Absolute Honor

Chapter 1013: Plan B

Qin Fei looked through the night vision scope, and the dots in the holographic mirror caught an over 80 meters away and ran out from behind the corner of the house. He kept shooting towards the yard, and the thin guy who looked like a black monkey gently pressed the trigger. .


With two muffled noises, the thin monkey in the night vision goggles who was running from one corner to the other looking for cover threw his head into the dust and did not move anymore.

Another person rushed out and tried to pick up his ak47. Qin Fei pulled the trigger again.

This daring guy also fell to the ground and threw himself on the skinny monkey.

This time, no one dared to come out and pick up a gun anymore.

However, more and more bullets were fired in the direction of the police station, and the sound of bullets hitting different objects sounded around.

Although the gangsters did not have advanced equipment such as night vision goggles, they relied on the faint starlight and distant lights, as well as their familiarity with the terrain and the location of the police station, and kept firing in the direction where Qin Fei and others were. .

This is the most troublesome situation. When the opponent is crowded, they may not need marksmanship at all. They only need to shoot roughly where you are, and the crowd will form bullet rain.

If you are unlucky, maybe just a mistake of raising your head will have a lucky bullet pierce your skull.


A loud noise came from the courtyard gate, and the gate seemed to be knocked down by something.

A black van rushed into the police station compound from outside the courtyard.

Qin Feixun shifted his gun to the vehicle. He was surprised when he saw it clearly. It was not Michel and Joyce's car.

"Go into the garage at the back! It's not safe in front!"

Connor stood at the door and beckoned. Hugo rushed out, using another police car as a cover, and kept firing at the gangsters coming in to prevent them from chasing.

There are a large number of weapons and communication equipment on the van, and it is also a communication platform for contacting the safe house. Once it is destroyed, everyone will lose contact with the safe house.

Therefore, it is very important to keep the car.

Fortunately, although the van looks worn out, it has excellent performance and has also been bullet-proof. The tires alone can drive 1oo kilometers at 6o kilometers after the bullet penetrates, which is absolutely durable.

Amid Connor’s cry, Joyce stepped on the accelerator and slammed the steering wheel, turning the car from the right side of the police station’s bungalow to the side. Mistor had already been waiting there and opened the garage door.

As the car drove into the garage, Mister closed the two-tiered iron gate.

"What's the matter? Didn't you watch people!?"

Major Michel, who had just got out of the car, looked a little angry. In her opinion, the only thing that might show up was inside the police station.

"Unwilling to be able to, everyone was arrested by us, and none of them slipped through the net."

Mister pointed to the office and said loudly: "Top and his men have no chance to call out. If there is a slip of the net, then the intelligence is inaccurate. Here is the sixth person!"

"Impossible! Before you attacked, George had been monitoring them through the surveillance system here, and had been watching them for a full afternoon. Starting at five o'clock, there were only five police officers left on duty after work!"

"Major, I can't explain why this happens, the loophole is not in us!" Mister looked decisive.

"Damn it!"

Michelle knew that she could not determine where the loopholes in the operation lay, so she walked into the office area angrily and walked in front of the five police officers.

"Sergeant Top, are you feeling happy now?"

I have to say that when Top heard the gunshots outside the door, of course he was a little proud.

But he was also a little worried. In fact, these people seemed to be really coming towards the hard drive. They took the hard drive and wanted to leave, but they were intercepted by the gangsters outside the door.

"No, no, no, I don't want to have any extravagance, the people outside are not my call." Top quickly cleared the relationship, "We have only five people here, and you have all arrested them, and there is no chance to make a phone call."

"Well, in that case, you immediately call those who are outside the door and tell them to move away. If you dare to attack the police station, I will take your knife first."

Michelle said, turning back to ask Mister: "Where is his phone? Give him, let him call Soweto's gang boss, and let their people leave immediately!"

When Mister went to pick up the phone, Michelle squatted in front of Top and warned: "Sheriff, it’s not good for you to make things like this tonight. We originally got the hard drive and planned to leave. Your man Doing so will put you in a dangerous situation. I will not joke with you, but I warn you that if something happens, I will be the first to kill you."

Topp looked at the fierce woman in front of him, and he really didn't understand why the Yin Tang Hei had provoked such a group of evil stars today.

What a shame!

He cursed secretly in his heart, but his mouth was busy saying: "I know, I know, I don't want to be like this. These guys must have received news that they were attacked here. They thought it was a hostile gang in other areas, so they all mobilized. , You give me the phone and I will call and let them disperse."

Mister came over with the sheriff's mobile phone and handed it to Michelle.

Major Michelle drew a dagger to cut the restraint on the back of the sheriff, and put the phone into his hand: "Remember, your people withdraw, we will leave, we will go our own way and not violate each other, otherwise you will do it tonight. Prepare to meet God."

Topp picked up the phone tremblingly and pressed the number with trembling fingers.

Leaving his ear to listen for a while, his face collapsed.

"No one... no one answered..."

"Will no one listen to your call?" Michelle's face is colder than ice cubes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The pistol is directly on Top's temple, "You are playing tricks, you really think you Can someone save you?"

"No, no, I didn't lie to you, no one really answered." Top pressed redial again, and then turned on the speakerphone.

Sure enough, a busy tone came from inside.

No one really answered.

"I'll contact one more to see..." Top probably saw that Michelle's face was gloomy, and he was directly shot for fear of losing the value of his use.

You know, your value lies in being able to control the gangsters in the Soweto area.

Without this level of effect, one's life is worthless.

He chose the phone number of another gang leader he knew well and dialed again.

Toot toot, still busy tone.

Suddenly Michelle realized something, took out his mobile phone, and turned on the screen to take a look.

The signal column is blank.

no signal……

Could it be that the power supply of the nearby radio base station was destroyed by blowing up the wire just now?

But absolutely impossible!

"Major! There are more and more people outside!"

Qin Fei's voice came from behind Michelle.

"We want to establish a line of defense here, and it is recommended to implement plan b immediately!"

Michelle looked back and saw Qin Fei and Hugo.

The two had already withdrawn from the yard into the police station room. Obviously, the situation outside was too chaotic, and the two of them did not dare to stay long.

"Okay, I will contact the support team immediately."

Michelle threw the phone to Qin Fei: "Our cell phone signal has been cut off."

"Could someone be interfering!?" A cold sweat broke out on Hugo's back, because shielding signals is not something ordinary gangsters can do. This is the usual practice of special forces.

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