Absolute Honor

Chapter 109: Infighting

"Yes, the person in the photo is Carlos Enrique Ryder Rivas, one of the important founders of Medellin, the largest drug cartel in Colombian history, and the drug lord Pablo Escobar. Close friend."

Tony pointed to the man with the big waves and long hair in the photo and said: "He is a military commander in the Medellin group. All Pablo’s political demands are implemented through him, including the establishment of a national Latin movement organization. To prevent the Colombian government from passing extradition regulations, so that many big drug dealers could not be extradited to the United States for trial. After Pablo was shot and killed by the CIA in 1993, he was also captured by the CIA and taken secretly to the United States for trial. On the way to the prison to serve his sentence, he disappeared."

   Tony took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to An Ruosu next to him: "MISS Lee, you can take a look at this report."

   An Ruosu result data, read it and pass it to Director Chang.

"In the beginning, we were not interested in the matter between your CIA and FBI. What we are most interested in is how he suddenly appeared in South America and got on the line with Zhang Lan. According to our intelligence, Zhang Lan is in Financially it seems to be related to the'Black Sun' organization. The chief butler of the'Black Sun' organization'The God of Wealth' has been in secret contact with her many times. According to this speculation, the remnants of the Medellin Group seem to be also related to the'Black Sun'. The organization is connected."

   Tony is an anti-money laundering expert at the FBI, and An Ruo Su's question came to the point.

"MISS Li, ​​we monitored the flow of drug trafficking funds in Medellin, and found that a large part of the money made by Carlos and Zhang Lan from drug trafficking seemed to go to several offshore accounts. After that, there were very clever people operating behind the scenes. Fast speed is divided into small amounts of multi-share funds to flow between thousands of offshore accounts, and finally we can’t monitor its trend. We originally thought that we could get the importance of these accounts from him if we caught guessing. Intelligence, it’s just a pity that Guisei died in prison not long after being brought back to the United States."

   "Dead?" An Ruosu stared sharply at Tony and asked, "Mr. Tony, I seem to see from your expression that this matter is not easy."

Tony smiled awkwardly, and could only confess: "Yes, the one who was killed, I don't know who is so powerful, can actually be poisoned in a high-security prison, the poor guy only struggled for less than a minute and saw God."

   An Ruosu said: "Mr. Tony, Mr. Santos, there is one sentence I don't know if it is appropriate to say it."

   "Please tell me, MISS Lee." Tony said with a generous smile on his face.

"The'Black Sun' organization has always been at the top of our China's terrorist organization monitoring list. I think you should be very clear. When the God of Wealth met with Zhang Lan, I think you are also very clear about the information. In the past few years, the relationship between our two countries There is an exchange mechanism for counter-terrorism, but I did not receive any notifications and intelligence from you at that time. Can you explain it?"

   Tony looked more embarrassed and looked at Santos.

   Santos took out his cigar and looked at everyone, "Can I smoke here?"

   "It is not possible in principle, but you are the guests, so special cases are allowed." Director Chang said.

Santos lighted a cigar, took two sips, and said, "Officer Li, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Zhang Lan hasn't stood in front of the stage a few years ago. It is his husband Guaiba who is in charge, so what we have been monitoring is Guise. Ba himself, besides, the contact between Zhang Lan and the people of "Black Sun" is not the contact between Carlos and the people of "Black Sun". Our monitoring focus is not on Zhang Lan. The CIA has only one department responsible for combating drug crimes. With limited manpower, we can't send people around the world to follow every family member of a drug dealer."

   An Ruosu knew that the old fox Santos was shirking responsibility, and she could almost conclude that Santos knew some inside information that she didn't know, maybe for some reason, he didn't want to talk about it.

   She decided to kill Santos's vigour, lest he still carry the arrogance of the world's largest intelligence organization.

   "Is it really a manpower problem? Mr. Santos?"

   "Yes, it's the manpower issue. The CIA's funding is also limited. It is impossible to have enough manpower for every department." Santos replied in a positive tone.

   An Ruosu opened his briefcase again, and threw a copy of the material in front of Santos unceremoniously.

   "Mr. Santos, do you think our China Anti-Terrorism Department is paid for nothing?"

   Santos lowered his head slightly, his eyes fell on the information, his expression changed.

   In the photo, Carlos shook hands with a Chinese man in a warm manner.

"After Carlos was robbed from your hands in 1995, rumors have been saying that Carlos was robbed by the CIA. Of course, we will not easily believe such rumors, but the news we got from some channels is , Carlos’s disappearance is related to your internal problems. On the day of escorting Carlos, you were divided into five disguised teams and set off. Only one team escorted the real Carlos. As a result, a well-equipped special team appeared... …Forgive me for using the term special detachment, because according to my intelligence, their combat mode and skills can be called this term, and they are all of the military standards of professional military personnel."

"This unit intercepted the car of the special police unit that rhymed with Carlos, killed four people, and robbed Carlos. Afterwards, the assessment report of your bureau also believed that there was an inner ghost, but the results have not been found. I said That's right, right?"

   Santos now feels that the young female police officer sitting next to him is not simple at all. She really underestimated the other party. He was even more surprised by the efficiency of the China Intelligence Agency. They actually knew her own internal situation well.

   This is really an embarrassing scene.

   I just wanted to insist that Carlos was not related to the "Black Sun" organization, but I didn't expect the face-slapped to come so quickly.

"MISS Lee, can I say a few words?" Tony saw that the atmosphere was wrong and proactively said, "Santos is also unspeakable. After all, the CIA's style of doing things can't be explained to the outside in many cases, and the fact that Carlos was robbed made the CIA's top leaders. I feel very embarrassed. This is also the reason why our FBI teamed up with them. We have been tracking Carlos for this clue, but his whereabouts have been erratic, and we did not find a chance to capture it."

"So, can you tell me the information you have now? Why was Zhang Lan kidnapped by a special forces squad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think there are many similarities between the method and the disappearance of Carlos. Both the cartridge case and the wreckage of weapons and equipment indicate that this is definitely a special forces operations unit, maybe..."

   Her big eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at Tony and said, "There is some kind of connection with the squad back then."

   Tony said: "After all, this needs evidence to support, and the FBI is also pursuing this matter. I think, now I can disclose some information that you don't know."

   He took out his laptop, put it on the table and tapped the keyboard a few times, turning the screen back to face everyone.

   "I have been tracking the direction of the profitable funds of Carlos and Zhang Lan's cooperation in drug trafficking. Recently, I found a clue that although their money was laundered through various methods, they ended up pointing to Switzerland."

   "You are worth a Swiss bank?" An Ruosu asked.

"Yes, it should be, but Swiss Bank’s customer information is highly confidential. We must have conclusive evidence and provide accurate account numbers before they are willing to help. And this time Zhang Lan was kidnapped, I guess it’s their internal Infighting started. The cooperation between Carlos, Zhang Lan, and the Black Sun organization is not the first day. It has been since the era of the guessing and controlling. I think there are financial differences between them. The reason why the big figures behind the scenes sent people The kidnapping of Zhang Lan wanted her to spit out a large sum of money, and this money may be the profits made by Carlos and the Guaiba couple in drug trafficking. The reason why Guaiba was killed may be because someone did not want him to explain the whereabouts of the funds. ."

   "You are here this time for the funds?" An Ruosu said: "You have monitored Carlos and Zhang Lan and his wife for so many years, and you have more accurate control of the funds than us. Why do you ask us for help?"

   "Because of a person," Tony said mysteriously.

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