybe it’s your own. There is a problem internally, don't throw the whole pot on Mistre. At least I believe him. It was a mistake that you chose Reid as the bait from the beginning. You don't know anything about his personal private life?" Qin Fei sneered and said, "A spy who has been with the frontliner's family, you are actually entrusted with an important task? Can I say that the intelligence department of your British Empire has no talents?"

The loss of the hard drive made Qin Fei a fire in his heart. Even now, the arrogance of Hugo's old imperial soldiers still seeps out of his bones. This makes Qin Fei very upset, so Qin Fei did not leave them a bit. Love, but to poke their pain.

Qin Fei's ridicule was so eloquent, it also silenced the mi17 players present.

Indeed, this action was completely led by mi17, and now that the miscarriage was aborted, there was no reason to blame Qin Fei and others.

"Well, I admit that we did a bad job here, and I also agree to let you participate in the Colombian operation. You can ask your people to contact our operatives in Colombia." Michelle turned and walked over. At the table, he took a pen and scribbled a number on the paper, then returned to Qin Fei and handed it to him.

"In an hour, call this number. Before that, I will explain to the action members over there and tell them that your people will join."

"This is the attitude of good cooperation!" Qin Fei took the note, put it in his trouser pocket, and asked, "So, what do we do next?"

"Wait, we are collecting all the clues..."

Before Michelle's words fell, George said loudly to everyone: "I found the surveillance records."

"What monitoring record?"

"The surveillance records of the vault, I asked them to provide surveillance records to see who took the fake hard drives in the safe, but they refused to provide them, so I just tried a way to hack their system and got the surveillance video from this morning. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ George sounds very proud.

"Good job!" Michelle couldn't help but praised: "After we get the face recognition map, we immediately send it out to monitor various airports and terminals to see if there are similar people leaving the country."

Yuri rolled his eyes from the side: "I wonder why it's amazing, why don't you ask me earlier, you want to monitor, right? I can get all the monitoring information you want here."

When George heard Yuri tear down the stage, he couldn't help but said: "You are so good, then you come to perform? I need this person's whereabouts..."

After speaking, he pointed to a middle-aged man in the surveillance screen.

This person is in the safe, wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses, carrying a suitcase in his hand, wearing a set of casual clothes, tall, and looking like a Middle Easterner from the outline of his face.

"Okay, I'll show you a hand." Yuri turned and walked out of the room. It didn't take long for him to retrieve his laptop bag, put it on the desk, open it, turn it on, log in, connect...

Before coming to Johannesburg, according to Yuri’s working practice, when he arrives in a city, he will make preparations in advance. To carry out operations in a city, the most effective and most available is the police monitoring and alarm network, so especially Li has done all this a long time ago.

But then mi17 suddenly intervened, and everything became dominated by these British guys. Yuri had no good feelings for British guys, especially since Nadya was killed in London before. He had always looked down on the British intelligence department and thought it was a bunch of rubbish.

Therefore, he has not said anything, did not help George, let alone make any comments.

At this time, George was showing off his achievements, and Yuri couldn't help pouring cold water on his head. Only then did he formally plan to show it to the British.

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