Absolute Honor

Chapter 118: Elimination day

   After autumn, the weather on the island is a bit unpredictable. .

   The moon was still bright and the stars were sparse at four o'clock in the morning, and it was clouded as soon as the day broke.

   Soon, there was a heavy pouring rain in the sky, and the big raindrops crackled down, and the dark clouds were so low that they felt as if they were pressing on the top of the head.

   The bullet flew over Qin Fei's head, and the sound of cutting through the air made his back chill.

   Because it is a real bullet.

   Among the more than 20 people in the selection training, Qin Fei is the only one who has not undergone this kind of real gun training.

   There will be no similar training in the reconnaissance camp.


   He was distracted, a piece of rotten and smelly pork hanging on the wire fence was hit by a bullet and exploded in the air.

   The disgusting smell and rotten meat scraps splashed all over. Among them, the diced meat shot into the corner of Qin Fei's mouth. He couldn't help retching and spit out a mouthful of yellow bile.

This is a training ground similar to the obstacles of hunters, including steel cable sliding, crossing the sky, log handling, pool ammunition box pushing, crossing snake bridge, pile wire fence, culvert, minefield, swamp, gas chamber and other obstacles. Qin Fei was crawling like a maggot under the wire fence on the ground.

   Since 5 o'clock in the morning, Qin Fei and his teammates have been soaking here.

   one trip after another, never stopped.

   This hunter obstacle is different from all obstacle courses Qin Fei has seen before.

   Every 20 meters, there is a door **** instructor standing by the side. These guys are holding real guys, 95-style automatic rifles that are genuine and fake, and light machine guns, and they are desperately shooting at everyone's heads.

   Bullet rained across the head.

  Lei Gong is sitting on a rock fifty meters away, wearing a raincoat and a Penney hat, holding an 88 sniper in his hand, and shooting at the obstacle course from time to time.

   That is live ammunition.

   bullets all accurately hit various decomposed animal entrails and large pieces of rotten flesh hanging on the low pile wire fence. Those stinky rotten flesh exploded in the rain and landed on the crawling students one after another.

   Shooting in this way is extremely confident in his marksmanship.

   As long as there is a slight difference, it may not be the rotten flesh and internal organs that exploded, but the head of a student crawling in the muddy water.

   But every time, the bullet flew over everyone's head accurately, and on several occasions, Qin Fei could almost feel the air flow caused by the bullet flying through the air at high speed.

   High-intensity training pressure, muddy and yellow mud soup mixed with rotten gravy, strong pungent rancid smell, plus those tracer bullets that keep flying overhead, the spirit of each student is close to the edge of collapse.

   After climbing more than ten meters in the pile wire fence, Qin Fei spit out three mouthfuls of dirty water.

   Due to the rain, water has accumulated under the barbed wire fence of the ground stake. If one accidentally, water rushes into his mouth, salty, smelly, and I don’t know what's inside.

   Qin Fei didn't know that he had vomited several times. Anyway, there was no food in his stomach, and all he could vomit were all vomiting up. Now only stomach acid and bile are vomiting up.

On the sidelines of the obstacle course, the instructors shot and shouted: "Give up! You have a better choice! Back to the original unit, you are still the backbone of the screaming, why bother to suffer here! There is no meaning! If you guys It’s just to prove yourself, it’s enough to prove yourself now!"

   Jumping into the mud puddle, Qin Fei lifted a 70-jin ammunition box, which he had to lift 50 times to enter the next obstacle.

   An instructor wearing a Penney hat rushed to Qin Fei's side. The rain blurred Qin Fei's vision. The mud had already blurred his eyebrows and eyelids, and he could not even see the person in front of him.

   "Soldiers! Give up, don't give up!?"

   Qin Fei replied subconsciously: "No!"

   Then he was kicked down mercilessly and plunged into the yellow muddy water.

   Before he got up, the instructor’s combat boots slammed on his back and stepped him into the water again.

   Qin Fei drank two sips of the yellow soup, and continued to struggle to stand up.

   just stood up, was kicked down again, and stepped into the water.

   Repeated one after another.

   "Don't give up!"


   then was kicked down again.

   For the last time, when Qin Fei stood up, he didn't have a trace of strength on his body. He kept vomiting while holding on to the side of the pool. He had never vomited so much in his life, and he felt that even his gallbladder was about to vomit out.

   However, he thinks that vomiting may be a good thing. Who knows what water he swallowed in his stomach.

