Absolute Honor

Chapter 1133: Situation has changed

A SA319 Skylark III multi-purpose helicopter flew over the camp, hovering in a hovering field behind the camp, and then slowly landed.

Oh shit!

In Qin Fei's heart, ten thousand grass mud horses galloped past.

I thought there was no helicopter here, but I didn't expect that this Garcia really had a hand. He didn't know where to hide a helicopter and used it to escape.

It seems that there is a problem with the intelligence.

The information provided by the Colombian counter-terrorism forces is really unbelievable, at least in terms of collecting intelligence, it is indeed inferior to the old CIA agencies.

Qin Fei stared at the helicopter, and now his only chance was to kill him before Garcia boarded the plane.

This Skylark III multi-purpose helicopter is considered to be an older model. It was produced in the 1960s and was discontinued in the mid-1980s. A batch of them was introduced, but it is no longer useful. My buddy used it as a trainer.

This kind of helicopter is a light single-engine multi-purpose helicopter with a large area of ​​tempered glass front hatch, which is not as strong as bulletproof.

If it is really necessary at the last minute, Qin Fei can shoot directly at the pilot of the helicopter. The 7.62MM steel-cored sniper projectile fired by SR-99 hits the same small area with several shots, and may be able to penetrate the glass cabin. Cover, injure the helicopter pilot.

"The lone wolf called the headquarters. A helicopter appeared in Garcia camp. This guy may have to take a helicopter to escape. How is the progress on the FACR camp?"

"Fighting at the FACR camp is continuing and the progress is fairly smooth. If necessary, you can switch to Channel B and communicate directly with the leader, Major Michel."

"Okay, switch to channel B."

Qin Fei switched the communication channel to Channel B, which was the channel used by the attack group led by Major Michel, which Qin Fei had opened before the attack started.

Suddenly, Qin Fei's hand stopped.

In the sight of the scope, a familiar figure appeared.

The reason why he is familiar is that Qin Fei has seen this person's photos on different occasions countless times, and the impression of him has already penetrated his mind, but this is the first time Qin Fei has seen a real person.

"I fuck!"

Qin Fei thought his eyes were dazzled and couldn't help but rub it.

A chubby black shadow black man ripped off the helicopter and pushed him to Garcia and the FACR soldier beside him.

Seeing this person, Qin Fei could no longer take care of sniping Garcia immediately. He must now immediately figure out whether he was mistaken.

He took out a higher magnification and higher resolution night vision high magnification observation mirror with laser ranging function, pointed the lens at the helicopter, and then adjusted the magnification to enlarge the chubby figure as much as possible.


Zoom in...

This is the most advanced night vision observation mirror. It is a high-tech product provided by MI17. The night vision capability is almost the same as that of daylight. Because it is too expensive, there is no large-scale procurement and deployment of regular troops. It is suitable for intelligence departments and special operations.

The black shadow's head was completely reflected in Qin Fei's sight. This was a white man. Although he looked unshaven, his outline and face did not change at all.

It's Morris!

"Professor" Morris!

This guy actually appeared in Garcia's camp!

Qin Fei couldn't describe the shock in his heart, which meant that all the plans were messed up, and there was no goal in the FACR guerrilla camp!

Could it be that there was a problem with the smart interrogation, and the intelligence that was set out was flawed! ?

Do not!

Qin Fei quickly denied his idea. He trusted Gao Ming and knew Gao Ming's abilities.

It suddenly occurred to me that due to the rush of this operation, he and Michele did not engage in any secretive concealment. Because the operation was urgent, they were basically dispatched in less than two hours after getting the information of Morris's position.

Moreover, Morris was indeed no longer in Garcia's camp before, and he had been observing here for nearly half an hour, but did not find where the Skylark III flew over.

Maybe it flew from the FACR guerrilla camp.

The drone used to have a half-hour gap...


Qin Fei suddenly felt his chills stand up.

The drone is provided by the Colombian counter-terrorism force. In other words, there is an internal ghost in the counter-terrorism force. When the drone returns to change the model, the FACR or Garcia is deliberately issued an early warning, and the latter is to ensure that Morris is not affected. Saved, so this important target was airlifted here by helicopter, and then fled with Garcia? !

This is really a good time!

If Michelle’s attack team is still attacking the FACR guerrilla camp stupidly, and the guerrillas are defensive, it is estimated that Michelle will encounter a lot of resistance. At this time, let Garcia take Morris to escape... …

For so many days, the police and the military have been monitoring every exit and airspace of this jungle, but now it is the weakest time!

If Garcia took the opportunity to escape at this time, he could easily leave Colombia and then hand Morris to the reception team sent by the Black Sun organization!

Great plan!

Qin Fei didn’t know if this plan was arranged by Fan Tianlong himself or the guerrilla warfare experience accumulated by the FACR guerrillas from fighting with the government forces all the year round. He only knew that the situation was all messed up now. If Garcia fled by plane, everything would be over. !

"Lone wolf calls Major Michelle!"

Qin Fei immediately switched to Channel B. He must inform Michel of the news immediately, otherwise the attacking team would do useless work and would sacrifice a lot of team members.

"Qin, I'm busy!"

Dense gunshots and explosions came from the earphones, and Michelle sounded really unwilling to pay attention to Qin Fei at this time.

"Major, the matter is serious, please immediately order your drones to bomb the FACR camp, make a quick fight, or withdraw from the battle immediately! Go to the Garcia camp!"

"What!? Are you crazy! We are desperately, quitting the battle!?" Michelle's voice seemed a little furious, "Don't make international jokes with me! Qin, I have no time to go crazy with you!"

"Fak! I'm not going crazy! The FACR camp you attacked didn't have Morris at all! I repeat, Morris is no longer in the FACR camp, maybe before, but now he is already in Garcia's camp, a Skylark III He was sent here, just three minutes ago!"

There was immediate silence in the earphones, except for the gunshots, Michelle's voice disappeared.

After a while, she asked suspiciously, "Qin, you are not kidding!?"

"I'm never kidding! Major! You have to believe me! Now I can see clearly,'Professor' Morris is here, here with me! In Garcia's camp! Make a quick deal or withdraw from the battle immediately, don't fight The FACR guerrillas are entangled, they already know that you are here, the anti-terrorist forces have ghosts!"

This seems to be the only thing Major Michel's attack team can do ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the wisest choice-use drones to bomb the FACR camp immediately, kill all the guerrillas at the fastest speed and leave.

The previous intelligence showed that Morris was in the FACR camp. In order to avoid accidental injury, Major Michel must not dare to use drones to attack the ground, let alone order the aerial Mi-17 to carpet the rebel camp on a large scale. In this way, the offensive team will be greatly restricted, and even casualties are prone to occur.

Now even if Lieutenant Colonel Mario can hear his voice on the channel, Qin Fei is not polite, there is nothing to be polite, reminding Michelle is better than keeping her in the dark, this is war, it is fatal Yes, it’s definitely not a treat for dinner. Hello, I’m hello, everyone. What kind of **** is there to talk about.

"Qin, you are talking nonsense!"

Sure enough, Lieutenant Colonel Mario could understand English and immediately jumped out to refute Qin Fei.

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