Absolute Honor

Chapter 1194: Powerless

"It seems that Michel is still very clever." Mistre said: "Oh! God! This is definitely a product of the former Soviet Union. The kgb **** like to study these weird things, maybe they were in their early years. The intelligence agencies developed something specifically for the assassination operation, and it is estimated that they gave up researching because they were split later."

"Didn't you say that Michelle thinks too much?" Qin Fei is in a bad mood now. Mister stepped on his cat's tail, so he couldn't help but ridicule Mister: "Why do you say Michelle now? Smarter?"

Mister had previously complained that Michel used the duo to sneak into the reconnaissance method. He felt that the drone should be sent, even if it was monitored by the Russian warship in the Gulf of Aden, it would be fine. Anyway, in Mister’s view, the Russians Do whatever you want, and just stick with them if it's a big deal.

In fact, the new type of concealed weapon xs gel explosive fell into the hands of the Quds Army. This is a consequence that no one wants to see, especially for those Western countries that are already in the shadow of terrorist attacks.

Mister was choked out by Qin Fei again.

"There is one box on each plane, and six transport planes are six boxes, totaling 30 tons..." Qin Fei stared at the workers in blue overalls in Gangu who were using a forklift to move several large silver boxes with warning labels. The boxes are shipped on different transport planes.

From this arrangement, Qin Fei once again felt Fan Tianlong's caution.

Never put eggs in one basket.

Although I don't know where the final destination of these planes is, maybe the same place, he believes that Fan Tianlong has customized a different flight route for each plane.

These routes must have been carefully planned. With Fan Tianlong's ability, he definitely has the ability to obtain all military radar defense zone maps, which can effectively prevent the aircraft from being detected.

I am afraid that he has taken precautions against the mi17 and 203 troops and even the boss behind Mistor, that is, even if the power is temporarily adjusted to monitor these transport planes, it is impossible to simultaneously monitor six transport planes that deliberately avoid radar and fly hidden routes.

It seemed that Fan Tianlong had planned for the worst. Even if one or two or even three of the transport planes were intercepted, the remaining XS explosives would not leave him with nothing.

A new type of explosive that can pass all security inspection equipment...

This is not an international joke.

Once it falls into the hands of organizations like the Quds Army, they will make it into bombs of different shapes, and if they want, they can even make xs gel explosives into food boxes and take them wherever they want to take it.

This consequence is simply numb to the scalp.

What kind of situation will that be?

Countless thoughts emerged from Qin Fei's mind, and his thoughts became a mess.

He can't make the most accurate judgment at all now, and the best way to get the most accurate answer is to go down now, intercept this batch of Xs explosives, and then open the box for inspection.

Of course, this is not a traffic police inspecting the car. You will stop when you go down and let people stop. You will be shot.

Qin Fei and Mistor were so awesome, they couldn't be so awesome that one person could be strong enough to stand up to four or five hundred people.

Special forces are men, not gods.

The two could only watch the workers and technicians in the dry valley base as busy as moving ants, transporting various dismantled equipment and stuffing them into six transport planes.

The work efficiency of the workers was really as high as Qin Fei had guessed, and the entire transportation process was so fluent, which surprised Mistor, who did not believe that the entire base could be moved in an hour at first.

The time-representing number on the watch made Qin Fei’s heart beat with each beat. Although the current temperature is gradually rising, and the body wrapped in the combat uniform is very hot and stuffy, nothing comes out of his forehead. It's a cold sweat.

Now, every minute and every second is an endless suffering for Qin Fei.

If the Quds Army and the Black Sun Organization really get the finished product of xs gel explosives, the consequences of all this can only be described in the words "unimaginable".

Qin Fei now felt that a huge mountain was pressing on his shoulders.

Once these weapons are used for assault, it will be the number of casualties in thousands.

Responsibility, life, these words that are more important than Taishan floated through my mind.

He now feels that the responsibility of a special force can be so great. In the past, Qin Fei felt that the members of the special force only needed to complete the task, without thinking about the content behind the task.

Today, he realized for the first time that a small action of his own might really bring about a big change.

It's just that now he and Mister are helpless, they can only watch others carrying those big killers and can't do anything.

He even had an urge to start firing with Mister now, then disrupt their actions and delay their evacuation plan.

However, thinking about it is actually useless.

There are four to five hundred people in the valley, and if one hundred people come out, they can easily drive Qin Fei and Miste away like a rabbit. They can't delay the actions of others and will give them away.

This is totally meaningless.

This is not acting in a movie, nor is it making a TV series. What is heroism and selflessness, and what is known to be impossible.

That's all deceptive ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Special operations is to consider every possibility, try to use the smallest possibility to get the greatest victory, but not to make people reckless.

Once these evacuees are alerted, they will evacuate faster.

It's not as true to monitor, and then take all the things you see, at least these pictures and photos of people are very useful for tracking the whereabouts of these explosives in the future.

"Command, where has the commando arrived?" Qin Fei is still thinking about how to use his time bit by bit.

If the assault team is about to arrive, he and Mister can fight for more than ten minutes.

Can't hold it for half an hour, ten minutes will do.

So, shoot the pilots of one of the planes before the commando arrives-this is the most effective method, at least to keep one plane from flying here.

It is impossible for the two of them to stop all the planes, but the one stopped is one!

Suddenly, the familiar engine sound came from the sky again.

For Qin Fei today, what he hates most is hearing the sound of airplane engines in this dry valley.

This means that Fan Tianlong will arrange one more plane to come to support, and it also means that the evacuation speed of people from the base here will be even faster!

However, he did not see the shadow of the plane.

Just as Qin Fei wanted to ask Mister if he also heard the sound of the engine, he heard the ex-Delta Special Forces cry out in a low voice and resolutely: "Hidden!"

Although Qin Fei didn't immediately figure it out, he quickly did what Mister had said-he drew under the camouflage blanket, turned himself into a stone, motionless.

Could it have been discovered by someone! ?

A trace of ominous shadow flashed across Qin Fei's heart.

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