Absolute Honor

Chapter 1019: Melee

Qin Fei's actions stunned everyone.

Before the other seven saps special operations troops recovered, Qin Fei had already grabbed one of the saps players who hadn't recovered, and blocked him in front of him.

Between the lightning and flint, the guy who was used as a shield by Qin Fei suffered.

A dozen bullets hit him, and the guy screamed bitterly.

The "Honey Badger" assault rifle had the advantage of a melee rifle at this time. Qin Fei shot the gun with one hand, and with the other hand grabbed the member of the saps special operations force who no longer knew whether he was alive or not.

Although this will not make you 100% safe, there is no better choice.

In just two short seconds, Qin Fei had emptied all the bullets in the "Honey Badger" assault rifle.

Qin Fei just wanted to pull out the Glock 18 pistol from his thigh, but it was too late.

A saps member rushed up, his muzzle bypassed the dead person in front of Qin Fei, and he wanted to shoot Qin Fei directly in the head.


This guy had just taken his first step, and Mister next to him shot him in a headshot.

The room was suddenly chaotic.

The saps players seemed to realize that their identities had been found out, and they began to shoot back to back at every non-self member around.

Although several members of mi17-Michel, Hugo, Connor, and Joyce have no idea what they gave birth, there is no doubt that Qin Fei is his own.

Their extremely excellent responsiveness also helped a lot, and they took up their weapons to counterattack.

Gunshots like popping beans rang out in the dark room, and the muzzle flame illuminated the entire room.

In less than five seconds, the whole room fell silent again, and all that was left were groans from different corners.


Suddenly, another muzzle burst out in the darkness, and someone shot the dead person.


Then, the gunfire suddenly became lively again.

Ten seconds later, this time the police station really fell silent.

Qin Fei felt his left hand hurt fiercely, and there seemed to be some stickiness in his clothes.


Oh shit!

He cursed secretly.

Hiding behind a desk, Qin Fei began to call Mister's name.

"Mister! Are you okay?"

"It's okay, but it seems to have been shot... Isn't it he?" Mister's voice was trembling, which was obviously painful.


"I am here!"

"Hugo! Connor! Joyce!" Qin Fei called out his own names one by one.

"I'm fine!"

Only Connor answered.

"I have something..."

Hugo's half-dead voice confirmed Qin Fei's worry that someone on his side had been shot.

"Hugo, what's the matter with you!?" Connor was the first to ask his partner's injury with concern: "Where did you get shot?"

"It hurts... I seem to have been shot in the abdomen..."

"Where are you?" Connor was anxious to find his partner. Everyone temporarily looked for concealed objects while firing. At this moment, they were all in different corners of the office, and they couldn't see each other.

"Go elsewhere!"

As Qin Fei said, he took out a light stick from the small bag of the tactical vest, folded it, and the light stick began to glow green.

Qin Fei threw the light stick out, which landed in the center of the office area.


The gun went off.

A stack of papers on Qin Fei's desk was knocked up, and the confetti fell to the ground.

Lie on the ground, Qin Fei had already seen the location of the shooter, and without a word he began to shoot there continuously.

It was a saps player. He was lying on the ground. Although he was shot, he hadn't completely died.

However, after Qin Fei consecutively shot out the bullets in a Glock 18 magazine, he did not move anymore.

Qin Fei quickly replaced all the assault rifles and pistols with new ammunition.

"Qin, you are so crazy! Why did you shoot at the saps players!?" Michelle asked Qin Fei angrily, "Look at what good things you have done!"

"Major! They are not saps players, they are really dead!" Qin Fei said as he carefully probed the probe from behind the desk, and quickly retracted, then walked around to the other end of the table and slowly stretched his head to observe.

This time, no one shot at him again. After listening for a while, Qin Fei felt that the saps players lying on the ground had completely lost their breath, and then cautiously walked out with his waist.

In the sight of the night vision goggles, as long as he sees a saps player, he will immediately use an assault rifle to make a supplementary shot to ensure that the guy must die completely.

After finishing all this, Qin Fei shouted: "It's safe!"

Connor was the first to run out of his hiding place. He followed Hugo's voice and found that his partner was sitting crookedly in the corner, blood was bleeding under his abdomen, and his combat pants were wet.

"Hugo! Hold on!" He said, taking out the first aid kit and bandaging Hugo to stop the bleeding.

Although he was wearing a body armor, the bullet went in from the lower abdomen, which happened to be unprotected. It was a lucky bullet, but it was Hugo's misfortune.

Qin Fei found Michelle, she was kneeling on the ground.

Looking over the major's shoulder, Qin Fei saw Joyce. There was a bullet hole in Joyce's eyebrows. The man fell on the ground and was no longer angry. His eyes were silently looking at the roof, but his expression had already been frozen. In an instant.

"Damn it!" Michelle suddenly drew the p226 pistol and pressed it against Qin Fei's head.

"Why shot!? You said they are all fakes, you can tell from there that they are fakes!? You'd better find evidence that can convince me, otherwise I will break you!"

Qin Fei pushed away Michel's barrel without speaking, and went directly to the side and dragged the corpse of a saps team member.

He tore off the player's hood, took off his helmet, and then took a small bottle from the pocket of the tactical vest, poured it on his hand and rubbed it evenly, and then wiped it on the man's face.

The dead man's skin originally looked black, but Qin Fei wiped it, revealing a white background like magic.

This man is not a black man, but a white man!

"This is the coloring agent you used to make up black people. These guys also used it. I smelled a little pungent smell just now. This is the smell. I won't forget it. Yes, the pants of one of the team members were torn. I saw that the skin inside him was white. These people are white people posing as black people. They are the action team members of the Cornerstone Project!"

Michelle was stunned, and Qin Fei did show evidence.

If all of my own people just put down their guns, I am afraid they will be executed from behind soon. Although Joyce is dead, Hugo is seriously injured~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is better than being all shot. .

"They have died so many people. I guess the only people outside are gangsters, and they will lose their confidence to attack when they see the death of the people from the Cornerstone Project. Moreover, the support from the Joburg Police Headquarters is coming soon. It's a good opportunity for us to leave. If we don't leave, so many policemen will die later, we can't explain it at all."

Qin Fei said as he got up and walked to Mist's side.

"Where did it hurt?"

"Damn, it seems to have been shot in the butt. I guess it was hit by a stray bullet that pierced the table..." Mister stood up, limped and walked a few steps, "It's okay, it doesn't affect the movement. , Just go back and take out the bullet."

"Connor, we must go, can Hugo hold it?" Qin Fei asked Connor in the corner loudly.

Connor's voice was slightly crying: "Fuck... Hugo had a lot of blood, it is probably the intestines that have been punched... The blood vessels inside may be seriously injured..."

When he walked to Kang Na's side, Qin Fei said, "Temporarily, let him stop the bleeding from the wound...We are leaving."

"Even if the outflow is stopped, it will continue to bleed inside! It's useless!" Connor threw the first aid kit aside in frustration.

Qin Fei said: "Then you need to leave immediately, and you can find a doctor when you return to the safe house!"

"No interference!" Michelle looked at the satellite phone signal, "Let's go, I will contact our logistics support team in the car and ask them to send a doctor over."

Michel and Connor set up Hugo, Qin Fei reluctantly resisted Joyce, who was already dead, Mister jumped his heels behind him, and everyone returned to the car.

A minute later, the car smashed into the rolling gate, rushed out of the yard, and quickly disappeared on the dirt road outside the police station.

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