Absolute Honor

Chapter 1157: Go out in person

In the conference room of the anti-terrorist base, Cook put out the cigarette butts in the ashtray and spit out a cloud of white smoke.

Opposite him sat Michelle, who had been staring at him without changing his gaze, as if a beast was staring at his prey.

"Major, you don't have to look at me like this. You killed so many of our men in South Africa, and I haven't settled this account with you." Cook said, "Don't think I can take you out of Baron Harvey. , My people will not die in vain, Qin Fei must pay for it."

"Shao Te, use your dead trash hands to bluff me! Mr. Deputy Director, don’t think we MI17 don’t know your identity. You are a Deputy Director of the CIA on the surface, but in fact you are obedient to the Flying Eagle Project organization. Everyone is an expert, don’t treat me as a fool."

Michelle doesn’t buy Cook’s account at all, because she knows Cook’s true identity. This guy is just under the CIA's name. On the surface, he is tracking Morris, who has been put on the hunt list by the CIA. In fact, he is To get rid of this computer genius who can unlock Achilles' heel.

And Qin Fei was not Cook's target at all, it was just a cover.

Michelle's attitude surprised Cook a bit. A small major dare to be so presumptuous to himself.

But it's not surprising to think about it.

Because the MI17 department itself is very special, it is not in the formal sequence of the British intelligence service. It is just a separate non-existent department. People in the industry know its existence, but the British side never publicly acknowledges the existence of this department.

At this point, it is somewhat similar to the Blackstone Project.

Based on this nature, MI17's acting style is more relaxed and has a great degree of freedom. Just like this time, they openly hired Qin Fei's corps to act with them, and the agents and mercenaries were openly mixed together. This alone depends on prying eyes.

"Major, the duty of a CIA deputy director needs evidence. Be careful of your words and deeds. Even if it is Baron Harvey, I am afraid that I would not dare to frame me like you. The Flying Eagle Project? I have never heard of it. There is evidence. Is there evidence you can take out." Cook is worthy of being an old fox. He knows that Michelle has no evidence at all, and his actions, regardless of selfishness, are at least feasible in public affairs and there is no problem. At this point, even in the face of Director Rosen, his immediate boss, Cook believes that he can cope with it.

Michelle snorted coldly.

Indeed, she had no evidence at hand, and Cook was right, and such accusations were of no avail.

She glanced at her watch.

The time has already pointed to 3:50 in the morning.

More than an hour has passed now.

She didn't know what happened to Qin Fei in the jungle.

Can you escape the chase of the cornerstone project search team?

An hour ago, she received an even more disturbing news that Cook had mobilized the SAEL team deployed in South America and airdropped them to the Amazon jungle.

The purpose, just think about it with your toes and you will know what it is for.

The SEAL squad deployed in South America is different from the people in the Cornerstone Project. After making a fuss in the command center just now, I believe that he has completely bluffed the wall-riding Major General Arnold, who was already a source of success. Afterwards, Arnold had to rush back to Bogota immediately after excusing him of something important. , It seems that my own strategy has worked.

This old bureaucrat is an excuse to leave the place of right and wrong in Cali. He neither wants to participate in Cook's actions, nor does he want to help himself and offend Cook, so he just walked away and threw Mario as a frontman. it's here.

Cook lost his temper and asked Mario to send counter-terrorism troops and air power to assist him in his actions. However, Mario, who was slippery like a loach, used his superiors as an excuse to preclude him.

However, the SEAL squad is different. They are deployed here all year round, and even equipped with their own combat aircraft and drones. Once they are engaged in search operations, Qin Fei's situation will be quite unfavorable.

Although Michel was very confident in Qin Fei's combat capability, Qin Fei had only one person after all. The so-called double fist is difficult to match with four hands. The longer the delay, the disadvantage to Qin Feiyue.

Seeing Michelle's anxious look, Cook was very proud.

Everything was exactly as he expected.

Even if Baron Harvey knew what was going on here, it would take time to communicate with the CIA.

Especially now, almost an hour has passed, and the so-called three-party video conference has not yet begun.

"Major, you look very anxious." He deliberately ridiculed Michel: "Baron Harvey doesn't seem to be as powerful as he thought, does it? Remember, America is our territory, not yours."

"Don't be proud!" Michel suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and said: "Until now, your people don't seem to have any good news to bring back to you. If your people's search goes well, Morris has already been caught by now. Right? You have always been here pretending to be calm. In fact, your inner anxiety is no less than mine. Qin Fei is not an ordinary mercenary. It may not be easy for your people to take advantage of him. Bite, my deputy director."

Cook was stabbed in the pain again, and the muscles at the corners of his eyebrows jumped slightly.

An agent knocked on the door and came in.

Cook beckoned to him.