   "I will ask you again, don't you give up!?"

   "Fuck...fuck your mother's egg!" Qin Fei vomited a mouthful of liquid that didn't know if it was stomach acid or muddy water, and stared at the instructor with a vicious smile.

   The instructor also chuckled, he seemed very satisfied with Qin Fei's reaction.

   Then, he raised his hand and said: "Keep running! Don't stop! Stop! I'll let you go!"

   Qin Fei threw away the bullet box and rushed forward. Across the front was a two-meter high wall.

   In normal times, Qin Fei only had to run up and then jump over the wall. The whole set of movements took less than a second.

   But at this time, the hands and feet have no strength, the biceps femoris on the arms are burning, and I feel cramps at any time, and the calves on the feet are hot and painful.


   He stepped on the wooden wall, but couldn't get any help from his foot, and he slipped against the wall.

   Another instructor rushed over and shouted at him: "Give up! Soldier! Time is running out, you have to overtime! Give up! Don't suffer this kind of bird crime!"

   Qin Fei was already a little confused. All his movements were just mechanical movements and subconscious reactions trained. He was like a wounded and helpless bird, desperately trying to climb the high wall, but fell into the mud again.

   "Qin Fei! Get up!"

   Someone helped him from behind, and Qin Fei felt the power from that hand.

   Looking back, he saw Xu Wu in the blur.

   Xu Wu panted heavily, his body covered with sand and mud.

   "This wall wants us to cooperate, come, cooperate!"

   He ran under the wooden wall, stood in a lunge, and hit a shed on his abdomen.

   "Hurry up! Time is running out!"

   Qin Fei stood up swayingly, started sprinting with all his strength, and stepped on the shed built by Xu Wu's hands. Xu Wu pushed up with all his strength, Qin Fei followed the momentum and climbed to the top of the wooden wall.

   "Old Xu! Come!"

   He lay on the wooden wall and stretched out his hand.

   The hands of the two individuals just hit, and Qin Fei exhausted his milk and pulled Xu Wu to the wall. Afterwards, the two almost fell to the other side of the wall.

   "Qin Fei, can you live with it?"

   "No problem! Old monitor!"

   supported by the two of them, they staggered across the finish line.

   "Not bad! Survived unexpectedly."

   Leiming stood in front of the trainees who had run countless hunter obstacles in a row, looking at the players who couldn't even distinguish their appearance.

   "Have you counted how many hunter obstacles you have run?"

   No one answered Thunder, because no one has the strength to answer him, even if there is, it will be saved.

   "Speaking of which, maybe you don't believe it yourself, you ran a hundred times."

   While talking, Thunder looked at the stopwatch.

"However, I did not intend to stop you. I still said that this training must be quit. As long as one person quits, I will stop and enter the next subject. The next subject may be more comfortable. I can promise. At least more comfortable than it is now."

   The heavy rain fell, and the team looked so blurred in the white rain.

"Is anyone withdrawing!? I want to hear the exiting sound~www.wuxiaspot.com~I want to hear the exiting whistle! Otherwise, your physical training will not stop today! Whether it's running a hundred times or two hundred obstacles , You all have to run until someone quits!"

   He set up a pergola with his palms around his ears, and looked at everyone listening.

“I’m waiting for your decision. Don’t let me down. Withdraw, I’m saving your brothers. Otherwise, you might make mistakes under extreme fatigue. The bullet does not have eyes. Even if you are hit here, we will not Take any responsibility!"

   The heavy rain is still falling.

  The atmosphere became especially tragic.

   Qin Fei's eyes can't be opened anymore. As long as he opens his eyes, water will pour into his glasses.

   He feels that his heart is about to crack, just like an engine running at an overload.

"I quit--"

   A voice came from behind the line.

   Everyone turned around.

   That is No. 34, a second lieutenant of a certain special operations group.

  He slowly walked out of the queue.

   "Brother! Don't go!"

   "Don't **** believe in that **** Lei Gong!"

   Someone has ignored the thunderous face and cursed in person.

   Lieutenant stopped, as if he wanted to turn his head, but did not look back; as if he wanted to say something, he said nothing in the end.

   After a while, he strode towards the direction of the weaving wall and disappeared into the rain.

   "I'm **** his uncle!"

   Someone scolded my mother.

   toot toot toot——

   A few minutes later, a rapid whistle echoed in the sky of the island.

  Lei Gong patted his palms and raised a finger in the rain: "Very well, we eliminated another one! Who else would quit?"

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