Absolute Honor

Chapter 120: Suspicion fog

Lieutenant    trembled involuntarily, knelt on the ground and couldn't speak. His eyes were red, and tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

   Visible, he has collapsed.

  Lei Gong squatted down in front of him and asked, "How do you feel?"

Lieutenant    did not answer, his eyes looked a little sluggish, and he was sleepwalking.

  Lei Gong sighed, stood up and gestured to the other instructors.

   "Take him away, this person can no longer participate in training."

   Another person collapsed and quit the training.

   The shadow that looms over everyone's hearts is even thicker, and the big iron door is like the most open tiger's mouth, as if to swallow every student who enters.

What is inside   ?

   Qin Fei felt that his chills were standing up.

   "No. 3! Get out!"

   An instructor like a door **** took the roster and clicked on Qin Fei's number.

   Qin Fei stood up under the complicated gazes of the students.

   Raindrops hit his training hat, and the water dripped along the brim of the hat. Qin Fei straightened his hat, took a deep breath, and walked over to the oversized iron gate.

   "Qin Fei! Come on!" the singer shouted behind him.

   "Boy! Hold on to me!" Xu Wu also encouraged.

   "Hmm!" Qin Fei nodded back to his teammate, "Fight!"

   He shook his fist towards Xu Wu and the others.

   Xu Wu and the others also clenched their fists in front of them.

   "Yes! Fight! Don't give up! Never give up!"

Qin Fei's figure quickly disappeared in the big iron gate. Xu Wu looked in the direction where the eliminated lieutenant was leaving, looked for a while, then turned around and asked Gao Ming: "Scholar, your kid is very knowledgeable, what do you think is inside? train?"

   Gao Ming no longer wears glasses at this time, the pair of glasses has fallen to pieces long ago.

   stared at the door, Gao Ming looked at it for a long time and said, "Did you hear the sound of a train moving inside?"

   "It seems to be." Xu Wu nodded.

   The singer also echoed: "Yes, I heard it."

   He asked nervously, "These grandsons will never let us practice train jumping? That's too simple."

   Gao Ming shook his head, glanced at the singer and said, "You idiot, haven't you seen the regularity of your training these days?"

   He looked at Xu Wu: "Old Xu, I remember you are here for the second time to participate in the training."

Xu Wu nodded: "Yes, but every time I participate in the training, I face a different instructor, and the training arrangement is estimated to depend on the instructor's personal preferences. There is no fixed pattern. However, I did not complete the training last time and was eliminated. Yes, I actually guessed a little bit of what's inside, but I'm not sure."

   Gao Ming and Xu Wu looked at each other, and finally nodded almost at the same time.

   "Pressure training."

Sitting aside, Zhong Zhentao couldn't help asking: "What kind of stress training? Just like the previous few days? Let us put on body armor and shoot at us, let us experience the feeling of being shot? Or is it like those perverted trust shootings? , Make a live show? Let yourself be a hostage?"

   "I see, it's all pediatrics." Gao Ming smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Look at the number 23 just now. I couldn't stand still after dragging it out."

   "Bullshit!" Zhong Zhentao spit on the ground, "I don't believe it, they really dare to kill me? Isn't it just training? Can you train dead?"

Gao Ming chuckled happily: "Singer, you guys really have to adjust your own ideas. Do you think it's those hunter training camps you've participated in before? Do you think the life and death status you signed when you came in was for a show? Take the student who was shot yesterday. Fortunately, the bullet hit him in the shoulder. If it was a little bit too low, it might have hit the head..."

   Zhong Zhentao's face paled after a brush, and Gao Ming poked at one of the facts he was most reluctant to face-the selection and training of the 203 troop allowed training accidents.


   Inside the high wall.

   Qin Fei was taken to the rails.

   From the moment he stepped into the big iron gate, he carefully paid attention to everything that appeared in his sight, trying to figure out some clues.

  What is Lei Gong doing?

   I can’t guess, my heart is like a balloon hanging in the air, floating, and it’s not at all safe.

   This large warehouse is really big and covers a wide area. The railroad tracks extend to the entrance of a mine at the foot of the mountain. There is a black hole in the entrance and it is impossible to see anything, which makes Qin Fei even more uneasy.

   Several instructors and Thunder are standing beside the rusty railroad tracks. Dr. Wang, who is accompanying the team, is also with a table next to them.

   The instructor who brought him in pointed to the chair in front of the table: "Go and sit there."

   Qin Fei had no choice but to sit in the chair as required. When sitting down, he was still cautiously, as if there was some pressure-exploding/bombing device under the chair.

   "It's okay, I'm just checking it for you. It's a substitute."

   Dr. Wang, who is in his forties, always looks kind and reassuring.

   Qin Fei quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Put out your hand." Dr. Wang said.

   Qin Fei stretched out his hand and watched Dr. Wang measure blood pressure, pulse pulse and heart rhythm, and finally checked Qin Fei’s pupils.

   "In the past few days of training, do you feel anything wrong with your body?"


   "Are you sure you are in the best condition now?" Dr. Wang asked again.

   Qin Fei secretly said, after spending almost a month like this, isn't it nonsense to say the best state?

   He can only smile wryly: "I'm afraid not."

   "I'm talking about psychologically." Dr. Wang is very serious, not like being boring and looking for words.

   "Psychologically, it's okay."

   "Well, you can go back to Team Lei." Dr. Wang lowered his head and filled in the form sloppily.

Qin Fei wanted to see exactly what was filled in the form on the paper, but the handwriting was really scribbled. Before he could read it clearly, the instructor next to him set up his arm like an escort. He pointed to the thunder and said, "Go to instructor Lei. check in."

   Qin Fei ran in front of Thunder and saluted.

   Leiming opened the clip in his hand and handed it to Qin Fei.

   "This is the status of life and death you signed, you can see clearly."

   Qin Fei glanced, and it was indeed his signature on it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He nodded and said, "That's right."

   But he was muttering in his heart, what else does Lei Gong want to do? Suddenly take birth and death in a good manner? Frighten yourself?

   He kept admonishing himself that Lei Gong is too good at defeating the weakest places in people. In this respect, he can be said to be an expert. The recent declining number of elective trainees strongly proves this point.

   I must not be fooled by him!

   is like doing anti-fatigue training that day. The previous day's high-intensity physical training was a foreshadowing. In the end, the hot bath, milk, lavender, and hypnotic music in the evening are the key points, which are the invisible murderous knives.

"No. 3, today is a pressure test, but before that, I must remind you that this training is dangerous, so you have the right to choose to participate or not. Of course, if you don’t participate, I will treat you as if you chose to give up. , And then you can get out. If you choose to participate, as a soldier in an army, I want to remind you from the humanitarian aspect that you still have a mother in your family and there is no need to take this risk."

   Although Qin Fei knew that Duke Lei was releasing smoke, he was not so kind at all. How could he suddenly care about his family? Coming to the 203 troop to participate in the training exercises, they knew that the risk factor was extremely high and they might be dead. This was known from the first day when they assembled, so why bother to take it here again to emphasize it?

   But, Lei Gong is Lei Gong.

   Qin Fei was really anxious when he said that.

Oh shit!

   This guy is really poisonous, all he uses is insidious tricks!

   He greeted Lei Gong ancestors in his heart.

   "I know, and I understand very well, instructor Lei, you don't need to talk nonsense in front of me, I don't eat your set, and you don't want to scare me by these few words, I am scared!"

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