Absolute Honor

Chapter 1095: Hard Disk Appears

When Qin Fei was awakened in bed, he got up to see that it was still dark, but it was only 4:30 in the morning.

He heard someone shouting outside, and it was now Yuri's voice.

Early in the morning, Li didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong, as if he and George were stunned by medicine in the equipment room. The ghost cried out as if Columbus had discovered the new big six.

Looking at his watch, Qin Fei got up, ran to the wash basin in the kitchen and poured two hands of cold water on his face, and then walked towards the equipment room after he was sober.

The door of the equipment room was open, and the sound came out clearly from inside.

"Boss! The hard drive is now!"

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Yuri turning his head from his seat and yelling at him.

"The hard drive appeared, we found it!"

"Really!?" Qin Fei, who had just gotten up and hadn't fully entered the state, heard that he had found the hard drive, and his whole body suddenly became energetic.

Almost a dash rushed to Yuri's side, Qin Fei urgently asked the computer genius: "Are you sure it is our hard drive!?"


George, who was already unable to restrain his excitement, immediately interjected, as if he had done a big thing and won the final victory.

"We compared all the monitoring, and finally something appeared before dawn!"

"Fuck! You two are crazy? You haven't slept all night!?" Qin Fei noticed that all of the four eyes of George and Yuli were redder than monkey bottoms, and they looked like red eyes. Bloodshot.

Obviously these two guys didn't sleep all night, just to find out the whereabouts of the hard drive.

This made Qin Fei's heart shocked.


What is professional? This is professional!

Profession is not only good technology, but also dedication.

George and Yuri are the kind of people who are extremely passionate about their work. For things like technical analysis, they are absolutely willing to stay up all night like a game fan and get through all the levels. The satisfaction is not when they get the final success. Any money can replace.

"God! It's dawn now?!" George now found that it was past four o'clock.

Qin Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I'll go and pour a cup of coffee for you two, lest you die here suddenly."

After that, he was not in a hurry to see where the hard disk was. After all, he had found it. All he had to do now was to contact the plane immediately and rush back to Johannesburg.

According to the efficiency of mI17, these can be completed within an hour.

After pouring coffee for the two and returning to the equipment room, George actually fell asleep on the table.

Yuri also looked very tired, but seemed to be holding on until Qin Fei arrived.

"Boss, the hard drive is taken by a young black young man working in a cafe." Yuri said as he called up the picture on the screen.

"This is the image data we found after searching a lot of surveillance."

While cooperating with the monitoring data in the computer to explain, he analyzed the reasons why he confirmed the whereabouts of the hard disk.

In fact, there is no surveillance head in the cafe in the Hillbro neighborhood, but there is one outside its door, which is used to monitor people entering and exiting near the door.

When Qin Fei and others had a gunfight with the gang members downstairs, there was no abnormality in the surveillance data. However, after Qin Fei and others fought Reid's body and left, before they often came, a waiter in a cafe was waiting. A young black man in raw clothes probed his head and appeared at the door. After confirming that there was no one outside, he quickly left the door, turned right into the blind corner of the camera, and disappeared into the surveillance area.

Another monitor called by Yuri later showed that it was after 11 o'clock that night, that is, after Qin Fei and others had found Abbas's trail and rushed to Durban.

The figure of this black young man appeared in an underground pawnshop near Hillbro Street. Holding a plastic bag in his hand, he walked in and went straight to the counter. Pass the credit card to the person at the counter.

After bargaining with the boss at the counter, the young black man took out another thing from the plastic bag.

When the video material arrived here, Yuri immediately stopped the screen, and used the software to take a screenshot of the black youth placed on the counter, zoomed in, and then filtered it with the software to enhance the clarity of the image.

Qin Fei walked to the computer screen, and he saw something he was very familiar with-the black hard drive!

Qin Fei can recognize this hard drive anyway, because its shell is pure black, but there are two very conspicuous white letters on the shell-ah.

According to the information obtained by He Weiming and Yuri from Morris before, this "ah" letter is actually the English abbreviation of "Achilles' Heel" (;hee1), literally translated, ;hee1 is just "fatal point" The meaning of, but in a specific context, it is the noun of Achilles’ heel.

Seeing these two familiar white letters, Qin Fei's heart was pounding.

He is almost 100% sure that this is the real hard drive that Reid stole from him!

did not expect!

Qin Fei couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then slowly relieved the suffocation that had accumulated in his chest for a day.

It turns out that this hard drive is really just like I inferred, and it has never left Johannesburg!

The people of the Holy City Army didn’t know that this was the real Achilles’ heel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but regarded it as a Xibei, thinking that Reid came with a fake. Fishing, the poor and unlucky spy was destroyed by a single shot without saying a word.

After killing Reid, the mi17 action group outside and the gang immediately exchanged fire. The people of the Quds Army were not interested in this fake hard drive at all, so they fled directly.

The information they obtained from the undercover Carmen is-this fake hard drive is a hard drive with a location tracking device carefully made by the British Empire intelligence agency mI17, the purpose is to find the location of the holy city leader Kawasaki Ryuichi hiding. This is a bait. trap.

Under this circumstance, the Quds Army didn't drop Reid's body and the genuine hard drive, and chose to escape.

But they never expected that Reid would temporarily change the entire action plan in the vault. What was taken from the vault was a fake, and what Reid had in his hand was the real one at the moment!

Rhett's entire so-called excellent spy had been in a state of substandard before, but before he died he did something that he admired and speculated accurately, and he was right that the Quds Army did not trust himself. No matter what hard drive he brought, they would think it was fake, although he didn't know that the person next to his pillow was an undercover agent, this feeling was just from his intuition.

It was this intuition that changed everything.

The whereabouts of the hard drive is like a black humorous comedy movie. What everyone rushes to chase is just a fake hard drive. The real hard drive was once in front of the leader of the Quds Army, Zalhai, but he abandoned it.

If Kawasaki Ryuichi, known as the IQ group, knew that his subordinates were so stupid, he would probably destroy Zalhai if he didn't say anything.

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