Absolute Honor

Chapter 1138: Hard landing

In the night sky, the interior of the Skylark III helicopter that was hit by the engine was now chaotic.

On the dashboard of the driver's cab, several red warning lights made crazy beeping warning sounds, and the body shook slightly.

"What's the matter?" The timid "Professor" Morris was the first to turn his face pale. He noticed something wrong and asked with a pair of small horrified eyes.

Qin Fei got up and walked to the cockpit, stretched his head and asked the two pilots: "Can the helicopter be stabilized? Where did it get shot?"

He can almost conclude that the two crisp noises he heard just now were the metal collision sound of the plane when it was hit by a bullet, and that it must have hit the vital part, otherwise the plane would not react so obvious immediately.

There are really not many people who can hit the plane with a gun on the ground and cause direct damage. Qin Fei concluded that the opponent must be a rigorously trained and great sniper, and he must use a large-caliber sniper rifle, otherwise There will be no such effect at all.

"The oil pressure of the engine is dropping..." A cold sweat like a stream appeared on the forehead of the driving driver, "The power is dropping..."

"What's the meaning?"

"Someone hit the fuel pipe of our aircraft engine. The oil pressure dropped and the power was lost..." the co-pilot added immediately.

"Are you going to make a forced landing..."

"Yes... the best situation is to make an emergency landing nearby. We can't fly far, and the oil will leak out quickly. If we are unlucky, the engine will catch fire because of the high temperature. Just now we closed the main oil circuit, but it doesn't seem to work. It is estimated that the damage is not only to the oil circuit..."

As soon as the co-pilot's voice fell, Qin Fei heard a dull explosion.

The plane suddenly became a headless fly with its head torn off. Fire began to emit from the bullet holes made by the engine, and thick black smoke leaked out.

"What are you afraid of!" Qin Fei grabbed the fixed buckle on the top of the cabin and stepped on it with thousands of horses in his heart.

"Be careful, we are going to crash! Get ready for the collision!" The driver immediately issued a warning, with some tremors in his voice.

The situation looks serious!

Skylark III began to circle at high speed in the air like a drunkard. After all, Morris had no military training and had no idea what the phrase "be prepared for collision" meant.

When an ordinary helicopter encounters an attack, if it is not certain that it will crash, the pilot will not say this.

Of course, even if it fell into a meat sauce, the driver still said this to get the crew to "prepare for impact." This is not to say that you are all right if you are prepared, just like you are bitten by a black mamba in the uninhabited field. Now, letting you find a cooler shade to lie down does not mean that you can be rescued, but that it will be less ugly when you die.


There was another explosion, and the flames immediately enveloped half of the fuselage.

The cabin door was opened by the safety buckle in an instant, and it slid to the side. Then the empty door on the right side of the cabin opened wide. In the high altitude, the violent wind poured into the cabin, causing the face to numb.

The altimeter on the cockpit began to descend rapidly. The original altitude was 800 meters. After being shot, it was still slowly descending. It took more than ten seconds to drop by more than 30 meters, but now it is falling at least ten meters per second!

When Qin Fei received paratrooper parachuting training in Unit 203, he used ordinary paratrooper-2 parachute gear, which reached 110 kg after reloading. The parachuting speed under standard atmospheric pressure was less than 6 meters per second, and 10 meters per second. The second is obviously beyond the ability of the human body to bear, and it is bound to be injured.

The most terrible thing is that the speed of descent seems to be increasing rapidly, if it reaches the speed of free fall...

Then no one can survive on the plane.

The fuselage of the Skylark III helicopter suddenly tilted at a large angle, Morris screamed, and the person was thrown out.


Although this guy is clumsy, but luck is very good, Qin Fei saw him slide out toward the open hatch, his hair straightened in fright.

Throwing out from a height of several hundred meters, Morris decided to become a pool of meat sauce!

Unexpectedly, the moment this guy was thrown out of the plane, he reached out his hand and grabbed a fixed handle beside the cabin door. He actually grabbed it tightly and hung his whole body outside.

"Help! Help! I don't want to die! Help me, help me! I promise everything!"

He started to yell like crazy, but he didn't know that in the process of falling at such a high speed, no one could hear him clearly.

Qin Fei pulled a safety rope for fixing in the cabin, tied it to his waist, and then held the bulkhead close to Morris, grabbing his hands.

"Grass mud horse! Why are you **** so heavy!"

Morris is a computer genius, but he is also a standard otaku. Fat is a distinguishing feature of otaku. Morris is no exception. His weight has reached 200 pounds. Although he has a hard time in the jungle recently, he can’t sleep well and eat well. , Lost more than ten pounds, but it is not easy to drag him back to the cabin at high speed.