The agent walked up to Cook and said something in a low voice.

Cook stood up and glanced at Michele on the opposite side.

"Major, I'm going to the command center. If the meeting starts, please find someone to tell me, I'll be there soon."

After all, leave Michelle alone in the video conference room, and disappear outside the door with his men.

Back to the command center, as soon as he walked in, Cook began to yell: "How could this happen!?"

He walked to Agent Anna's side, picked up the headset and put it on.

"I'm Cook, why haven't Morris been caught yet!"

"SIR, we caught the kid surnamed Qin, but Morris was not with him."

The voice of the leader of the search team came from the headset.

Cook glanced at the Hamilton military watch on his wrist and couldn't help saying: "Morris is just a technical mansion. He doesn't understand jungle warfare at all. The kid surnamed Qin must hide him somewhere. No matter what method you use, Give me the position of Morris from his mouth, then grab Morris for me and kill him!"

"I understand, SIR, now that the surname Qin has promised us to lead the way, he will take us to Morris, and we are currently going to Morris' hideout."

"Very well! Time is running out. MI17 will soon hold a three-party video conference. Once Director Rosen asks, we may not be able to hold MI17 anymore. Then they will enter Amazon and you will lose the opportunity to start! Do you understand? ?"

"Understood! We will rush to the hiding place as quickly as possible and ensure that the task is completed within the specified time! Now we are almost at Morris’s hiding place, and the problem will be solved soon!"

"Then let go and do it! Use the fastest speed! Don't let me down!"


The two ended the call.

Cook stood still, rubbing his hands on his chin.

He kept thinking about a question.

That is why Qin Fei surrendered so easily? Also revealed where Morris was hiding?

He vaguely felt that something was wrong in it!

Cook has searched through Qin Fei’s files no less than ten times. Cook has done intelligence analysis and knows how to analyze a person’s files and background information. Based on his own judgment of Qin Fei, this person is definitely not the same. The bones that can be gnawed so easily.

How could he speak so quickly?

He looked at his watch subconsciously.

This is only an hour.

"Anna, now we have satellites and drones, are they all online?"

"SIR, it's all there."

"Can you see the image of our search team?"

Anna nodded and said, "No problem."

"Call up the screen, I want to see." Cook said.

As Anna's fingers flew on the keyboard, the real-time images of the "Big Crow" drone and the "Canaan" spy satellite were all projected onto the big screen.

Cook turned around and faced the big screen. His eyes were deep and he looked at the big screen astonishedly.

On the big screen, more than a dozen bright spots are approaching Morris' "hiding spot" on foot.

Each bright spot is a person, and the high-resolution pictures allow Cook to even see that one of them is being pushed forward with his hands tied.

His subordinates really caught Qin Fei, and it was Qin Fei who was **** without a doubt.

And a Black Hawk S-70 is cruising in the air not far away, hovering.

Obviously, that is the destination.

The team is only a few hundred meters away from the destination, and it seems that there will be a final answer soon.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

"Anna, is the area where S-70 circulates Morris' hiding place?" Cook asked.

Anna said: "Yes, according to the intelligence sent back by the previous search team, we were required to pre-scan the area with satellites, but we did not find a trace of Morris in that area."

"No one?" Cook's eyes lit up and his eyes became wary.

"SIR." An agent next to him said: "Qin Fei asked him to hide there. He will definitely find a way to teach him how to avoid surveillance by drones and satellites. We can't see him, and we need the ground team to do it. Search only."

"Well, it sounds reasonable..." Cook murmured.

At this time, a counter-terrorist team walked into the command center and said to Cook: "Mr. Deputy Director, the video conference has started."

Cook nodded, he was actually unwilling to leave the command center now.

This is a critical moment, he will not be relieved if he sees Morris being killed in satellite surveillance.

However, the video conference was held by Baron Harvey, Chief Rosen, himself, and Michelle. He had to be present, otherwise the time would not be delayed.

Now even if Qin Fei is caught, but Morris has not been caught yet, he must go back to the meeting to have a fight with Baron Harvey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At least his undercover agent was killed, and both operations in South Africa It can be played as a trump card, at least half an hour or even an hour.

This period of time is very precious to the search team. They have found Morris' hiding place and will soon be able to accomplish the purpose of this operation.

"Anna, you are staring here. Send someone to the conference room to report to me if you have anything."

Out of the command center, Cook walked toward the conference room with great heart.

When he arrived at the door of the conference room, he cleared his throat and tidied up his short-sleeved shirt to make himself look more energetic and confident. Then he grabbed the door handle and planned to push in.

Suddenly, a thunder flashed through his mind, and Cook's hand holding the door handle froze in place.

Almost in an instant, he turned around, returned the same way, and ran towards the command center.

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