Absolute Honor

Chapter 1100: Plan A, Plan B

But to Qin Fei's surprise, Connor's face only went dark, and then it rained and the sky cleared.

He said with a haha, "It seems that the self-esteem of people in country Z is still very strong."

"The difference between humans and animals is that humans have self-esteem, but animals don't." Qin Fei didn't give Connor any face, and continued to say: "I am a human, of course I have dignity."

This is the first time that Kang Na has chatted with Qin Fei Zhenger's Eight Classics, but he didn't seem to get any good results. His soldier's age is longer than Qin Fei's. More or less some veterans' attitude is in the bones, and the air is in the air. It is inevitable.

But Qin Fei didn't seem to give him a chance.

He was helpless with Qin Fei.

Because Qin Fei's every sentence is reasonable, at Eddie's house this morning, if he was himself, he might also shoot at women and children.

Special forces members participating in the black operations often have no other choice at certain specific moments.

After the meal, everyone took the time to rest.

Qin Fei lay on the sand in the living room to sleep, but was photographed awake before sleeping.

When I opened my eyes, it was Major Michelle.

"The information is available, let's have a small meeting."

Qin Fei bounced off the sand and followed Michelle to the equipment room.

Both George and Yuri have found all the information of the Soweto police station, including police force, schedule, firepower configuration, and structure drawing of the police station.

Now the entire Soweto police station has no secrets for the mi17 operation group, just like the water of the Maldives islands.

"There are only 15 police officers in the entire police station. Although the Soway district is the largest slum area in Johannesburg, due to taxation issues, there are not many police officers there, and morale is not high. The detection rate over the years is also the highest in Johannesburg. In a bad district, it’s not news that the police officers on duty often slip the numbers, so it’s not difficult to understand why the police chief there would cooperate with Eddie."

"Top provided protection for Eddie. Eddie collected all kinds of stolen goods, and then sold the stolen goods. The money obtained was divided into four or six accounts. This is why Eddie dared to accept everything. According to the information found by George, Eddie was even in Hill The Burro district contacted the gangs to buy guns and weapons, and sold them to drug dealer groups in the slums for profit. Under the protection of Topp, Eddie has made a lot of money in recent years."


Michel tapped the Soweto police station structure map on the screen with a pen, pointed to one of the huge rooms and said: "This is the police station's evidence room. In fact, according to the usual case handling rate of the Soweto police station The detection rate, that temporary exhibit room does not need to be that big, and there will not be many exhibits in it. Important exhibits will also be quickly sent to the exhibit room of the Johannesburg Police Headquarters for placement. The Witto Police Department has such a large exhibit room. It seems that the Top Sheriff has been very concerned about Eddie’s stolen goods sales business from the very beginning, and he has confirmed it from the side—if I didn’t guess Wrong, almost no one in the entire police station is clean."

Qin Fei said, "You mean, we might have to deal with fifteen serious Joburg police officers?"

Major Michel said: "Although I don’t doubt the fighting ability of everyone here, I don’t want to make matters worse. It’s the principle I said before. Try to keep a low profile, don’t make too much noise, and leave after you get the hard drive. People. I think Sheriff Top also knows very well that there is no need to fight us for a small portable hard drive. Once you catch Top, I guess it won’t take a few minutes before he will hand over the hard drive.”

"So, when do we act?" Qin Fei said, "It's broad daylight. I'm afraid it's not easy to act."

"Yes, so I decided to start the action at 8 o'clock tonight." Michelle said: "According to their duty schedule, only Top and four men are on duty tonight. Basically, in a place like Soweto, you will be on duty at night. Not to mention even people, not even animals. The public security there is too bad. At night, except for the drug dealers in the slums, almost no one will go out and hang around. Of course, the drug dealers will not go to the police station. Wander around, so the police station is the quietest place in Soweto at night."

"There is a fence surrounded by barbed wire on the periphery of the police station. It is two meters high. After entering, there is a courtyard. There are no obstacles. You can reach the gate of the police station by rushing out about 20 meters. Although the police station occupies a large area, It's just a one-story structure. After entering the gate, walk straight and turn right at the end of the exhibit room. You should pay attention to this."

"The duty room is the first room on the left hand side of the entrance to the police station. The dormitory and office area are in the middle. Each of you will look at the drawing carefully later and keep it in your mind."

Michelle pointed to Qin Fei and Mister and said: "Tonight, Joyce and I will accompany you to move out. After you enter the police station, we will guard you from the outside. Qin Fei and Mister are both. A team, after entering the door, is responsible for fixing the police officers in the duty room. I guess Sheriff Top will be in an independent office in his office and he will hand it over to Hugo and Connor."

"After the two teams succeeded, they brought all the people to the office area and gathered them together, interrogated the place where the hard disk was located as quickly as possible, and retreated immediately after getting the hard disk."

After all, she looked around at everyone.

"If you have any questions, you can ask now."

"I have a question." Mister said.

"Talk about it." Michelle said generously.

"When I was in Delta, I learned a principle of action ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is that the plan cannot keep up with the changes." Mister said: "So every time we act, we will make two or more plans to do the worst. I plan to avoid repeating the lessons of Mogadishu that year. I want to ask the major, do you have a plan now?"

"Of course not." Michelle calmly said: "I have estimated the worst. Although you will use silencer weapons for tonight's operation, and I believe it is not difficult for you to subdue the five police officers, but Top Having been there for so many years as a sheriff, it can be said that he has built a lot of roots and has a very good relationship with various gangs in the slum area. Once these people find something wrong, they will come to help. My biggest worry is not this. It’s that they will instigate the local poor to come and besiege the police station. This is the last thing I want to see, so I made another backup plan."

"What I just said was plan a, so let's talk about our plan b. Tonight, at a secret location in Johannesburg, we have two groups of peripheral support operations, each with eight people, a total of sixteen people, they will Equipped with two helicopters waiting in place, once our operations go wrong, the two outer operation teams will immediately use helicopters to reach the scene and rescue you as quickly as possible."

"Sounds pretty good." Michelt touched his chin, thought for a while, nodded and said: "I am relieved to hear you say there are support troops."

Michelle said: "However, it is too eye-catching to use support forces. It is best not to go to that point. After all, our actions have not been authorized or approved. After all, this is South African land. Coming, I am afraid that diplomatic issues will be involved, so everyone tries to get things done with the least amount of movement."

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