Qin Fei stubbornly supported the cabin wall with his right foot, gritted his teeth and exhausted his milk, finally pulled the pig back.

Back in the cabin, Morris plunged his head into Qin Fei’s arms, clasping his hands tightly, his survival consciousness made him cling to Qin Fei’s life-saving straw without even thinking about it, like a drowning man dying. Suddenly caught the rescuer's body in a panic, he would subconsciously grasp it and not let go.

Qin Fei was so hugged by this guy that Morris was imprisoned in the jungle for nearly a week, his body was stinking, and he was urinating in his pants just now, and there was a sorrowful odor. He brushed his teeth in his mouth for several days. , It is more like a septic tank.

This guy stuck in Qin Fei's arms like a girl, screaming and arching with his big mouth, almost not fainting Qin Fei.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy is the only key to unlocking Achilles' heel, Qin Fei would really kick the **** off the plane and let him die wherever he should!

Pulling a safety rope to help Morris' waist, Qin Fei slapped Morris in the face, slapped the latter.

"Grab the fixed handle of the cabin, don't hold me!"

"I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of your mother/force! Believe it or not I kick you off the plane!?"

"Don't believe it! You need me!"

"I fuck!"

Qin Fei has nothing to do with this clever and dying guy. Of course, at a critical moment, who needs a face, it's more important to die!

"There are still four hundred meters!" The driver's roar suddenly came from the cockpit.

Four hundred meters!

Qin Fei knew that he had to be prepared.

"Fuck me up!" Qin Fei struggled to get up from the floor and slammed Morris against the cabin wall: "Listen, put your back close to the cabin wall, press tightly, and grab the fixed grip. Bend your feet slightly, make the final preparations, and fall at this speed. If you are prepared, you will not die!"

"No, no! Don't leave me! I'm afraid of death!" Morris cried again like a little girl.

Qin Fei drew out the Glock pistol abruptly and pressed it against Morris’ forehead: "Don’t think I dare not kill you, I want to use you, but if I lose my life to save you, I will kill it without hesitation. You! Let me let go!"

Morris felt the murderous aura in Qin Fei's eyes, and immediately let go, and obediently grabbed the fixed handguard, pressed it against the wall, and performed meticulously in accordance with Qin Fei's requirements.

"Damn, you just can't speak well!"

Qin Fei put away the gun, found a corner of the cabin, and stood against the cabin wall.

"How many meters are there!?"

"two hundred……"

"Find a piece of cloth and bite it in your mouth!" Qin Fei yelled at the opposite Morris.

Bite the cloth?

Although Morris didn't know the use of this, what Qin Fei said was absolutely correct. He knew this very well.

In a hurry, he tore off the collar of his shirt and stuffed it into his mouth.

Qin Fei also put his camouflage scarf between his teeth.

The pilot continued to report the altitude value.

"one hundred……"



The pilot kept reporting the number, and the more he reported, even though he tried his best to maintain his composure, Qin Fei still heard the tremor in his heart.

In the face of death, few people can really be completely calm.



Qin Fei felt a huge momentum coming from under his feet, and the person was shaken as if the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all moved, and a strand of snot in his nose flew out instantly.

Fortunately, there was a camouflage scarf between his teeth, otherwise his teeth might shake off.

The Skylark III helicopter fell heavily into a forest, breaking a lot of branches. A straight branch directly penetrated into the cabin, brushed by Qin Fei and Morris, and penetrated the cabin at the other end. The glass on the door skewered the plane like a skewers.

The propeller hit the ground and went up, and the broken blades were flying everywhere.

Qin Fei was shocked and helpless, this was not something he could avoid, and now everything can only be left to God.

Countless fine wood chips and fine soil chips poked into the cabin, drilled in through the nostrils, choking people coughing.

The whole plane finally stopped after the loud noise.

Qin Fei was paralyzed in a corner of the cabin, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

A mouth, wow spit it out.

The opposite Morris was directly fainted, lying motionless on the ground.

Qin Fei raised his hand to look at his watch with difficulty. The time was 1:10 in the morning.

The plane crashed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this virgin Amazon jungle, he took out the communication headset from Angell and put on it, and there was no sound in it.

Obviously, the other party already knew that he was eavesdropping on his channel and transferred the alternate channel.

It seems that the sniper aircraft action team will soon catch up, and he must contact Michel and Lao Yu immediately to let them know what troubles are encountered here.

He touched his pocket and found that his satellite phone was still there, which made him mention that the heart in his throat had returned to his abdominal cavity.

With communications, things will be easier.

He quickly took out the phone and began to dial Lao Yu's number.

However, nothing was heard on the phone...

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